According to an interview with Roy on Boxingtalk, he wants a rematch, and the Calzaghe camp is 'very interested' ,... I thought Calzaghe didn't do rematches?.. ..anyway, Surely, something has to stop this ....oppurtunistic joke?.. Winky couldn't welch the public off a Tito rematch, Lennox Lewis couldn't welch a Tyson rematch,..I mean,.. something will cut this off by the balls right?.. Fucken Calzaghe had the gaul to claim that "Boxing is a dying sport".. not too long ago,.. well now it's clear to see that he's got his dick in the American pie as he's saying it, 'living the dream'. "Why dont you think about it from his point of view" - Fraud groupies... :boohoo::boohoo::boohoo: :shit: :shit: :shit: :shit: :shit:
I like it. It would ruin the BS legacy Calzaghe has created for himself lately and it would actually prove, that he´s indeed scared of a Kessler rematch. I hope it happens.
Motherfucking Calzaghe has hit the golden pot....for years he was afraid of Hopkins/Jones/Tarver/Johnson....then Jones/Hopkins decline..and bang there he is to pick up the pieces. Fucker even has people thinking he would be competitive vs. a PRIME Roy Jones...:kick:if competitive means losing 9-3..10-2...
Calzaghe vs. Jones USELESS.... Calzaghe vs. Kessler II should happen..... If Calzaghe really want to prove himself he would fight CHAD DAWSON...
Calzaghe needs to retire. Fuck a Roid rematch and fuck Dawson-Tarver II Glen Johnson deserves a shot or fuckin retire. Period.
Load of shit,.. Hopkins bitched out, like the way he tried to bitch out when they actually fought,.. don't put Hopkins up there with a prime Roy you Puerto Rican,.. one guy fought at Lightheavyweight where a majority of his opponents were larger than him,.. the other was a Lightheavyweight fighting mismandatory midgets, fuck Hopkins,... but agreed on the anti-Calzaghe sentiment,.. even though with you it's about racism, but with me he's another cunt rorting the sport.
Yep,.. another example,... ... is there just one pro-fighter out there who's not an oppurtunistic glutonous prick who respects the fans?...
The first fight was a farce from the moment it was signed.....a rematch would be a travesty. And what's the point? Didn't the first fight do about 200k? People aren't as stupid as Joe & Roy seem to take them for.
This puppy was stabbed to death with a pair of scissors because of the thought of Calzaghe - Jones 2 you heartless bastards. Now don't ever bring this up again.
The Mario Veit win was better as Veit continued to do well. Then the rematch and Veit fell apart and it actually hurt the value of the first win. Kessler might be similar. Calzaghe is better off letting Kessler go prove how great he is than rematching and losing either way. A Dawson fight makes a lot of sense. A Jones rematch doesn't really matter.
I'm forced to ponder this question... Which rematch is more meaningless...Jones-Calzaghe II or Dawson-Tarver II? there's no way Calzaghe fights Roy again.
I don't see how stealing Oscar's excuses is better than stealing Vinny's. :nono: I thought you had something good for Roy to use.
In the headline for that interview, he says a Calzaghe rematch or the question is, what's actually less of a delusion for him? I think he's just talking. Back when he was in his prime, people who didn't even like him had to listen to him because he was the best. Now that he's this diminished, even people who like him don't want to hear him. But I think he probably misses the attention too much to stop.
If Roy's REALLY Thinking about Heavyweight, he May as Well Make a PITSTOP @ Crusier, to Make a Clean Sweep of Titles from Middle To Heavy.... REED Certainly Doesn't LIKE Roy's Chances of Beating ANY Crusierweight Titlist, but if he's Gonna Move Up, that's the SMARTEST, Most Legacy ENHANCING Decision he Could Make.... REED:kidcool:
There's not much money at cruiswerweight, so I can't see him thinking it's worth his while. At heavyweight, maybe he can get a fight with Holyfield or a much-anticipated rematch with Toney...something along those lines.
Here's the irony of a rematch with Toney... The gap in weight between he and Toney would be greater than Roy's fight with Ruiz.
just messageboard scaremongering. roy knows there's no chance. roy probably called slappy's camp up and some member of slappy's team felt sorry for the old man, said "sure, maybe, we'll think abuot it" and hung up on him.
Or Better Yet, Maybe Roy will Show Up @ the Weigh-In Wearing HEELS, MAKE-UP & Fishnet STOCKINGs, like Some Other Fighters have Done.... REED:mj: