Yeah, we've been down this road before. This time it's serious. I'm going to sell 100% of Not 30%,40%, 50%. Everything. I just don't have the time to do it anymore. I don't want the efforts of the money to let it go to waste. So either I will sell FightBeat or simply close. So if anybody is interested in purchasing the site please contact me at I will write back during the week, but my life has just changed so much that I'm simply done with this part of my life. Thanks Carlos "Cupey" Guzman
I offer myself to host a forum. Just let me know and help me out a little for the yearly cost and that's it. It's a solid hosting.
As soon as Gee Money pays me the 40 bucks he owes from a welch of about 7 years ago, I'd like to put that towards a down payment on the site.
I remember your original thread on Boxingtime,.. "Posters who welch off other posters" ,...inwhich you told your tale,..and then it ended with,.... "So,..that's one example,.......does any body know of any more?"....:: :cheer: a very smoothe finish, you exposed that slimey bastard and kept the forum turning over in the one motion,.. :cheer:
Cupey.. tell us how your life has changed what is going on in your life? give us all the details.. do you have some sort of STD?? I mean.. is it bad? or good stuff? did you win the lotto and moving to Mexico?
I will just say that my job consumes much of my time, and I enjoy that. I will put a formal thread later this week announcing for sale before I announce it publicly to bidders. Carlos
Oh Well! If FightBeat does indeed go down, I'd like to say it was a terrific 5 years posting on here. A great life away from boring 'life' itself. Many good posters, many good's been most enjoyable. Unfortunately all good things have to end eventually but I had a lot of fun during my time here. It's been fun Cupey. Thanks for not banning me despite my crossing the line about 100 times.:: Hopefully this board stays up but if it doesn't, Oh well. Life goes on. I won't join any other boxing board though, that's for sure. It ends here for me. Hopefully I can stay in touch with many guys on here. Better yet, I hope we as a collective can keep this thing running and maybe better yet, take it to new heights! :kidcool:
I really hope it doesn't just close down. This is my favourite forum of all time. It's the only forum I've been to where I can honestly say I like the majority of posters. I have no interest in joining another forum.
Same here. This isn't just a boxing board, this is a place where you could bring up any topic and get good feedback or opinions or just have a laugh in general. I'll admit, BoxingTime for me was my favourite place ever although it's only because Boxing as a sport was extremely entertaining and a lot of recently retired fighters were still active. But FightBeat was great as well although a lot more moderated which sometimes ruined the fun. We've had some legendary threads on here. ::
If you lads have emails in case this board closes down, you should post them up here. Then if we manage to get a new board rolling sometime soon, we can all join there.
Cupey doesn't even list the cost of the forum so I've no way of knowing how much it will take to run it. Hell if possible, I'd just buy the 'forum' part of the board since I never use this website for anything else. Cupey, you can just let us keep the forum and sell off everything else.:laughing:
i hope it dont shut down i dont post as much as I used to but I still come now and then and get a great laugh with you fools
I really just looking for a couple of bucks to recover some of my initial investment. Nobody could ever pay me what I put into it. However, just the design cost me about $2K, so anything less than that is not acceptable. I'm also looking to sell to someone who might make two minor concessions. One would be to keep myself and joe rein listed as founders as long as the site exists. The other I will tell people who actually make a bid. Cupey
Also, the final price can be split into 2 or possibly 3 payments over a short period of maybe 3 months. Carlos
Cupey, you've been down this road before a couple of times. Always saying you wanted to sell it and then having second thoughts after realizing how much time and effort you spent in creating this place. Do you REALLY want to give it all up? I know the sport is in a bit of a lull but when it comes back and popularity surges once again, YOU will regret selling FightBeat!