REED Doesn't Get it... 9 Times Out of 10, when a Champion MOVES UP N Weight Class, NOBODY has a Problem w/him Going STRAIGHT to a Title Shot in the Heavier Division... Manny Pac LEAVES 130 & gets a Title Shot vs. David Diaz...Roy Jones Moves Up to Heavy & IMMEDIATELY Gets a Shot @ John Ruiz...Michael Spinks Moves Up & IMMEDIATELY Faces Larry Holmes... REED Could Go On for DAYS, Listing Instances.... So David Haye Basically UNIFIES @ Crusier, CLEARLY Establishes Himself as THE GUY Under 201lbs, yet Everybody Expects him to Jump Thru HOOPS to "Prove" his Heavyweight Worth???... If this were the 70's (Ali, Foreman, Frazier, etc.) Era or 90's (Lennox, Holy, Bowe, etc.) Era, REED would AGREE...But it's NOT...We're Quite Possibly N THE WORST Heavyweight Era EVER...Has the Mainstream EVER Paid LESS Attention to Boxing's Most IMPORTANT Division???.... David Haye is a Breath of FRESH Air & he SINCERELY Wants to REMOVE the STENCH Permeating the Heavyweight Division...David Haye has CHARACTER, he's INTERESTING, he's EXCITING & he's AMBITIOUS...Boxing Fans Should WANT a Guy like that Fighting for Heavyweight Titles Sooooooooooner Rather than Later... Why Oh WHY R Sooooooo MANY of ya'll AGAINST David Haye Going STRAIGHT to a Title Shot, when HISTORICALLY, Other Champions R AFFORDED that Luxury as they Move Up???... REED:dunno:
I'm all for him fighting Vitali or Wlad next. I was all for him doing so prior to the Barrett fight. Just curious, who is promoting David Haye?
Breath of fresh air? LOL. He sucks. He is worse than the heavies you bash everyday. You must have missed Monte dropping Haye on his ass, fuck what the ref said. I do agree though. His reign at Cruiser is enough to make him an immediate challenger. What has anyone else done that is better? I can't think of anything off hand. I just think his career is over once he moves up and loses. He can't go back down. He'd be better off financially picking his fight, but he sucks so bad he might lose any one of them.
I dont understand why he's a 'breathe of fresh air'?... is it because he talks alot of shit and has reasonable speed?.. I was of the impression that anyone from Europe couldn't possibly breathe 'fresh air' into the heavyweight division,...whenever a European heavyweight prospect comes along, we groan,...'ohh noooo, not more of dem sorts' why's Euro-Dave the exception....?
You again ... There are PLENTY PLENTY of people who wanna see him against the Klits better yesterday than tomorrow. If someone's biased it's you by perceiving only the naysayers. That being said his second heavyfight was so so... he didn't show the accuracy NOR power i'd expected him to show against this version of Barret. Got the job done JUST in time - nothing spectacular though...
It's best not to ask any questions. Just accept it that he is what they say he is...and know that if he fails to deliver against either Klitschko, people will be jumping over themselves to get off his bandwagon like rats on the Titanic.
not really more than before IMO... but your black and white is tough to deal with at times, buddy. Another example you're only seeing when i disagree with you - never the other way around which is happening about the same percentage i'd supose... Same with EVERYBODY in that case of David Haye - why not stick to that instead of refering to bullshit like bitterness and shit. I told you that there are PLENTY other opinions, yet you ignore that. WHY IS THAT?
edited my post - by that i meant you're seeing only one thing either everybody does that or nobody ... you know failing to recognize the inbetween the grey tones... the not everything is ONLY RIGHT or ONLY WRONG... :dunno: nothing racial ... if that's what you were thinking.
DISagreeing is Fine, but when YOU Do So, there's a PRICKLY, SMARMY Undertone to it... When REED Said "Everybody" N the David Haye Post, it was a Figure of Speech... REED:kidcool:
That's why I believe we should atleast be able to see what he can do at heavyweight first, 'prove himself'.. Wlad might get rid of him with literally one hand tied behind is back, aka, the 'Ray Austin' treatment,.. then we'll cry,.. "WAAH da division sux, what a waste of time that was" then that's it for the next 10 months. Fuck that.
Sorry but this is bullshit... Your problem is that as soon as someone disagrees with you over more than maybe 3 posts and doesn't share your opinion he is a stalker for life. You then ignore everything good he has to say in my case stuff about Roy or the Obama presidency and ONLY see if he disagrees. And u have a lot of stalkers here... Show me what exactly is prickish and smarmy about me disagreeing with what u said. Because i said you again and laughed??? Gimme a fucking break this is a boxing forum and not ballet. Guys like you and mex or whoever does it all the time and funnily you TWO are the only to tell me i've gotten bitter LATELY. As ElT said - Great in dishing out but not at taking some shots. And i wasn't even being mean or anything just the fact that u brought that Haye bias up again and even in a new thread seemed a little funny to me.
U Left Out his POWER, Kauki... Look, NOBODY is Guaranteeing GREATNESS for Haye, but N an Era of DULL, UNinteresting Heavyweights, David Haye IS a "Breath of Fresh Air"... He's the Type of PERSONALITY that will Make it IMPOSSIBLE for People to B INDIFFERENT About him, if he's Given the Proper EXPOSURE...Right Now, Mainstream Fans R Indifferent about the ENTIRE Heavyweight Division... Haye CAN Change That... +, his Fights R Almost Always ENTERTAINING... REED:hammert:
I like Haye, I just don't think he's very good OR understand why people are excited about him. I've watched eveyr single one of his fights (not hard to find) and he's just not that "breath of fresh air". He fights with a big guys style and its not gonna work against the big fellas. When he's pressured and is pushed deeper, he tends to hold alot and load up looking for one shot at a time. I don't find him exciting...but today's fight against a major can, was nice.
Don't be so cynical as to think that those calling for Klitschko-Haye would then turn around and claim the Breath of Fresh Air was "too small" and "just a cruiserweight" or "a chinless bum" should he fall short against either robot. I'm sure each and every one of them would give all praise and glory to anybody, Klitschko or not, that could manage to best the Brit.
Dude, REED Takes MORE "Shots" than ANY Poster Here...By a Fucking MILE....There ISN'T even a CLOSE 2nd N that Regard....Posters Stand N Lines w/HARD-ON's, just to Have e-Confrontations w/REED... There's ALSO a Sizable # of Posters that REED Disagrees w/yet NEVER Gets Confrontational w/...REED & Kauki RARELY Agree, yet the Back & Forth is ALWAYS Lighthearted...REED & Tam Disagree Often, yet's it's Usually CORDIAL...REED & Mex Wedding Shirt Go 50/50, yet it's ALWAYS Cordial.... REED can TELL When Someone's TRYING to B a Dick...& it's NOT Like REED was Complaining about it, REED was just POINTING it OUT to U... REED:mj:
See and this is maybe the problem, REED. If you think i'm trying to be a dick to you or think this discussion here is anything than light-hearted to me then your evaluation skills on this part aren't exactly as good as you think they are. From the day i posted here you always had a plus in my book for being a Roy Jones fan. Sometimes i disagree with shit... i tell people and that's that. I put a :: behind it so does everyone else... with them it's lighthearted BUT i'm the prick trying to make fun of ya or something. Sorry but that's you wanting to be stalked as i can honestly say it's just not the case with me. :dunno: But go ahead i see myself as open for arguments so show me the prickish part and i will try to lay that off a bit.
I also left out the fact that Haye was stopped by a man half his size in a smaller division, that's not a good oman to bring into the ring against a 6"5 + 240+ heavyweight like Wlad, who seems to have the unique distinction of being the only man in boxing, to get pissed on, if he doesn't stop his opponent, we've come to expect it from him every time. As for 'personality',... that's a personal preference for the individual fan,.. some people think it's a 'breathe of fresh air', to have a well mannered, highly respectful fighter of both his opponents and people in general and is simultaneously dedicated to charity work and contributing to make the world a better place for the misfortunate,... .....But that is clearly not the American way :crafty:, American sportwriters and posters can attest to,.. "Booooooring" ....I guess it doesn't elicit the kind of excitement that a good old flag waving episode of Jerry Springer can.
I am glad you pointed that out. He does hold and load up alot. I think the problem is people have only seen the enzo and Mormeck fights. I have seen 5 or 6 and usually on the computer and that does make a difference. I agree totally. Guys that are succesful moving up generally are guys with super skill, usually super defense. Haye is quick handed, but he has no defense and no chin. That is not a recipe for success fighting bigger stronger guys.
I think a lot of it has to do with him being British and some people don't like his trash talk. I like him personally and think he's good for the division. I watched the fight vs Barrett on youtube and he looked really good.
This is the way I see it... The HW division right now sucks balls. It desperately, and I do mean DESPERATELY, needs some fucker to come in and shake things up alittle. I've seen every single minute of every single Haye fight. Live, in fact. And I'm well aware that he has stamina issues (if you take the Thompson fight as a marker) and he can be hit and hurt. But so fucking what? Here is a guy who genuinely wants to fight the best guys at HW: not as a cashout (he could have signed up with Warren and fought limitless cans at 200lb for the rest of his life if that was the case post- Enzo) but because his HUGE ego demands that he tries to be the best. He has a good punch and, for a HW, very good hand speed. So let's see how he goes. The detractors will have the rest believe that he is overmatched. In this HW division? With the brothers Klit? Like fuck he is- he is live against either (though more live against Wlad than Vitali) This is arguably the worst HW division ever, and the UNDISPUTED CW champion is moving up and making noise. Yet people have nothing but shit to offer... Fuck off... MTF :dunno: