Let me see if I understand this correct. JMM arguably beat the #1 p4p fighter Pacman 2 times but yet will lose to any version of PBF?:warning:
Nothing. It just amazes me everyone in this forum still portrays PBF being unbeatable. Everyone he's matched up with cant beat him.:bangh:
Yes, he'll sink the point of the elbow into the adams apple, and he'll even swipe it across an eyebrow hoping to unzip the skin, and sometimes he suceeds in doing so,...it's what I mean when I say that Fraud's entire defence (glorified as 'masterful') is completely illegal, from start to the very finish,.. first he turns his back,.. then he transfers his head to below his belt level, (AND that still means his back and head are turned away from his opponent by the way)... THEN,..he either pushes his opponents head up with his palm and lands home a shot,.. or he jams the forearm/ elbow into the throat, eye or brow region, and creates enough distance to land another home... and that completes the first rep of several through 12 rounds.
Mosley,Cotto,Margarito those guys could beat Mayweather....lil mofos like Manny Pacquiao/Marquez will get KO'ed the fuck out... People wanting to see Pacquiao vs. Mayweather make me sick to my stomach....Mayweather will beat the smaller guy...and everyone will make like he just walked on water....and say..."ohh Mayweather doesn't have to face Cotto/Mosley..those guys have recent losses..blah..blah...Mayweather has already proven his greatness by defeated the best p4p fighter in the world..blah..blah...Mayweather has earn the right to go for the money fight.."
Exactly, JMM is no match for PBF, hell Floyd, as much as I hate him, is a full class above Marquez p4p, with the size advantage he will carry into the ring, it wont even be remotely competitive unless they really fight at lw ( because there is no way Floyd can make 135 again unless he is severly deshydrated ). Very telling of Floyd by the way that he is looking to fight guys like Packuia and JMM, no end in sight of his cherrypicking and shameless matchmaking.
I think Floyd beats him, but I would be screaming at the television for Marquez to find a way I hate Floyd, but he is undeniably great The only fight I ever thought he lost was the first Castillo fight, but that was close... and in the rematch he won going away while Castillo held onto him and tried to ride him around the ring like a pony
Why is Marquez calling out Manny all the time if he thinks he beat him twice already? The winner calling out the loser? ::
i remember Castillo doing that in the first or second round - PBF literally dragged Castillo across the ring. :: PBF "does" have amazing foot-work. Even better than RJJ's IMO. But is he gonna fight a feather-weight in the same pussy fashion he fought ODH? If he does he'll probably win but there will be no doubt he's a pussy if he does that. So it begs the question, can PBF beat JMM without fighting like a pussy? And assuming he doesn't because it'd be humiliating for him to have to fight a featherweight like a pussy, does he succumb to JMM's craft? My guess is PBF is looking down the weigh classes for a comeback fight so that he can put on a fight as opposed to a dance (see PBF's "fight" against ODH if you're interested in watching a dance). Having said that, if he were to fight JMM, you'd assume he'd engage in more exchanges and employ less movement. That being the case, do his skills exceed JMM's? I think that's debatable. JMM is a master at trading with opponents and getting the best of them because of his timing, combination punching and accuracy. My guess is JMM will never be hit with punches that hurt him the way Pacquiao's did. And look at his performance in those fights. So I don't view it as very likely that PBF knocks JMM out. And at 140 or even 147, are PBF's hands faster than JMM's? That's debatable too. And you know what they say. In a close fight, the guy with the faster hands always gets the decision. I think it's a more intriguing fight than most people think.
This 90% of this post is tooo funny/ridiculous ...but Marquez faster hands than Mayweather? He doesn't even come close... Mayweather will blast Marquez...
Yeah I think the fights were close, but if he really thought he won, he should just keep doing what he's doing right now, instead of crying. I feel these two will meet at the end of this year anyway with Marquez sitting on the canvas a few more times. ::
dsimon writes I think JMM Is better than people think and at that weight given the activity level I think he could do it. I am not basing this on the Diaz fight... First Floyd's hand speed is ok its overestimated though his technical ability and straight punching makes him formidable beyond simply speed. At the lighter weight I think JMM has faster hands and may hit harder at the lower weights. JMM is almost as good a counter puncher and is almost as technically accomplished. At the lower weights Floyd's strength becames tamed by speed and output... so thats why I see it that way.
dsimon writes You know what I don't get... everybody parrots "styles make fights" but when it comes to putting their money where their mouth is... well suddenly its a different issue isn't it? What kind of attributes are necessary to beat Floyd's style is the question...
Marquez is also chasing the payday. Marquez couldn't draw flies if he were made out of shit. He needs Pacman to make some real money.
I would say Floyd's hand speed is a little better than "ok" :: Can you name a fight where Floyd struggled with speed at 135 or below? Keeping in mind that I have seen every one of his pro fights at least twice.