who knows. maybe tony's hoping for the winner of phillips/williams? especially if it's phillips. but i agree. champions are supposed to defend their title - prove themselves at least 3 times a year against the best. not cherry pick competition and manage risk like a banker.
I love how Tony is taking the heat for these decisions when it is clearly Arum who has fucked up this division. He continues to freeze out Clottey and won't work shit for him because he doesn't want to have 2 champions in the same division. I'm sure it is Arum who turned down the Mosley fight.
That Doesn't Wash, Mitch... Considering the SEVERITY of the Cotto Asswhipping, Margarito will ALWAYS Have the RE as an Option...The Pressure is on COTTO to Make Sure the RE Happens, NOT Margarito:nono:...Even if Margarito DID Lose Prior, that DOESN'T Diminish the FACT that he Beatdown Miguel Cotto... The COMPARISONS to Floyd R Valid... Back when Floyd was in the "Prove it To Me" Phase, he LITERALLY CLEANED OUT 130....That's what GOT Floyd to the Upper Tier...1nce he Got There, he Became More SELECTIVE N his Matchmaking... That's EXACTLY what Margarito Did...Now that he's REACHED the Upper Tier, he's Being SELECTIVE to a Fault (like Floyd)... REED:hammert:
The difference being, Floyd still got paid well while being selective and always having something lined up, even if not the fight fans most desired. Margarito's being spiteful for the sake of being spiteful and now runs the risk of having not fought in 11 months by the time a potential Cotto rematch rolls around. People can dress it up any way they want, but there's no sound reason to turn down $2 million for a Shane fight - especially today's version of Shane.
maybe margarito just wants more money. he is making a big mistake by not building asap on the momentum he's achieved by beating cotto. and he shouldn't expect his career to be defined by victories over cotto. i'd be surprised if cotto even gives margarito a rematch - he'll price himself out of one and fight clottey.
I believe Cotto has a better chance in a rematch than Mosley would have. Clottey might as well. He isn't bringing the same money as Mosley, though. Floyd hadn't fough the elite at welterweight when he was selective. He hadn't fought the elite at 140, either.
I agree with that. If the options are Mosley or nothing until Cotto, he should fight Mosley. However, he has had a number of tough fights in a row...even against Cintron he got hit. It's not like his style is easy on his body, and he's fought some elite guys.
Absolutely. Especially the last line. Through whatever means, some fighters simply make fights happen, and some don't. People like Morales, Pacman, Cotto and Mosley are in the former category, Marge is firmly in the latter.
Sorry, but Baldomir WAS Considered "Elite" @ the Time that Floyd BEAT him... & Even Though U'll Probably NITPICK WHERE (Weight Class) the Fight Took Place, Floyd DID Beat THE Jr. Welter Champ, in Hatton... Not Really Sure HOW U Can Say Floyd DIDN'T Fight ANY Elite Guys from 140-147... REED:hammert:
So elite Gatti was favored to beat him.artie: Hatton...so elite, people were split on whether he actually beat Collazo.:bears:
Paul Williams, Miguel Cotto, Joshua Clottey...there's three fights against top 5 welterweights (according to most people)...and he fought them in a just over a year and a half. He also fought Cintron in that time period, who was ranked in the top 5 at the time of the fight. It shouldn't take an "apologist" to point out what a heavy work load that was.
Williams & Clottey BECAME "Elite" AFTER the Fact...They Certainly WEREN'T Considered "Elite" PRIOR... REED:kidcool: