If you want to know the perfect style with which to beat PBF, it's Margarito's (with loaded gloves). His ability to throw combinations as he moves forward is more rare than people seem to think and it's the key to beating a ghost like PBF. That and a tireless work-rate and kncock-out power. It remains to see if Margarito with legally wrapped gloves will retain the latter two (his work-rate/stamina and KO power). My guess is, based on his KO loss to Mosley, in which he failed to hurt Mosley or even discourage him, having previously put the fear of God in Cotto, is that Margarito is no longer the lethal fighter we thought he was. I hate to take credit from Mosley, but let's face it, the Margarito that fought Mosley was not the Margarito that fought Cotto. This,of course, gives PBF the excuse he needed to duck Margarito - it's now Mosley that he is ducking. But it doesn't mean that Margarito, with his style and size, couldn't beat PBF. At the moment, PBF is as over-rated as ever because of his win over Hatton. But if you watch Hatton fight, and review his resume, it's clear that Hatton has little else than desire and stamina. The guy straight up knows nothing about boxing. PBF's KO win over him doesn't mean shit. Compare Hatton's nearly knock-out loss to Collazo with Mosley's dominant win over him. Hatton is a hack with no skill. Period.
More senseless Doublesque' ramblings. So the perfect style to defeat Mayweather is the cheating version of a fighter that won't be able to cheat anymore? Margarito is done. His 1 minute fake glory is over, he's not what you insisted for years to all of us. You were again proved wrong in the worst of fashions (Double L style you can say). Margarito would get outboxed so bad, it would look like a videogame. You think Mosley made him look slow or like he didn't know how to box? Floyd would just toy with him. Also, a retired fighter can't duck nobody. Even less when Floyd offered and insisted in a fight with him back then but Mosley rejected to follow Oscar's orders and said that bullshit teeth thing.
dsimon writes; Floyd's hand speed is slightly overrated. His punching is excellent for other reasons i.e the straightness of his punches the angles and how he sets up his shots and his footwork. I am talking pure speed here Exclusively. Actually even more to the point I am talking how Floyds speed compares to JM's at 135. Floyd nuetralizes speed with angles tai sabaki (upper body movements) and counter punching does that answer your question about how he deals with speed? He does it with excellent technique unlike RJJ who does it purely with athletic ability and speed. The thing is that most guys do not match up well with Floyd and JM does. He has enough power enough technical ability and.... strength @135where it is not imo as important! and JM has the speed to hang with Floyd... I think at 135 JM's speed is a match with Floyd's. So you can argue speed but my argument is that the speed is a match and people will naturally oversestimate Floyd's speed when compared to Marquez. And... that in a weight class where strength is less a factor Floyd does not carry that advantage over Marquez as he would at the higher weight classes... Furthermore technical ability wise and punch output well lets just say it gets interesting at that weight.
dsimon writes Ya know what? rewatching that fight? If Cotto had instigated a clinch when he was supposed too he would have neutralized quite a bit of Margarito's game. Its not unpreceented for a dandy like Sugar Ray to lose a few to a brawler but I don't think Margarito has the chops to be competative with Floyd. While Floyd may not be greased lightening his punches get there fast as hell because they are untlegraphed and technically superb and he would hit Margarito like Mosley did on that account. I guess my Doube L type thought is that Floyd won't lose to a brawler like Pacquio Margarito etc but to someone liek Marquez who can match him in enough categories, can fox with him mentally and can hit with a bit of power when need be.
Oscar said Saturday the post fight press conference that no way it will be at 147, but at a catchweight. He is banking on Floyd burning down and weakening just as he did vs Manny. Floyd cannot get that low at this stage in his life without it adversely affecting him greatly physically. When is the last time that Mayweather fought at below 147? Floyd is no spring chicken anymore, and it will hurt him returning that low after such a long layoff, a lot.
reading a debate between Double reLapse and D.shitbird automatically drops your IQ half a point per paragraph.
dsimon writes: Well hate to burst your bubble midge but aside from my idea about 135 prime on prime you pretty much mirror my thoughts on Marquis so that must make you at least as stupid as one of us :doh::doh:. Actually I said some of the same things about marquis you did before you so that makes you also a bit of a troll.... what a suprise! So stuff it shorty!:atu: Just because STeve Dave thinks he is an authority on everything one disagrees with him on these days you should not get too big for your short britches fft::laughing:
like fighting Oscar and Hatton for big PPV numbers is some great secret. obviously! That's the same reason Floyd fought them back to back. The reality is that by the time Pacquiao fought David Diaz he already had 2 fights with Marquez, 2 with Barrera, and 3 with Morales. All bigger draws than Marquez, yet Pacquiao's biggest ppv fight was the rematch with Marquez. The David Diaz fight right after sold half as much. Clearly the JMM/Paquiao rematch is what people were waiting for and paid for.
Why do you think PBF "retired?" Same reason SRL did: Curry, McCallum and Hagler. BTW: are you a boxing fan or just a PBF apologist/cock-sucker? My guess is it's the latter.
Didn't diaz rocked him a little? imagine what floyd would do. It'll probably go UD with floyd's safty first style.
You're an azz-hole. I don't like stinkers who waste my time and money and fight without courage. Am I not entitled to having a preference for fighters who "fight" rather than spend their time trying not to? If you really believe what you've written about me then there's nothing for us ever to debate because it means you're under a complete misapprehension and as a result, your input is irrelevant. If I knew how to use the "block" function that supposedly exists on this forum, you'd definitely be on my list. Maybe you "can" be useful and let me know how to invoke that function so that I can spare myself the pain of reading your kindergarten crap and platitudes.
Diaz rocked him a lot not a little. I thought Diaz could have taken him out right then. His legs went rubbery for sure.
Rafael is reporting that Mayweather is entertaining the idea of fight Marquez rather than Mosley. Shows what a bitch Floyd truly is.
is he being offered less than a 7.5 million dollar guarantee for marquez? I don't care to see him versus marquez. except to see marquez get a well deserved big payday
thanks for that. said by you it carries some weight. if i say it, it's because i don't like, "black fighters with good boxing skills."
uh, Hagler was a shell of the fighter he had been when the match-up between them was first proposed and ducked by SRL. SRL used "retirement" the same way PBF is: to cherry pick overrated competition and duck "real" competition. It's interesting because at this stage, PBF's career is mirroring very much that of SRL's. He'll probably retire everytime there's a guy the public wants him to fight he's not sure he can beat. And he'll probably make several "come-backs" when there's anomolies like Lalonde having a title. Here's hoping in the end he gets the Terry Norris and Hector Camacho treatment when his out of control ego brings him back beyond all reason.
Dude, I hate Leonard worse than just about anything but the Hagler argument you made here is ridiculous If Hagler was a shell, then what does that make Leonard who had fought ONCE in FIVE years??? Hagler has nobody but himself to blame for losing that fight (I thought he edged it by a couple of points, BTW) ... he should have came out punching and removed all doubt... instead he fought right handed and acted like he thought SRL would just collapse from looking at him Actually attempting to make Leonard into a spot picker for coming out of retirement and fighting MARVELOUS MARVIN HAGLER after a FIVE YEAR Layoff is INSANE, I dont care how big the fucking ring was! you could argue who won the fight, but you can never call Leonard a chicken and I think its bullshit to call floyd that-- he hasnt exactly faced soft competetion
Floyd is no coward... he is a boxer...hit and dnt get hit, thats the name of the game and he is nasty at it not my fault you are too primitive to understand it
It's revisionist history at it's finest. people were worried for Leonard's health going into the Hagler fight. LOL