Oh true I see what you mean. That I can agree with. I'm no Taylor fan at all, but I gotta admit over the years he might have gotten too much flack. He always had pressure on him to be the next Jones, or Hopkins, when it was always quite apparent(at least to me) that Jermain simply didnt have that type of talent.
Not only would that not happen, Mundine would beat Taylor. TAYLOR ABSOLUTELY SUCKS.yOU ARE OUT OF YOUR FUCKING mind if you think Kessler/Taylor would be competetive. Kessler would dominate JT. I reserve the right to sig bet you should this fight happen. You, as usual, are out of your league unless you are sexually attracted to a fighter.
Of course he did. Taylor fought everybody people asked him to fight and has compiled quite an impressive resume. Whether he deserved to win or lose some of these fights shouldn´t be everything, he was at least competitive most of the time.
Kessler is the best rough diamond in boxing,..but it's frustrating, he's got the best physical talents I've seen since Roy Jones,.. he can retain an amazing amount of speed and power on a flurry of 7 punches or more,....certainly more than Calzaghe could ever dream,............ but so long, as he is loyal to that fucking upright, fringe fighting, one dimensional European style, body shots and inside fighting in general will be his unravelling every-time, he'll never, ever fulfill his potential, his coach, just like Universum's house coaches Timms or Sdnek, are completely INCOMPETANT,... rarely do I agree with the American way, but in this case it is true, that if you want to craft your skills to best suit the pro-game, America's array of coaches are the best for that.
Mundine Managed to Get KO'ed by 1 of the WEAKEST Punchers N Supermiddle History, but YEAH, he's BETTER than Jermain Taylor:boohoo:... REED'll GLADLY Sig Bet your Boxing IGNORANT Ass if/when the Fight is Signed...& SPARE REED YOUR Sex Talk, Simpleton...YOU ADMITTEDLY Pray to an Easter Bunny/Tooth Fairyish PSUEDO Deity Called PENIS MINIMUS...NEEDLESS to Say, U've CORNERED the Market on Messageboard Homoeroticism... REED:hammert:
Taylor Certainly ISN'T the Only Fighter U Could Do this To...Practically EVERY Fighter has a "Shaky" Decision if they've Fought Loooooooooooong Enough.... REED:mj:
My what? My god is chinus maximus and you start talking about dicks. I am saving this post fag boy. We all know how you forget your promises. Kessler/Taylor I get the exclusive rights.::::It's going to be bad you filthy piece of trash.
Just Make Sure YOU Don't WUSSthefuckOUT Or Go on "Vacation" Again...U & PENIS MINIMUS Can Expect the "Mother" of ALL Sigs, Homegirl... REED:hammert:
You know nothing about boxing. This really isn't a bet. It is just the 1000th time I have owned you. Let me guess how your pea brain is working. Reed's mind: "Dick, I want Dick, got to go to the truck stop, Kessler/Taylor, comic books abs, yum, dick truck stop , penis, cake it on my face Tyrone.kESSLER WHITE, Taylor Black. Taylor wins."
I've defended Taylor in this potential MM against your father Ike, and I have to say this is a fucking stupid post. A Roy Jones fan saying Kessler "accepted defeat" after he went after Joe and tried to KO him in the 12th. I mean whats next, "insert white fighter here" has no balls and only uses his athleticism to dominate second tier opposition. Kessler would be a favorite in this fight, a substantial favorite, even though as I've said I've been defending Taylor in this potential match-up against your father, Ike
U're Nathan More than COMIC RELIEF Around Fightbeat, SHITS & GIGGLES...NOBODY EVER Asks NOR EXPECTS a LEGITIMATE Boxing Opinion from U... "Ali SUCKS...Ray Leonard SUCKS...Praise Be to Chris Byrd, Winky Wright & PENIS MINIMUS"- Free DIKE:bears:.... The NEXT Time U "Own" REED on ANY Boxing Point will B the 1st Time, SCRUB...Remember YOU Seek REED Out on the Messageboards, NOT the Other Way Around.... U're ON REED's Nuts WORSE than Michael Jackson On a Pre-Teen Males.... REED:mj:
Please, Jaws.... U've GLADLY ACCEPTED the Role of Ike's RIGHT TESTICLE (Why Else would YOU Come to his RESCUE???::), so SPARE REED your Input... R YOU HONESTLY Comparing Mikkel Kessler to Roy Jones N ANY Fucking Regard???:dunno:...That's NOT Even Worth Debating, BUMPY Johnson...As Such, Go WASH your PIMPLY Ass Face, Apply the Necessary Anti-Acne Medication & Find a Buffet Willing to Feed a 6'2, 130 White Ethiopian.... REED:hammert:
a REED classic. Bad grammar, ball reference, acne joke, bad grammar, illogical tangent... Did I miss anything?
I have gotten private messages for people asking my opinions about boxing for years. . Please for once, can you respond to mewithout homosexuality or pedophilia.
Mundine would give Taylor a boxing lesson Kessler would TKO him for sure maybe Taylor should rematch Wright or something
I think two of them are more than just "shaky" (Hopkins II, Wright). It does go to a larger point, though, that while Taylor has a good record in terms of who he's fought and beaten at middleweight, he rarely did it clearly or decisively. He stayed with opponents like Hopkins and Wright...he fought close, went the distance, and recieved some (debatable) decisions...and stayed with Pavlik in the rematch and didn't. I don't think he can fight in that manner and beat Kessler...and when has Taylor ever showed that he could do that much more? Even against smaller "middles" like Spinks and Ouma, he didn't show he could do all that much more. Maybe he's gotten better, with more "seasoning" and the elimination of Steward in his corner and the move up in weight, but then that's "unproven" until he fights someone better than Lacy. At 168, Kessler's the fighter who is more proven.
How Many Rounds is 8 Pounds Going to Win Kessler??:dunno:...By YOUR Rationale, BIG Fight Experience or Quality of Opposition is IRRELEVANT... REED:hammert:
I think this weight thing is a bit silly. Taylor @ 160 doesn't beat Kessler @ 168. P4P, same size, whatever; Kessler is a better fighter, IMO.
Only Fightbeat Could Put REED in a Position where he's ROOTING for Jermain Taylor::...The RECORD Shows that REED Picked THE EXACT ROUND that Pavlik WAXED him N...So it's NOT like REED has ANY False Ideas of WHO or WHAT Taylor is.... 1 Things for SURE, REED Hopes & PRAYS Taylor vs. Kessler Happens...Guys R Acting like Kessler is Some WELL ESTABLISHED, Looooooooong Time Lb 4 Lb'der & Taylor is a SCRUB...But to REED, Kessler's a Guy Known for LOSING to Calzaghe & WHAT ELSE???:dunno:....REED Posed this Question a FEW HOURS Ago & NOBODY has Answered it... 1nce Upon a Time, Jermain Taylor was Sooooooooooooooo OVERRATED that NOW he's UNDERRATED... REED:hammert:
None, but he's been at the weight for nearly a decade. Taylor hasn't been hit by that many natural super middleweights...he wasn't really "hit" by that many middleweights...Wright and Hopkins (by that point) were almost strictly distance fighters (though Hopkins managed to get to him in the first fight). Pavlik knocked him out. Kessler is a big natural 168 pounder, and he figures to hit Taylor consistently...so it could be a factor in the fight. Regarding "Big fight experience"...he fought Calzaghe in Wales in front of 50,000 fans (and while he didn't win, which you love to point out, he won a lot more rounds than I'd expect Taylor to do against Calzaghe).
Sdunek is arguably the best trainer in the sport. The only trainer I think might be better is Nacho B.
:: You know what,...I think he's good for Vitali,..he has forced Vitali to think for himself and improvise strange things in the ring,...Sdnek's lack of thought has resulted in Vitali's complete independance in forcing himself to survive between the ropes without a gameplan. There's only so much that advice like,.. "Move more, throw your left hand quicker"...can achieve,.. it's why he has no uppercut,..and a full arsenal of arm punches,.. but it works, it does work,... Sdnek's dysfunction created Vitali's autistic style,.. it's an idiosyncrasy no one can prepare for....:: that is exactly what has happenned....so maybe you're right.
It is when the gap in talent and skill is as large as it is between Kessler and Taylor. Kessler has shown me enough against decent to good fighters where I'd make him a clear favorite over Taylor. He has one loss, and that to the P4P best right now. You and I both know that Calz would wipe his ass with Taylor, so lets not hold it against Kessler. If you feel Taylor would beat Kessler, I'd like for you to explain to us HOW he's gonna do it. Cause he aint gonna outbox Kessler, he'll get picked apart trying to open up on him, and I cant even really give him a punchers chance cuz JT hasnt stopped anybody in Christ knows how long, and Kessler has shown NO evidence of having a dodgy chin. Hows Taylor gonna win REED? Break it down for us.
1st & Foremost, REED DOESN'T See HOW U Give Kessler the Edge N TALENT...His SKILL Level is HIGHER than Taylor's But REED ISN'T Sure his Level of TALENT Is...Like REED Said Earlier, Taylor has QUICKER Hands & Their Footspeed is about EQUAL...It WOULDN'T Surprise REED @ All if Taylor Consistently BEAT Kessler to the Punch, More Times than Not... 2nd, Taylor Looks BIGGER & STRONGER @ the Higher Weight...He was even BIGGER than Lacy, who's Spent his ENTIRE Career @ 168... Taylor's Looked BETTER N his Last 2 Fights than @ ANY Other Time Since Beating Bernard....He's Actually USING the Jab Again, Firing the Right Hand OFF of the Jab & Throwing ACCURATE Uppercuts...& Moreso, when Something WORKS, Taylor Go's BACK to it...N Short, he's Fighting SMARTER these Days... Sure, Kessler's a Jabber, but it's NO Guarantee that he WINS the Jabbing Battle...If Taylor Delivers his Jab a HAIR Quicker, his LANDS 1st...REED Thinks Jermain's Jab will Keep Kessler HONEST...Who's EVER Tried to Jab WITH Kessler???...& REED Thinks Jermain Hits HARD Enough to PREVENT Kessler from Simply Trying to Overwhelm him... Ask Kelly Pavlik if Jermain Taylor Hits Hard... REED Sees a MOSTLY Tactical Fight w/Both Men Trying to ASSERT their Jabs...NONE of the Rounds will B DECISIVELY Won by Either Guy...Kessler will Pick Off Some Shots w/his HIGH Guard, but he'll B SUSCEPTIBLE to Uppercuts... It'll End Up like MOST Jermain Taylor Fights...Fans will B SPLIT on the Outcome, but 1nce Again Taylor will B Just GOOD Enough to Prevent Himself from Being DOMINATED... & if by Chance it Becomes a DOGFIGHT, REED Thinks Jermain is Willing to Dig Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeper to Pull Out a Victory... REED:hammert: