against pavlick fighting at 175 instead of 160? i was never that impressed with pavlick to begin with
What's funny is Dawson's been fighting on the same senior's tour Calzaghe has been...only he's not getting paid the same to fight Johnson and Tarver. It is nice that Kellerboy had to bring up a Showtime fighter to Calzaghe in the post-fight.
Calzaghe is crap! Jones is worse! The fact that these old guys are headlining ppvs again shows how bad a state the sport is in. A f*cking $50 ppv headlined by a man aged almost 40 and hasn't scored a KO in 6 years let alone won a meaningful fight since 2003 against Tarver. The sport is f*cking dead! And this Welsh arrogant f*ck is showboating like he's done something special, beating up on an old fart.
I dont think Calz has to fight Dawson. And I'm sure he wont either. I think I'd rather see Dawson fight Kessler anyway. Someone PLEASE make that fight!
either way i hoped roy would win but i really didnt think so roy should hang em up now for sure, no need to take more beatings congrats to joe c., too bad this fight didnt happen a long time ago, woulda got a much better gauge but he won so cant take nothing from him
Nor do I- Calzaghe has done enough...he's not really a light heavy anyway, and if he fights Chad and wins (which is no sure thing), theres bound to be someone else who he should be fighting after that. And after that. Kessler v Dawson would be a barnstormer... MTF
Before last time out, I saw Chad Dawson struggle to beat Johnson. 70-odd year old Johnson. Unless I imagined it, of course? MTF
I'm blind Roy couldn't hit him or TRY to hit him when he was stationary? Maybe Joe was so elusive, I couldn't see him move.
Because there's still hope left that a great fighter has one last great fight left in him. Hardcore believers need to see something as horrific as tonight to realize it's absolutely over. This wasn't like Ali vs Holmes, this was Ali vs Berbick. This was absolutely horrific and chilling.
I'd like to see Joe finish up with two more fights: Erdei first and then Dawson. Dawson can fight Diaconu on the undercard and then Calz.
roy jones is past washed up. he always had the style to beat calzaghe, he is just too shot. in the enter of the ring he was still too fast but his reflexes are waaaaay down. i thought joe would stop him late. neither of these guys want any of bad chad. the old need to keep fighting the old. overall i will say im more impressed with roy's heart than joes performance
Preach it, my brother. Is there anyone here that actually believes that a young Roy wouldn't have took advantage of those openings???....:doh:
He's obviously not in his physical prime, but he's very close to if not still in his boxing prime. He still has 2 or 3 fights left at an extremely high level. I hope he doesn't waste them on bums like he has his entire career.