r10 joe right to body again roy answers nice work from joe joe butts his head thru the guard nice body shot by joe..very hard roy outboxing him too fast too pesky roy's eye is a mess joe lands some good stuff big joe round 98-92, i think
Yeah I think they take this as win-win. They waited for Roid to land one solid punch by which he would "prove" that in his prime he would have won. Luckily for them he did
As enjoyable as it is to watch this fight, I am getting a Foreman-Moorer vibe, the way Joe is showboating. I just hope we don't see a lucky punch from Jones.
r11 roy gets more time in corner again joe gives roy a chance by being so busy ncie left by joe beating him to teh punch time after time now roy's eye a mess again joe's right is really accurate nice left by joe after walking away fighters talking roy lands a right joe smiles ref says stop talking mid of ring for a change now i think r1`2 is going to be a ass kicking for roy joe just showing off this round joe round 108-101
I think it's bad corner work. they can't stop it. I hope Calzaghe walks into a punch. I'd laugh my ass off! hahahahahaha
yes, jake...same cutman r12 mid of ring...roy looks like he has enough left judges jerry roth, julie lederman and terry oconnor from wales roy not going for it joe lands a wide left now tees off when roy on ropes 1 min left nice hook by joe after clowining nice body shot by roy nice body shot by roy close round shouldn't matter i think joe, but not pos 118-110