i'm sure you're familiar with the term, "boxing years." it has little to do with age or lay-offs - that's what sparring is for. bottomline is SRL spent years not getting hit while Hagler was getting hit 2-3 times a year against formidable competition. it's idiotic to make the claim that srl''s willingness to finally face hagler had nothing to do with the steady decline we all witnessed hagler go through. what satisfies me is the knowledge that not only did hagler beat srl, as old as he was, but that he was without the creepy ego that resulted in srl/norris and srl/camacho.
For what is worth, Beristain and the rest of Marquez' team are saying the fight IS happening in September at 140. Hope it happens.
Doesn't matter what he's offered...especially if it's the same or near same money. This isn't a Baldomir/Margarito type situation. You have Mosley dispatching Margarito (a guy Floyd flat out refused to fight) vs Marquez despite his win over Diaz has had two fights at 135...a weight Floyd hasn't fought at since 2002 and if they fight at 140, Floyd hasn't fought there since 2005. There's simply no explanation or excuse for accepting a marquez fight except he's a flat out coward. Period. You can spout all this P4P crap, but the truth of the matter is...the unfinished business is between Pacquaio and Marquez. Lest we not forget, Floyd is the one who claimed Mosley ducked him back in 1999 prior to Mosley bypassing 140.
You are hopeless dude, you are attempting to re-write history. Hagler was among the most feared fighters in the game, he was arguably pound for pound number one when Leonard (who had previously been decked and had struggled to stop KEVIN HOWARD, THREE years earlier no less) fought him Hagler was coming off a career defining win over Hearns (in 1985) and an absolute masterpiece of a beating against John Mugabi (in 1986) ... two fights in two years (so much for getting hit 2 or 3 times a year) Leonard fighting him and even being COMPETETIVE, never mind "winning" the fight is a HUGE accomplishment Comparing sparring to actual fighting is laughable There is no sport on Earth where practice is more beneficial than actual in-game experience...NONE
so a fight that takes place in 1987 is "coming off" one that occurred in 1985? so you've just busted your case because it sounds to me like Hagler was nearly as inactive as SRL had been, not to mention older. SRL fought that fight like a bitch anyways. So I wasn't impressed one bit. I thought Hagler definitely won, and showed, at least at that point in time, that he was the better fighter.
WEAK... it was one of his last two fights, one in 85 and one in 86... Hagler was riding high, he was THE MAN in boxing and most thought he would KILL Leonard you have no fucking case, dude. Everybody who knows even a little bit about boxing knows that what you are trying to sell here is bullshit. Nearly as in active as SRL???? Hagler had, what, 6 or 7 fights between 1982 and 1987? and Leonard had ONE... oh yeah, that's NEARLY as inactive I thught Hagler won, but I can certainly see WHY he lost... he fought stupid, and Leonard took full advantage, especially early if you notice, I am the only one even bothering to correct you on this crap, everybody else is sick of doing it all the time
well let's not lose sight of the point i'm making: PBF's only reason for retiring was to duck a host of welter-weights he didn't want any part of. Now that there's a bunch of light-weights moving up, suddenly he's making a come-back. And you want to convince me that's a coincidence? why would he fight Pacquiao or JMM and not Mosley? Or Cotto for that matter? I think we all know the answer to that question. And at the time he announced his retirement, he had no where to turn except to Mosley, Margarito or Cotto. And he has no intentions of "ever" doing that. So he just retired in an attempt to cover up the fact that he was blatantly ducking the best his division had to offer, while declaring himself the best fighter P4P in the world - this after beating a junior welter-weight who virtually proved he's not shit at 147. side-bar: Hatton is so over-rated it's hilarious. The guy is a complete hack. I can't believe there are people who think he's going to beat Pacquiao.
Bullshit. Marquez is the one who called him out and if the fight is made it means it made sense $$ If Floyd can still make 140 then there's no reason he shouldn't fight there, considering he's a natural 130-135. Remember this guys started only one division apart and are about the same height. BTW - I don't know about the 1999 incident but Mosley HAS turned down a fight with Floyd. Wheter he did it because his teeth was really hurting or because Oscar told him too, he still rejected it so he can't bitch about nothing now.
We can say whatever and speculate about mayweather's intentions, but credit has to be given to him for his resume thus far. He has fought and beat everybody who was a threat to him, pretty convincingly as well. Personally, I think he could beat both Cotto and definitley Margarito. I hate the guy, but he is one of the best and he has proven it many times in his career. I also want to say that fighting Pac-man or Marquez is hardly a cowardly move by PBF... wouldnt you agree that both of those guys are fantastic fighters? And Mayweather isnt some gigantic guy, he started at 126... its not like he is Tommy Hearns I agree that Hatton is overrated. If he can crowd Pac-Man and fight dirty, he will win. But that is the only way he wins, by exploiting his obvious size advantages
How so. JMM called him out. I read on multiple boards that Floyd was going to duck JMM. If Floyd don't fight him he is a ducker if he fights him he is still a coward . JMM is at worst number 2 p4p and a legend. Floyd can do no right according to some people here.
Why anyone thinks a PBF/Marquez or a PBF/Pac fight would be a bad matchup is beyond me Mayweather is a SMALL fighter, so theres nothing cowardly about him fighting either of them Didnt Marquez just annihlate a good sized Lightweight the other night? Didnt Pac just destroy a very large Welterweight? (Old and slow, yes... but still very big and powerful)
Floyd is significantly bigger than both Marquez and Pacman. He looked significantly bigger than Hatton in the ring too. He's not that small. He's probably a natural 140 pounder, where as Marquez and Pacman are natural featherweights. Still, I give Pacman a very good chance to beat Floyd. Marquez less so, but he still makes the fight competitive.
the version of ODH that Pac beat was certainly not, "big and powerful." ODH made it a point to trim down so that it wouldn't appear as the mismatch we all thought it was and it cost him the fight. Well, that and Pac's hand-speed and foot-work.
Floyd was TALLER than Hatton, but that was the Only "Size Advantage" he Possessed...Hatton's Arms, Torso & Legs were THICKER than Floyd's... REED:mj:
dsimon writes: I profess ignorance about weight differences and how they compare in the case of Floyd's natural weight versus his weight fighting Pacman or hatton & marquez. I would love to have someone explain it to me who fights because it confuses me to no end.
That's what I THOUGHT would be the case, but when it came to the actual fight I was surprised by how much bigger Floyd looked. Especially considering I still think of him as a 130 pounder sometimes. He was noticably taller, but looked just as "big" as hatton, apart from maybe his legs.
He has fought and beat everybody who was a threat to him, pretty convincingly as well This statement is completely false. Completely. The best fighter he fought at 147 was an over the hill ODH and he barely won and did nothing but hit ODH on the gloves. Besides that, the only other win he had that any implications at 147 was Baldomir, and he looked like shit in that fight. I agree that at 135 and below his resume is fine (Corrales, Chavez, Castillo, Hernandez). But when he moved up, regardless of his motives (I think it was money), he abruptly stopped fighting the best fighters out there. BTW: I wouldn't say he beat Castillo convincingly in either match. The first one I thought he lost and the second was a split decision. That hardly qualifies as, "convincingly." He did nearly the exact thing that RJJ did. He established credibility in lower weight classes with credible wins and then moved up and fought nothing but sub-par competition. PBF had to resort to stinking both in his fight with Baldomir and ODH. He simply couldn't handle their strength and put on a show. I think that's why he ducked and dodged the likes of Clottey, Cotto, Margarito and Mosley - all fights that would've been super events. Instead he retires? I think it's pretty obvious what was going on.
I haven't REALLY been impressed with Floyd since he dominated Chico. That's also the only fight I thought he would lose. He was pathetic against Oscar. Pacman showed how it's done. Seriously, an aging, part time boxer/boxing promoter and that's all Floyd could do? He beat Baldomir easily, but wasn't exactly impressive. He beat Hatton convincingly as he was supposed to. I give him credit for KOing Hatton, I didn't think he would. Since Chico though, Floyd's been a consistent, fairly quick, solid boxer with a good chin and defense, but I haven't been as impressed as some. He's no prime Roy Jones. I think a prime Mosley at 147 would have smashed Floyd. Actually I would pick Mosley to beat him today, if he can muster up a performance somewhere near the Marge beatdown. As skilled as Marquez is, I don't think he is equipped to beat Floyd. Floyd is just as skilled, but bigger, younger, quicker and stronger. I think Marquez is a bit too patient too. He'll make it close though. Pacman is more equipped to beat Floyd. He's faster than Floyd, more unpredictable. He has a great chance.
There's no logical or reasonabledefense for PBF's reign at 147. Itwas the definition of "ducking." Period. If anyone disagrees, they're missing the big picture.
Even you can't beleive that, the part about Hatton not being a good fighter that is... Of course he is, don't pick him apart just cuz someone else is praising him. :kick:
Pretty much. For some reason or another a lot of people underestimate Floyd's physical strength. 140,147,154,180, whatever it really wouldn't have mattered Floyd is just better than hatton.
Yep... Floyd DIDN'T Beat Hatton w/SIZE or STRENGTH, he OUTSKILLED Him... REED:hammert: ps. disagREED about Hatton NOT Being "That Good of a Fighter" Though...He's Not a HISTORICALLY Great Jr. Welter, but he's CLEARLY Been the Best of his Particular Era...
true, I was sort of "taking the piss" out of him, as the brits would say. nah, he is good... he beat Tszyu and he hammered Castillo, you dont do either of those things unless you are a good fighter. He's good