I thought Lesnar was the betting favorite? Nevertheless, I don't get how the outcome makes MMA look bad. The fight was what it was. Lesnar is an imposing physical speciman and had a 65 pound weight advantage over a 45 year old that was inactive for over a year? Lesnar obviously has heavy hands and can bang. Combined with his size and wrestling background, he could end up being one of the best MMA Heavyweights ever. The bottom line is I though last nights card was incredible. From the Stephens uppercut to Hazlett's amazing ground game to Florian calling out BJ, it just doesn't get much better. And Damian Maia is the absolute next best thing in MMA. And to put it in perspective, later I watched Taylor-Lacy and went immediately to sleep.
I'm not slamming boxing. I'm being dead serious. I was so jacked from the Couture-Lesnar fight that Taylor-Lacy actually calmed me down a bit. ::
There is no way this doesn't makethe UFC look horrible.What makes sports compelling is how good these people are. Let's take baseball. If you pulled a guy who was a college baseball pitching phenom, hell let's say he was named thetop prospect in the nation. If you put him in the middle of August in a game versus the Kansas City Royals; he'd get shelled. If hepitched against Jaimey Moyer he'd lose. Yet, some guy who used to be a college wrestler, then a WWE guy and then beats one of the best MMA fighters of all time::::EMBARRASSING. It can't even be argued. If you brought in George sAINT pIERRE to fight either Lacy or Taylor he'd end up in the Nashville morgue. He certainly wouldn't get his hands raised. I was a casual fan of the UFC, but it is clearly a fucking joke of a sport.
It's a great day to be a pro wrestling fan. One up for the pro wrestlers!!! One of their own just raped the UFC Champion. :: Just imagine if Undertaker and Bad News Brown in their primes had taken MMA seriously, they might be ruling this sh*t.
Not really. MMA is a young sport, Lesnar already has a very solid wrestling base. All he's doing is learning on the job and he has the pedigree to pull it off, much of it thanks to his herculean strength and physical advantages. You have to realize Ike that most mma fighters out there weren't raised in fighting in MMA. Most of them were trained in one element. They're just incorporating other styles while they're competing. It's not like these are born and bred MMA fighters coming from an amateur MMA program the way young boxers come from the amateurs or the Olympics. Most of these MMA guys actually are from the bars like the majority of those tatooed delinquent pieces of trash from the TUF reality series on Spike. Everybody just wants to make a buck.
I guarantee you the pain threshold Brock has is high because of pro wrestling. Usually all wrestlers get legitimately KO'd in a match before they retire. I never heard anything about that of Lesnar.
VALID Point... The TRAVEL & ACTIVITY of a Pro Wrestler Indicates a HIGH Threshold for Pain... The Action is CHOREOGRAPHED, but Not ENTIRELY "Fake".... REED:mj:
Wrestling is fake and Iquestion the sexuality of anyone over 10 who watches it, but fake or not, it is dangerous.
Who on here has said any different. I find it funny how in any wrestling related thread, someone feels the need to point this out.
This boxing is better than MMA garbage is soooooooooo lame and tired:bangh: get over it. If you don't like MMA, don't sweat it. Go over to the boxing forum and blaze up the threads about that exciting Lacy/Taylor match. I love boxing and MMA. But just as TFK and so many point out, they are two totally different sports. Sure, Anderson couldn't beat "name your abc title holder here" in a boxing match. Just as Roy Jones in his prime would have been taken down and sub'd in 30 seconds against Penn. It is sooooooooo 12 year old retarded to argue anything different. I am a fan of Kenny Florian, the guy is so good at 155.opcorn:
I don't thin this was a boxing versus UFC thread. I think it is just that the UFC is a fucking joke if some dude who used to wrestle and even more recently oils himself up for closeted homosexuals could beat possibly the best mma fighter ever.
And yes, Lesnar winning the ''hw title'' hurts MMA, but only if you were biased beforehand and failed to acknowledge that the caliber of atheltes in MMA is still very low compared to other sports. As of now, the average boxer is a far higher athlete than the same caliber of guy in MMA, just take Patrick Cote, his main strenght is boxing, but in his only boxing match, he lost to Stephane Tessier, a guy my brother used to spar with and described as very average, ploddin and slow ( but he was strong phisically ). MMA is still a new sport, in a few years, guy's like Forrest, Leben, Cote, Ortiz and LIddell won't cut it anymore at the top level, it moved leaps and bound in the last 10 years, and it will change a lot in the next 10 too, just the changes will be more subtle and more reffined than before BTW, the undercard sucked, the only decent match on it was Stevenson-Florian but since I've seen Stevenson pathetic loss to Neer, I don't rate him at all.
To me, Lesnar didn't looked very good, he wasn't able to manhandle Couture as I thought he would. Couture was fighting a good fight considering the size and strenght disadvantage he was in, but it seemed he couldn't handle Brock telegraphed right hand, how couldn't he avoid the last one is a big mystery to me
The MMA champ was 45 and hadn't fought in over a year. Lesnar is an MMA novice, but hardly a novice to physical sports and he's an extreme rarity. That's like saying professional football teams are a joke because Lesnar made the Vikings team and was eligible to play in Europe (He declined because he wanted to live closer to his wife and kids). Lesnar is learning MMA striking (and his striking right now isn't developed much), but his wrestling ability, unusual speed, and extraordinary strength and power means he's gonna close the distance and get ahold of you in the cage. MMA used to be dominated by wrestlers because they could put the strikers on their back. Plus the UFC heavyweight division is very shallow right now. They need to focus on bringing in real talent and convincing the talent to stay. This was a case of a bad style matchup for Randy. His main strength is his wrestling, and he was facing a guy who was 60 lbs heavier whose main strength was...wait for it...WRESTLING, as in NCAA Champion pedigree. Basically a kid in his physical but not professional prime against a twice-retired 45 year-old. I say physical prime because Lesnar is gonna learn more technique and tricks, but he's not likely to grow bigger and stronger. He has softened a bit from his WWE days.
Only because boxing is much more established. MMA is in its infancy. The best boxer will beat an MMA champ in a boxing match, but in the cage or on the street, the boxer is at a serious disadvantage.
Wrong. A person might be one-dimensional like Brock, but it is a HELL of a dimension. Rashad doesn't count. He both boxed and wrestled long before he started MMA. He was good at both, a two-sport athlete. In boxing, you're limited by giving and defending handstrikes only. MMA has more dimensions.
I think it says a hell of a lot more about what a world class athlete Brock Lesnar is, then it does any perceived lack of talent that it takes to succeed in MMA. People who find reasons to bash Lesnar being champ are either people who hate MMA, or people who hate Pro Wrestling and think Lesnar's stint as a Pro Wrestler somehow means something to his MMA career. Lesnar is a once in a lifetime athlete. TFK
Don't ride Lesnar's coattails so quickly. An MMA career consists of a LOT more than just 4 fights. 1 of those fights being a submission loss and the other, winning a title against a 45 year old man half your size who's been inactive for over a year. We'll call Lesnar a once in a lifetime athlete when he's devoured the best of the best in MMA over the next few years. Even Houston Alexander and Sukjoudu got tremendous praise when they crushed their first few opponents in grand fashion.
Is this any different to Kimbo and Butterbean who respectively beat the MMA veteran James Thompson of 'Pride' fame?
Some of you are just ridiculous. Just give the guy his props already. James thompson is a nobody in MMA. He is not even close to a Randy Couture. Randy just beat Gonzaga and Sylvia, James Thompson has never beat anyone on that level, ever. You all act like Brock is just some dude off the street coming into MMA with no experience and winning a title in 4 fights. If he was some dude off the street he wouldn't have fucking beat Randy Couture. Lesnar sure as hell wouldn't lose to a LHW last minute sub! Obviously he's a little more than just some novice as you guys like to put it.