I told you Joe would expose the fraud just like Tito did before he ran out of gas. You Jones nuthuggers now know why Roy didn't want to fight in Europe, the best fighters in his division where over there. Damn coward Jones and his groupies. I hope Jones fights Dawson and gets tortured for another 12 rounds before getting brutally KTFO. FUCK YOU ROY. YOU WERE A FRAUD ALL OF YOUR CAREER AND THE ONLY TIMES YOU STEPPED IT UP YOU GOT KTFO!!! You Suck!!! Cupey
Why, because he was ahead 5 rounds to 1? At worst 4-2? Unfortunately it was a lot of weight to carry and it was a long lay off. So, yes he got tired, let his defenses down and finished the fight on heart.
rjj fought like a coward. especially when you consider he knocked joe down and still wouldn't trade with. that's why nobody can beat this welsh-man who fights like a 2 year old. nobody trades with him. mitchell did and he damn near knocked him out. hopkins, jones and kessler let sloopy lead round after round, waiting for openings that rarely came.
i think a healthy pavlik kos sloppy. but he fucked his shot by fighting sick and hurt against old-man cheater, hopkins. it gives sloppy, should he not retire, the perfect excuse to duck pavlik.
belive what you want. nobody trades with sloppy. pavlik would and he'd hurt him bad. andrade cwould give sloppy a touhgher fight than rjj - he'd trade with him and not take a step back. and unlike rjj, he'd fight with courage.
Joe would make both of these look dumb...andrade especially. His slow-ass punches would hit nothing but fresh air for 36 solid minutes... MTF
no. he'd trade with Joe. that means he'd land. he'd be the one laughinh at sloopy's slap, and he'd also bully him against the ropes and punish his body.
No, Joe would throw him around like a ragdoll, as he has every other opponent. He'd also stand in front of Andrade and get hit with almost nothing. Jones threw around 40 punches a round Vs Joe and landed almost nothing clean. Andrade, with far worse handspeed and accuracy is going to be landing with any frequency? Don't be absurd. Andrade would get hideously outclassed, just as he was against Kessler. I like Andrade, he is a good fighter, but he literally wouldn't win a round Vs Calzaghe. I like Pavlik too, but he too would be lucky to win a round against Joe.
This is all the stuff I was going to post, but it seemed to much effort to correct Double's insane suppositions... MTF
you're unerestimating the impact of a fighter's willingness to trade with sloppy. for the most part, fighers have elected never to trade with him, allowing him to control the pace and the action of the fight. if, on the other hand, he gets clocked in the midst of one of his ridiculous flurries, he'll think twice about throwing 100 punches a round, and be forced back and subject to punishment, and possibly knocked out. fighters just refuse to trade with him and it gives the appearance he's a brilliant boxer. but he's not. he throws punches like a 2 year old and feasts on his opponents' fear of running out of gas.
Joe Calzaghe is an opportunistic fucker who didn't fight the all time great of his time until they were wayyy past their primes..... HOWEVER..he would beat up Pavlik...Calzaghe will be all over Pavlik not allowing him to set up to throw his punches...Pavlik do his best when his opponent stay at the right distance waiting. Andrade?...please...::
I would like to see Calzaghe ditch 175, though. I don't think he's looked very good at the weight. Not sure if it's all attributable to the weight, but he hasn't looked as sharp, in my eyes.
Pavlik willl happily trade on the inside. See his fights with Zertuche or Zuniga, both of whom probably hit harder than Joe. Joe would crowd Pavlik and bet punished for his efforts. Nobody seems to realize that fighters won't trade with Joe - and it's why all he has to do to win is basically be in great shape. And even there, not as good a shape as you might think when you consider that 90% of his punches are lightly thrown slaps.
Absolutely it should happen. Little Joe standing face to chest in front of Vitali and putting his hands down by his waist and making funny faces. Sure, I'd pay to see that one.::
I don't know it most be something CALZAGHE does in the ring that make his opponent not want 2/or UNABLE to trade with him....:dunno: Pavlik will punishing Joe?...TRADE on the INSIDE?...PAVLIK needs room to punch..his left hook is shit..uppercut shitty....the only two good punches he has in the JAB/Right hand...which won't land if Calzaghe is all over him...
that's a complete myth - that pavlik has only two punches. it suggests the only pavlik fights you've seen have been the ones on HBO. probalem is, in addition to those he's had over 30 additional fights. are you comfortable judging what pavlik can and cannot do based on having watched 10% of his fights, two of which were against the same opponent?
also, a 1-2 combination need not be, "simple," or predictable. especially when the fighter throws it at different intervals and alternates using a double or a single jab. Monzon was one of the best middke-weights ever - his most effective punch was the 1-2. Also, did you see Pavlik/Zertuche/Zuniga or McKart? He beat the shit out of all of those guys on the inside, successfully shortening his punches and applying a sustained body assault in every case. My guess is Sloppy has an intelligent manager who matches him with fighters who tend not to trade with their opponents. Hopkins doesn't trade. RJJ was never a trader. And Kessler doesn't trade. Lacy, btw, doesn't trade either. Only guy I remember trading with Sloppy damn near knocked hi m out.
I seen enough of Pavlik to know that he CANNOT beat Calzaghe....vs. Kessler he has a chance....Calzaghe won't let him breath....one minute he will be all over him ....the next completely out of range for Pavlik 1-2... You know who had the 1-2 and a better variation of punches...? Mikkler Kessler..and Calzaghe beat him... Pavlik will also once again be on a size disadvantage... All those guys Pavlik beat the shit of in the inside..are not Calzaghe..not even close.. Lacy, btw, doesn't trade either. Only guy I remember trading with Sloppy damn near knocked hi m out. I bet whoever that was got KNOCKOUT instead....
well, after joe got up on wobbly legs he hurt mitchell, not as badly as mitchell had hurt him, and per warren, the fight was stopped.
Your hate for Calz obviously clouds your judgement. Fighters "elect" to never trade with him because it is very difficult. Joe is a master of distance and timing. He gets in, throws bunches of punches, then gets out. They cant trade with hem because hes already gone! If there is one facet of Joe's game that is great, it is distance and timing.
uhmmm.... after Joe got up visibly hurt he sent Mitchell to the canvas with a left hook while backpedaling. After he got up visibly hurt Joe hit him with several more shots, and Mitchell wobbled into the ropes (which held him up) where the ref called a halt to the bout. Mitchell had no problem with the bout being stopped and said so after the bout.
Unlike you hero, who ducked everyone and fought shit his entire welterweight career, Joe shouldn't be punished for winning ALL of his big fights. Tito however should be laughed at for finally trying to step up and losing badly 100% of the time. Even if Joe were opportunistic, (fighting younger, stronger rising fighters like Lacy and Kessler) even if we stupidly discount this at least we can state Joe was good enough to take advantage of his opportunities whereas Tito wasn't. Tell me tonto, do you think it is opportunistic to fight two guys who had less pro-fights then tito had championship fights and these two opportunities constitute his biggest legitimate wins.
Roy had insane physical talents that boxing skills, no matter how great they were, could ever match him, Roy is shot, there is definite evidence of this,... But Hopkins,... you've got nothing here Illuminati,.. he's just had, "the greatest performance of his career"... he himself, admits so, unlike Roy, Bernard never relied on extraordinary physical abilities to defeat opponents, he is a cagey, cunning, thinking fighter,... who pulls fights and fighters into the mud, and now that he's facing better opposition, who are generally larger than his middleweight mismandatories,.. his monsterous size advantage is less of a factor,.. ... and what hurts you, and indeed most Hopkins groupies is the fact that Hopkins got off to a flying start over the first three rounds,.....and when Hopkins gets off to a start, it's near impossible to reverse,.. ... but Calzaghe, changed tactics,.. and....both, OUTBOXED AND OUTSMARTED,..Hopkins,... feel the BURN,.. feel the PAIN of that...:crafty: !!!...the Pavlik fight showed,.... WOW.. Hopkins had... "reknewed energy to fight all 12 rounds!!"...... .. it's great!,.. Hopkins groupies want it both ways, but it can never be so...when he puts on a great performance and wins, his previous losses are legitimised 100%..:hammert: