I might as well say who it is, seeing as how it's virtually impossible to believe.... It's not Cotto or Williams.....
ENOUGH w/the Speculation!!!...The Shit is IMMATURE & SOAP OPERAish... O.K., O.K., O.K., REED is the Motherfucker that was Boning Jin Mosley...HAPPY Now???.... REED:dunno: ps. There's a SILENT "L" N REED's First Name...
lies, from an ingrate!.. that korean skeezoid guided Mosley back to the promised land with her shrewd managerial vision and her loving guidance/support.
Neil, your wisdom and insight has swayed my opinion. :: I remember the first time I saw Jin...in Indy for the rematch with Forrest. I said THEN she was no good. Should have seen the legion of hoodrats she ran with. Was embarassing for Shane.
There was piece on Maxboxing years ago talking about this. One of the reasons Shane Mosley bumped heads with his dad on occasion. Jack Mosley hated Jin, and didnt want Mosley to marry her. He wanted Shane to get a prenup. Sadly Jack was right about her. Oh, I remember that segment on HBO where she was bitching about Shane going away to train for fights. She came across as pretty selfish.
Jin has filed for divorce and it looks like she is asking for the kids, spousal support, and for Shane to pay her legal fees. She did throw in visitation rights for Shane but as usual the bitch think she deserves half and didn't throw no punches. Anyone know why it didn't work? I bet Shane was too nice and never hit her. Had Shane treated Jin like Chris Brown did Rihanna, Jin would love him long time.
We have a winner. Just for the record, I don't know if this is true. It was just a rumor floating around on fight night, and there hasn't been a word about it since.... I don't think it's true.
If Jin fucked Zab's ugly ass she needs to be shot. I'm not one to judge guys, but come on, where's the attraction? Dude's ugly as hell, he's a loser, has no heart, and he's shorter than Jin.
He's Got that PSUEDO "Bad Boy" Thing Working, which Some Females DIG...Particularly those that KNOW they've PUSSY WHIPPED their Man... Jin's a BITCH & Sometimes Bitch's R Attracted to ASSHOLES...Shane's Tooooooooo NICE...Zab has MORE Asshole in him than Shane.... REED:mj: