Am I the only one that actually enjoyed the hell out of the fight card itself? Screw the "boxing is better" and "MMA is a joke" sentiment. Try to focus on the fact that it was an entertaining broadcast with as much energy as you'll get at any sporting event. And that is no joke. This fight did tremendous help in furthering the growth of MMA. Make no mistake about that.
The best part was they showed every fight that took place that night. I've always hated that boxing fills so much time with interviews and segments people really don't give a shit about. People want to see fights, so show them fights. TFK
Good point. It would have sucked to miss that uppercut by Stephens. Hell, the Matt Brown fight was a fun one to watch as well.
Agreed. Not only were all of the fights fast-paced but most of them were fought on the ground. There wasn't any stalling or inactivity, the fighters were constantly working. Definitely a good card to see for those out there who think ground fighting is boring. It's only boring if the fighters make it boring, much like standup fighting.
My UFC 91 photo gallery link is below ... if you like that sort of thing :)
This isn't always true. The #1 college pitcher is often major league capable right away and if he has any 'trick' pitches or 'funk', he can be successful right out of the gate. Maybe they'll get him next time around, maybe not. Which is what I suspect will happen with Lesnar. He's just a bigger Coleman or Smashing Machine and seems less capable than them in several ways.
I'm shocked anyone responded to Ike on this one. The more he post, the more I realize he knows little about sports in general. His baseball analogy is just another example. Without doing any research. I can throw out the name Jim Abbott. The dude went right from college to the pros and posted a 12-12 record in his first year. Amazingly he had an era just over 3 and a few shutouts if I'm not completely mistaken. Wow, right to the pros and managed to shutout pro hitters. Impossible!! The kicker? The dude had one arm.:doh:
I'm no brock lesnar fans, bt the guy had a solid wreslting backgroung, and he's a muscle beast. I was picking him big time, especially since couture is a old man, and looked like he just got out of Auschwitz (I guess he did't have enough money to buy hgh this time around). Still, before the ko, I tought couture was gaining momentum, Lesnar must improve his cardio if he want to be sucessful at the highest level. Also, for such a strong wrestler, his GNP his really bad , if I was training him, that's what I would concentrate on. with his TD, if he was able to be effective with the GNP, he would be almost unstoppable. With that being said, I think he'll get beat in his next fight against nog, he'll probably win the first 2 rounds, he'Mll get tired, and nog will outbox him. The card was pretty shitty in term of matchup, but in the end, it was pretty entertaining, even if in the most part, the matches didn't lasted more than a round. Next event will be way better
I forgotten more about sports then you will ever know. You are right though. It was a bad analogy. The correct one is some Brit in Britain who plays cricket. He then tries baseball out and defeats the Phillies. in only his fourth game :::: I love watching you guys squirm, a fucking amateur beat the shit out of arguably the greatest mma fighter ever:::: I really was becoming a bigger fan of mma until this debaucle. It just shows what an illusion the UFC is and what a genius Dana White was until that night. This lesson was free. The next will cost you. Keep up the excuses though on how this isn't a disaster and how this makes the ufc look good. I know the sport is still in its infancy, but I thought it had grown by leaps and bounds and clearly it has not. He has just been marketed in a superior fashion and no one disputes that.
IMHO, The problem is, guys like Randy, Lidell, Tito....etc are from the old guard camp. They never really evolved with the sport. Their styles are almost the same as when they in their first 3 years in the sport. Brock is learning...... a more evolved version of MMA. Not to mention his physical gifts and that he`s a HUGE man. I picked him to win the fight based on watching the pace in which he evolved since his first fight, and his sheer size and speed. A good protype for NEW complete fighter is WEC`s Miguel Torres. Awesome standup, Awesome Ground, and great intangibles.
Couture is a far, far more complete fighter than when he started, not even debbatable, watch his first fight vs Belfort and his last few fights and their is a world of difference
Throw in as many smilies as you want. It doesn't change the fact that you used a shit analogy. And let's be perfectly honest. The UFC is the best product on the market, but they don't currently have the best HW in the world. Lesnar beat a legend, but he didn't beat a guy you'll find on anyone's current P4P list. It's really sad to see the fear from boxing fans like you when it comes to MMA. You see it growing rapidly in popularity while boxing continues it's slow, painful demise. And continue to tell yourself that you know more about sports than me. Maybe one day YOU will actually believe it, but it will never be true. It's evidenced everytime you click "Submit Reply". You just can't hide stupidity.
Sure it is buddy, sure it is. :: All the bashing idiots need to go talk about boxing if that is what they want to talk about. There is a forum for you, go to it.
It's funny how fans of MMA don't constantly feel the need to drag down boxing threads. I just wish the same restraint would be shown here. Why is Mayweather even mentioned at all in the MMA Forum? How is Mayweather at all relevant in a thread about an actual fight? ::
Stupidity? I am by far your superior in every way. I am not a UFC hater. I wish boxing were run like the UFC.How did you like my last analogy, a rank amateur nearly killed a UFC legend. ::::
Two multiple division champions with HOF credentials fighting each other means more then a 45 year old fighting an amatuer with only 4 fights.
Valuev vs. Holyfield is tatamount to Lesnar vs. Couture. Mirror images of one another. Great big strong guys with limited skills vs. MUCH smaller old ex greats with tons of experience, big names, great physiques and over the hill. Same.
Couture, at this point, is much more skilled than Holyfield. And Valuev, at no point in his career, is even comparable to Lesnar. Plus, the Lesnar\Couture fight was entertaining, do you really think the Holyfield\Valuev fight is gonna be any good? Me neither. You guys can bash the circumstances all you want, but it says much more about the ability of Brock Lesnar than it does anything else. I can't think of anyone, MMA fighter or not, that right now could do what Lesnar just did. TFK
Well obviously Brock isn't an amateur since he has been paid for his previous 4 fights. :doh: Also, that "45 year old" is far more significant in his division than a faded part timer in ODLH.