I don't think either one is easier than the other. You guys are totally discounting Lesnar's wrestling skill and his natural ability. It counts for a lot. Nobody is coming into MMA untrained and winning a title.
These boxing versus UFC/mma RIVALRIES need tostop. Boxing is an actual sport with real athletes with world class talent. The UFC is basically college athletes who fought at bars. One is a sport, the other a cruel joke. You can't compare apples and oranges. Boxing is a sport. The UFC is entertainment. It is like arguing that watching movies his better than watching football. It makes no sense.
MMA is a sport. like it or not. You don't have to watch it and you certainly don't have to post about it. ::
I guess so and so is women's soccer. I just find it hideous to compare one to the other.They are different. I would stop watching boxing if they pulled a linebacker 0ut of NFL and he knockedout Vitali Klitschko and not just knocked him out, threw him around like a dog's toy. :::: MMA =MIXED MARTIAL AMATEURS. UFC=ULTIMATE FUCKING CROCK
It's a sport for sure. How legit a sport it actually is is the question. It's not like tennis where they have a ranking system and matches are decided based on names put in a random draw and the best compete with the best in tournaments. It's more like boxing where the promoter decides "Ok, if I match these 2 guys, that could make me a lot of money!" It's a sport but it's run like boxing. A shady business.I'm telling you, there's nothing stopping the UFC from making a title fight between Brock Lesnar and Lashley if Lashely got a phonecall to come to the UFC. Dana right away would make that fight between 2 former WWE champions who are both the same size. Lashley has the look! This would be a pro wrestling fan's dream.::
You and Ike just need to stop coming to this forum. Seriously. What's the point of you guys coming in here and bashing the sport? Nobody else coming from the WWE is going to get the Brock treatment. Nobody from WWE is as good a wrestler as Brock, besides Angle, who's body is a fucking mess anyway.
Boxing is a joke too Ike if you haven't noticed. We have Oscar fighting a fucking midget in what will be one of the top PPV's EVER.
Lashley actually is a decorated former collegiate amateur wrestler who has won national titles. He may be the goods. As for Lesnar, he's got a lot more to do yet.
Well there you go then. He wouldn't just be some chump out of WWE. I doubt he'd have the success of Lesnar but wrestling is the best base you can have for MMA.
WTF do you mean regarding the success of Lesnar? He's only had 2 wins in the UFC. And the last one was against a 45 year old little 220lb frail man who's been absent over over a year. A successful career consists a hell of a lot more than just 2 fights, Z.:: Let's see him against the Arlovskis, the Barnetts, the Fedors, the Noguiras. THEN we'll know if he's had a successful MMA career or not.
3-1 isn't success? I didn't say he's had a successful career. You're getting confused. I'm saying lashley isn't beating Herring or Couture in his third and fourth MMA fight.
Yes, so let's not talk about a guy who isn't even fighting then. :: I'm sure there is a WWE forum you could post on though.
Why would I need to? A WWE guy is running the show right now in the UFC. Why would a pro wrestling fan not want to brag? By the way, Bad News Brown could've been a serious threat too. I also think the Undertaker has some serious pedigree with 10 years amateur boxing and submissions under his belt.
Believe it or Not, Ike Actually APPROVES of that Fight...He's a Self Perpetuating ContraDICKtion... REED:hammert:
The mystery is Couture coming in weighing 220 and trying to wrestle with Lesnar on the fence. Randy was bigger earlier in his career. Here he looked very frail with loose skin. Hell he looked physically bigger even in the Gonzaga fight. I think there was hittin 230, solid.
He thought he was going to out cardio Brock. Sadly for him he couldn't take the punishment long enough for that to pan out.
If he was going to 'out-cardio' Lesnar, what was with the wrestling on the fence and trying to take Lesnar down? Doesn't that kind of gameplan require more physical strength as opposed to speed? Just saying' ::
I don't know man, that is just what I heard. He probably just trained as hard as he could and that was his weight. It's not far off from the Sylvia or Gonzaga fights though. He was 227-228 in those fights.
Couture looked physically larger in the early UFCs. More beefed up. Here he looked frail and weak. I guess that inactivity did him no good.
Hey! Boxing is NOT a joke. By the way, when is Holyfield's well deserved title shot? December 20? TFK