yeah..i can travel to Houston 2 be part of the Cdoggy family....make an unbreakable bond...i won't have 2 rip u apart in Houson...
Word. I can understand Cupey's reluctance to just give it away given what he has put into it, but it really is of little extrinsic value as far as I can see...shit I get annoyed when I am away, accessing from another computer, and have to get past the homepage to get to the forum, its just a forum portal, regardless of the effort which has fitfully been put into the site over the years
The 'website' is a shithole. Simple as that. There is a forum and nothing else worth selling here. MTF
Quite easily actually if you've paid to promote/advertise it. It's not cheap. I'm not saying that's the case here, but certainly it wouldn't be hard to start a website with the intention of making money, and end up in debt.
Cupey hasn't really explained his predicament at all. Maybe he just hates boxing now and wants to be done with it? I don't think money is the reason he wants to give up something he built from the ground up. He already said he never built this place for the purpose of making money. He did it because he loved boxing.
Money is not the issue I agree. It's not like he's paying writers and some developers. And the hosting costs fuck all. I guess he just can't be bothered, he obviously doesn't like the forum much anymore, or boxing for that matter.
dsimon writes: If I do this is isn't subject to being paid back... If we start selling lots and i can free the cash up I will put the cash up... its not a loan. I will know in a month or so how we are looking... basically if you have the time that is the issue. Also if other members want to chip in to sponser guys who we know would do a good job. I know Carlos will meet us half way with flexible terms... It amounts to members taking some responsability to keep the ship up and running. In my opinion you and Godfather have taken a leadership role and shown that you are worth sponsoring for that position.
dsimon writes; Great Hanzy! I think it is best to make this conversation public so people can get involved. That is good to know, I am sure we can come up with a plan to keep things going. My only condition is that I really do not want anybody I sponser for this to feel financially obligated to me or anyone else who partners. we could be paid back with site generated revenue or, just be listed as silent partners... but my feeling is that the responsability to run things here is a lot and enough for a few people to handle without having to worry about financial obligations.
dsimon writes: Reed and Steve should talk then. edit: amd Mexican Wedding Shirt. Why don't you guys get a team together? don't worry about the money yet. Then we can cross that bridge when we come to it.
dsimon writes: Well let me say this: Mexican has great art ability and could do wonders with the media aspect of the site. Reed handles the press stuff quite well better than even Cupey:: Steve is a great administrator and all around fix it guy. To me that is a team right there.
I would work with MWS and REED in a second. MWS can be in charge of hosting, as that seems to be something he has a fair bit of knowledge. REED can cover the writing and me and my team can take care of the forum as we have been.
REED is ALWAYS Down to Help Fightbeat, but there's Got to B FIRM Committments for REED to Feel Good about Going FORWARD w/this...The Last Time we Went Down this Road, REED Stepped Up to B the Liasion of Homepage Content & Even Got a Good Circle of Writers Making Submissions, but More Times than Not, their Pieces NEVER Saw the Light of Day on the Homepage... REED Can Respect Cupey for Stepping Forward & Finally ADMITTING the Time just ISN'T There on his End Anymore, but we're Got to B FIRMLY COMMITTED to this for it to Work...U Can't Imagine how DISHEARTENING it is to Take the Time to Write Something that NEVER Gets Posted...It was a DOUBLE WHAMMY for REED, Cause Some of his Articles WEREN'T Getting Posted & the Guys REED Personally Recruited WEREN'T Having their Works Posted Either...Honestly, REED would've Rathered Been Kicked in the Nuts... WILL we Look to Improve the Homepage???....How REGULARLY Do we Want FRESH Content???...The FB Radio Show???....MMA???... Bottom Line, there's Got to B a BLUEPRINT, GOALS & DEFINED ROLES... REED:hammert:
I am still willing to buy this forum, but when you say that You and Joe Rein would be listed as founders, that fine, but thats it. That doesnt mean you would have any powers here whatsoever. You guys wouldnt even have access to the mod forum. Can you deal with that Cupey?
I will Chris Brown your sorry ass, keyboard warrior lets see what your credentials are we need your real name and social security number as well as your bra size
REED baby, once we take this thing from Cupey, you have the power to post however many articles you like right on the homepage! Do you want the power??????
It has nothing to do with being a mod or having powers here at all. I would just be a regular forum poster. Where are you located godfather. C
You first would have to face a 3 day ban, Cupey. And then, a 14 day ban! Then you pass the test and can become a regular poster!
California. I would love to have you stay as a regular poster and would even make sure that you and joe rein are recognized as the founders of Fightbeat.
Cupey wants to make sure that when we turn this into a billion dollar empire, he gets a share of the profits. Right Cupey!
Thanks brother. I simply would like to be able to contribute and help support the site with content. Cupey