At least let us keep the forum, so us regulars can just stay here and keep the board alive. I'll even host it on my account, no problem.
That's what I'm saying! The forum is just an add-on to the website. Let us keep the forum, Cupey! :bears:
The thing is Cupey, the home page isn't worth a nickel. Would you sell the fourm to the guys who have been looking after it for years? We need to keep it going.
I only use the forum anyway of course, Carlos has to be aware that shutting down this site means shutting down Hegman's "celebrity" status... he will be nothing more than a failed former amateur boxer of little to no significance who works as an over the hill bouncer at some low-level titty club out west... that would be a real shame because this site has transformed him from that into a failed former amateur boxer of little to no significance who works as an over the hill bouncer at some low-level titty club out west who sucks the balls of C-level fighters and takes pictures of it what a crying shame...
dsimon writes: My feeling is that steve godfather and I came to the rescue last time and were prepared to buy the site to keep it going. I want to take this opportunity to vouch for godfather and steve in this capacity... My own role was simply to help.... But I do think that Steve and Godfather can contribute a lot more in terms of knowledge about the site, etc. I say this because why don't a few of you guys get together and buy the site? I will offer once again to front some of the cash if a group is formed... this was the last offer I made as well. I would highly recommend that people request Steve Dave and Godfather to also be part of a management team.... there are all kinds of possabilities: 1) If our project gets done in time I would be willing to spring the cash share for Steve and/or Anthony. Right now we have a viable project that is in the works and will probably start generating in a few months at that time I would be willing to front the cash for a group of members to take the reigns from cupey... My preference would be the guys I was going to do this with initially Steve and Anthony but if they don't want to I will consider other members. But I have to wait until we start generating income again so it will be a few months for me. I wish I could do it now but until we start selling rent to own lots on our property I am strapped! So for me to come through I would need at least a few months. Carlos has met me and while I have to make sure a few more ducks are in line, if I say I am good for it I will provide it. It is really just a question of when and I will try to get some specifics this week on our project and when i will have extra money.
Yeah, but the difference between this time and last is I don't have any money to invest in something that isn't valuable. I was willing the throw the money in to it last time because I was in a good spot... I simply don't have the extra cash this time around.
Sorry D, I didn't notice when you said you would put up the money. I can't accept, simply because I don't know when I would be able to pay you back.
Then you lack vision my friend. You can get local sponsors from your area, try MMA sponsors, and even advertise your own business. Even boxing managers might want to advertise their fighters or services. Personally I've never given a damn about making money with the site. For me it was never about that. I actually even ignore inquires for advertising. It's just me. cupey
Thanks D, and all of the other guys trying to make this happen. Certainly if we can come up with something that works for everyone, including the right players involved, then maybe it can happen. Reed has an interest in running the site too, I just don't know if he wants the financial involvement. A while back I was giving away 1/2 for what I'm willing to take for the whole thing. I could easily hustle, start pumping out a few articles and videos and the place could easily be sold for more. I just want out and a few bucks for my trouble. I still can help out with the site, I just don't want to be running the show. So talk things over and take your time. Get the right players together and see what can be done. That would be my strategy. Carlos
Cupey, if this thing goes bust and you just terminate it altogether, you do realize that half of us will be driven to suicide, right? And our blood will be on your hands. You will not eat, you will not sleep soundly, forever you shall be haunted by the ghosts of fightbeat members whose lives you ruined! When you shower, you will see me staring at you but I won't really be there, only my spirt. When you look in the mirror, you will see dsimon but he won't really be there. When you are having sex, you will see LOK's face instead of your partners but it won't really be LOK, it will be a figment of your imagination which will continue to haunt you for the rest of your days. Think about what you're doing!!!!
Maybe in NYC. :: Advertising is the first thing anyone cuts when the money tightens up. I wouldn't do it to make money either. I want to save the forum.
I could give two shits if the website itself lives or dies, since I might check it out a handful of times a year. And I'd guess it's the same with just about everyone else. But if you're gonna kill the forums too, at least have the decency to give us some advance notice, so we can decide on a new forum to post at, or have someone create one on their own. I really hope I don't try to sign on one day, and the site is down for goodwith no notice whatsoever. TFK
You can make money with the site because advertisers are paying you for space on your site to display their advertisements. FightBeat is pretty big as it is, it ranks fairly high in the search engines when people look for boxing news or boxing forums.
I know that. Real media outlets are struggling to sell ad space right now, I don't think it would be that easy for ::
It ranks high because of all of us assholes pressing refresh every 10 seconds hoping somebody replied to our post. :notallthere:
The forum is what matters but we do need new blood every once in awhile. That's why it's important to keep the Home page going in some shape or form. If only to provide press passes for some of you guys to cover fights for free and provide some easy low cost content.
The thing is Cupey, I can understand you wanting to recoup money for the time you've invested and the money you paid for the site design etc, that's only natural. But it simply doesn't work like that. What if I invested thousands into a business, worked my fucking arse off for a couple of years, only to have it fail and end up in debt? I too would probably WANT to sell the business for something to make up for the work I've put in, any expenses incurred etc, but if the business is not WORTH anything, then it's simply not realistic. There is a real chance that nobody is prepared to pay anything more than a token amount for this site, so if you can't sell it for much, at least let us keep the forum alive like we've been saying. I'll take over the forum, I'll host it and be the admin. For anyone who is dubious, thinking - hey I'm not sure, MWS is a little aggressive/harsh etc, I'm sure you've noticed I'll chilled out a bit over the years, I'm much nicer now than I used to be, and more mature ::
Yeah? Like which? There's a billion advertisers out there who'd love to showcase their ads on a place like! Cupey built an empire, baby!!!!! :kidcool: We ain't letting this sh*t go to waste!:nono: