He was THE BEST 140 Pounder of his Era & a Top 5'er in the Division Historically... REED Takes Issue w/the Way he Blatantly DUCKED a RE w/Vince Phillips & TAPPED OUT w/3 Minutes Remaining Against Hatton, but Tszyu was Undeniably a VERY GOOD Fighter... Perhaps even GREAT... REED:hammert:
I ask myself every night before i go to sleep. If it weren't for Hatton's cheating tactics, and Phillips concrete wraps + poison, would Tszyu have gone undefeated? Seriously, Tszyu was a remarkable fighter. he's one the few guys I can rewatch over and over, he;s just strikingly good as a technician
His punching technique was indeed superb but he did get hit quite a lot. He was undeniably great fighter and among the more underrated recent stars
Brilliant fighter, one of the very best his weight has seen. Best pro produced by soviet amateur boxing?
tszyu was a technician alright and also had an amazing amateur background, but he was far from perfect. he's looked sloppy against guys who weren't even that great. he's beaten plenty of good to very good fighters, but doesn't have a single win over a great fighter.
I still think Zab would had starched him if he wouldn't gotten so damn cocky and reckless in the second round.:crying:
Tszyu punished boxers something fierce. I would've liked to see him in with the mayweathers of the world
I certainly would have picked him over Mayweather around the time that Floyd was looking small against guys like Castillo and Sosa at 135. Would have been a great a fight.
Looking back you can say that, but at the time I thought Tszyu matched up well. Floyd went after Gatti for a reason.
Tszyu had a weak resume. Old Chavez Old Ruelas Mitchell Tackie Hurtado Judah what's so great about that is beyond me :dunno:
I do agree it would've been a very rough fight for Floyd but being honest, Hatton had retired Kostya before Floyd targeted the champs and Hatton refused a fight with Floyd claiming he need 2-3 more fights. Not that Floyd cared too much to get more paid to beat a defenseless Gatti to a bloody pulp. ::
Nah, Floyd was never keen on mentioning KT's name under and circumstance. He was already set to face Gatti when Hatton beat Tszyu.
Tszyu was very good, not up there with the greats but just under, imo....underated skills and ring smarts too also a class act and nice guy...never once giving an excuse for his loses when there are alot of excuses that could have been given you can't say he's overated because he was never praised too much to begin with...teenyboppers like LOK don't like him cos he wasn't a p4p#1
yeh...with all his talking, Floyd never mentioned Tszyu..and Tszyu wasnt the type of loudmouth to call anyone out...shame that fight didn't happen
He was a very good fighter, good all around skills, heavy puncher, always was in shape and fought with an edge. While his opponents weren't all big names, he did face a lot of varying styles of fighters and overcame them all. He certainly would have to be a top 10 140 pounder all time, maybe even top 5... who else is in there? Chavez, Benitez, Cervantes, Pryor, Locche, Tony Canzoneri for a hot minute, Tszyu fits in with that group nicely. Like REED said, he never pursued revenge against Vince Phillips and he did quit against Hatton in a fight that was, in my opinion, still quite close and up for grabs... that has to count against him, and I wouldn't favor him over any of the guys mentioned above, but I think he gives each of them a tough time and maybe even wins one or two.
mayweather said plenty of times he wanted to fight tszyu. there was simply zero money in that fight from a promotional standpoint. mayweather wasn't a draw back when it was a relevant fight and tszyu could never draw shit in the u.s.
Tszyu is overrated like hell. Never cared for his style. Had great power but that was it. He lost his tittle like a bitch against Hatton. So fuck him that's the last impression he left the boxing public.
I do not disagree with any points you made with your post, as boxing is a matter of opinion, and he sure did quit against Hatton.