Is there anybody he can KO? Junior middles were still too big. If he fights Morales can he look impressive?
REED Would Give Taylor a 55% Chance of KO'ing Mundine, but that's about it Amongst Elite Supermiddles... REED WOULD Like to See Taylor-Kessler, Though...UNlike Most, REED Gives Taylor a GOOD Chance N that Fight...Kessler's Still UNproven to REED...He's Known for LOSING to Calzaghe & Whipping the HUMAN SPONGE, Librado Andrade... That's NOT Enough to GUARANTEE a Victory Over Taylor, N REED's Opinion... REED:mj:
Seriously? That's a little surprising to me. I would make Kessler a clear favorite...but in a fight that could be competitive. It's a good match-up for an HBO main event.
REED Doesn't like THE WAY Kessler Responded, 1nce Calzaghe TOOK his Best & KEPT Bringing the Fight to him...Kessler Seemed to "Accept" Defeat a Bit Tooooooooooo EASILY for REED's Liking... Conversely, Taylor WILL Go Out on his SHIELD if Need B...Jermain has More "Fight" N him, N REED's Opinion...& he's Actually Looked BETTER N his Last 2 Fights than he has ANYTIME Since the 1st Bernard Fight... REED:hammert:
I don't know that I necessarily agree with that assessment. It's not like Taylor went out on his shield in the Pavlik rematch. Taylor went out on his shield once...because Pavlik made him. Otherwise, Taylor's usually been a distance fighter in all his big fights...and fights in a manner that usually doesn't do that much to see that they don't...and then he take the judges' verdict whichever way it goes.
Brah, its no guarantee Taylor would even beat "the human sponge". Andrade if nothing else is strong, and is heavy handed, and Taylor is hardly as fluid or defensively solid as Kessler. And Kessler would wax Taylor. No if, ands, or buts about it. Being "proven" means nothing. Was Pavlik proven before he whupped Taylor's ass? Kessler's performance against Andrade was far more impressive, and dominate than Taylor beating the shot Lacy last night. Kessler woulda stopped Lacy. Kessler is better than Taylor at EVERYTHING. And thats not an exaggeration. Theres not a SINGLE thing Taylor has over Kessler.
Taylor's More PROVEN @ this Point than Kessler is, N REED's Opinion... Kessler's Known for LOSING to Calzaghe and....AND???:dunno:... Pavlik Beat Taylor Because he was WILLING to Take WHATEVER Jermain Had, N Order to Dispose of him...Kessler HASN'T or DIDN'T Show that "Win @ All Costs" Mentality Against Calzaghe... REED's Basically Calling it an EVEN MONEY Fight...WHAT has Kessler Done that Warrants Making him a SIZABLE Favorite Over Taylor???... REED:dunno:
Taylor Isn't as FLUID as Kessler, but he IS More ATHLETIC (If Only SLIGHTLY)...Taylor's Got QUICKER Hands & their Footwork is about EVEN... Again, Taylor HAS Shown More "Fight" N him than Kessler Has...Kessler Offfered NO Resistance 1nce Calzaghe ASSERTED Himself... Taylor BEATS Andrade, X...U're UNDERestimating the Cat Now...U have to B EXCEPTIONAL N SOME Regard to BEAT Jermain Taylor...& Andrade DOESN'T Qualify...Shit, REED Isn't Sure that Andrade BEATS Jeff Lacy::... Pavlik was "Proven" prior to Beating Taylor Or Else REED WOULDN'T have Predicted a 7th Round KO PRIOR to the Fight...Pavlik Had TOUGH Fights where he was CHALLENGED, yet he STILL Came Out VICTORIOUS...Can we Say that about Kessler???:dunno:... Jermain's Been on the BIG Stage & Fought (AND BEAT) BETTER Guys...To Act like he has NO Chance Against an UNPROVEN Cat like Kessler is SILLY... REED:hammert:
Pavlik is a hit-and-be-hit kinda fighter....much moreso than Kessler is. I haven't seen what you have to think Taylor will be hitting and hurting Kessler the way he did Pavlik in the first fight. As for what I'm basing my opinion's what I think of them as fighters and how I think they'll perform in the ring against each other.
Kessler would pound Taylor, Taylor could survive if he goes into same mode but Kessler's jab would push him into a shell, it would start competitive and end one-sided if not earlier. I also think Mundine at his best would outpoint him in a closer affair although I haven't seen choc's last few performances.
Your LAST Statement Go's BOTH Ways... & Let's NOT Pretend that Kessler is Some UNHITTABLE Defensive WIZARD...w/Taylor's HANDSPEED & the Rediscovery of his JAB (Not to Mention the IMPROVED UPPERCUT He Showed last Night), he's GOING to HIT Kessler... & AGAIN, Taylor is MUCH More PROVEN...He's FOUGHT & BEATEN Better Guys than Kessler has... THAT's what REED is Basing his Opinion on... REED:dunno:
Fair Enough... If/When it Occurs, REED'll Obviously B in the MINORITY...Won't B the 1st Time... REED:hammert:
I'd have to disagree, Taylor IMO has beaten just one guy who is better than Kessler's existing resume and both of those wins are pretty disputable. Lacy of last night doesn't even count IMO. I actually like Taylor, no way I would put him in with kessler now or even 2009.
Kessler may not be a defensive wizard, but his style makes him much harder to hit than Pavlik. His defense is tigher defense, he moves around the ring better, and he's much more of a jab-first fighter....he doesn't leave the same kind of openings that Pavlik routinely does. As for who Taylor's beaten...a lot of that depends on how you scored his fights.
I'd pick Taylor over Andrade, but IMO Librado would be a live dog. Taylor would probably win a decision, but I guarantee you he wouldnt dominate Andrade like Kessler did. And I disagree with Taylor being more athletic. Kessler is very athletic and quick, esp for a European cat. He's not as athletic as Calz is, but he's every bit as athletic as Taylor. But thats arguable. Whats NOT arguable is that Kessler throws straighter shots, has a more accurate and consistent jab, has a better defense, better stamina, better boxing brain, and most likely has a better chin. And its not Kessler's fault he was only tested against Calz. The man is simply THAT good. Its not as if he's fought total stiffs. Well maybe in his last two fights, but he fought a few credible fighters prior to Calz, and beat all of em easily. The ONLY fighter besides Calz that has won rounds over Kessler is Mundine. I think its gonna take a great, or at least greatly talented fighter to beat Kessler. I think Dawson can beat Mikkel, but I dont think Taylor can. I'm EXTREMELY confident that Kessler would kick Taylor's ass. I was confident that Pavlik would beat Taylor the first time also, but I'm even MORE confident about Kessler beating him.
Depends on what the goal is for Taylor right now. Years ago, a reign within a division with some paydays thrown in would have been the most likely short-term goal. Now? I think Taylor is on the slide (even if not physcally) and I think he'll start looking for big fights worth the big money, instead of ones he can win and get to a position of leverage. I think Jermain will look towards Kessler or possibly Dawson and I don't think Jermain wins either of them. Maybe he could convince Bute to come over on HBO...but I doubt that. I think Bute beats him anyway. Even with the impressive win last night, I think Jermain is now in a divisiont that is going to be even tougher to get a foot in, than 160.
I agree 100% with everything you said, except the part about him being on the slide. Taylor is still in his prime IMO. In another year he'll probably start to decline, but for the moment he's still in his physical prime. He never had a skill prime, and probably never will.
Im more referring to Taylor's appeal and public opinion. Jermain is a long way removed from wher he was 24 months ago.