Jones would have Richard Hall'ed him? Bullshit. Jones never beat a fighter who could bring it like Calzaghe in comfortable fashion. Hell, he never even faced someone who could before...yet he's going to beat him like he beat one of the worst opponents of his career? Wake up.
Even in his prime Roy didn't stop people who were considerably lower tier than Calzaghe. Off the top of my head, especially when he fought lefties, del valle for example, he just didn't open up and go for KOs. Now he would certainly win, and by alot, but I disagree with the idea that he would go after calzaghe once he got him hurt. I mean it took him 6 rounds of slaughtering to get to a very old and very washed up Vinny Pazienza. What would make you believe Calzaghe wouldn't fair better, at least as well as a 95 year old mike McCallum for instance?
I really think that had they fought in their primes.. Roy would be retired and Joe would be running a Brat stand in Germany by now
Guys who fight top contenders in their primes and defeat them in impressive fashsion. Fighters who do this are not over-rated. RJJ didn't do a whole hell of a lot of this. And "addict eyes?" WTF are those? Is that supposed to be an insult. Did dickless Neil give you the impression that somehow bothers me? My question for you is what top fighter from the 70's or 80's wouldn't beat the shyte out of every last fighter commpeting in the same division in today's day and age? I rewatched Joe/RJJ btw - wow, RJJ got his ass kicked bad. I mean bad. Did he win a single round besides the knock-down? I'm having trouble figuring out what RJJ would've done in his "prime" that would've made that fight so different BTW. Joe's no spring chicken himself. RJJ's over-ratedness has finally been put to rest. Thank God. I mean, who gets stretched with one punch by Coffe? For that matter, who's the last guy Tarver stretched with one punch? Harding? Who gave RJJ a very competitive fight during RJJ's "prime." RJJ didn't have courage in his prime and he doesn't have it now. And it's why he's no longer relevant and hasn't been for years.
conventional wisdom says rjj by decision. however if he could get him hurt like he did when they actually fought, he'd stop him.
overall consensus here is that roy wins. i dont think jones would've knocked calzaghe out unless calzaghe foolishly walked into punches over and over again. i see jones beating him to the punch, scoring a knockdown or to en route to a 8-4, 9-3 type decision.
My feelings as well...every board I've seen hasn't been about whether Calzaghe wins but how wide or close Roy's margin of victory is.
That's pretty much what Jones did at light-heavyweight, with the exception of DM (both deserve blame for it). The division wasn't strong, but he pretty much cleaned out the division and beat the top contenders around, with only Harding, Griffin, and Tarver being competitive.