Well, REED ISN'T a Graphics Guy or Cyber Literate N the LEAST...REED would B Dealing w/WRITTEN Works Primarily & Contributing if Something Happens w/the FB Radio Show (Which Steve-Dave &/or Joe King Should SPEARHEAD).... REED:hammert:
Petre should just use some of his vast quantity of wealth to buy this place outright. Cupey would be happy with a couple of G's. He should then use his world class business acumen to TURN this place into a thriving business, that makes moolah.
REED Suggested this a Few Years Ago...There was a Low Budget Sanctioning Body that Went Bankrupt & Basically had an Internet FIRESALE...It was the WBU or Something & All they Wanted was like 5 Grand for all their Belts & Whatnot... This was REED's RESPONSE to All the BoxingTalk T-Shirts that were Popping Up on T.V.... REED:hammert:
There has been the quality lurking here on the boards for years, so hopefully this comes off. Again, the biggest things would be consistent contributing and a quality editor, and judging by the ay BWJ writes on here, I think he would be a very solid fit. The auxilary things, radio show, forum management, etc. are nice things that would supplement what can/will be a solid enterprise, but the content issues and the dedication is what needs to be ironed out first and foremost. I know alot of people in the past, including REED and myself, have tried to pump out material and keep the front page running, but that has been difficult with the lagging time to put pieces up, and it makes people who have contributed less likely to continue to do so. I said a long time ago, that what we needed was more than one person with the ability to put pieces up and in a timely fashion, so with that seemingly small but important hurdle taken careof, I think it would be a short time before this place got rocking again.
Reed, you wanna ghost-write some smacktalk material for me so I can use on my e-enemies? My smack talking sucks balls! I get owned all the time! ::
mexican wedding shirt is a genius when it comes to running a site. We can have mex easily keep the front page updated with constantly new articles which are submitted to his inbox. I think we're going to make this site bigger than ever before!
Stinger also gives us plenty of good videos so we can put that up on the front page too. I think we should make it a goal that by the end of 2009, any person who types in the word "boxing" in Google search will see FightBeat.com coming up on the first page of results. :kidcool: That's when we know we're a success!
If you can give me material that's so vulgar to the point where I can drive members out of fightbeat, I'll give you half a day's pay! First one I need to get rid of is Buddy Gaydell for all the sh*t he said about me! :crafty:
I always thought it would cool to post "round by rounds" on the home page for big fights. I don't know if any sites currently do that...I don't get to other boxing sites all that often these days. We could post a round by round artlcle that is refreshed on the home page as each round concludes and include a link to the forum round by round for folks to discuss. So this way the folks reading the Round by Round on the Home page will be spared having to read how a fighter is being sodomized or having someone shit in his mouth. ::
The Instant U ADVANCE REED Half of "Half a Day's Pay", he'll Get Started....'til Then....................................................... REED:hammert:
In the long ago, when the first band of merry men tried to do this, a round by round idea was thrown out by Payton, and unfortubately never took off. I agree that would be a great idea.
Boxing Scene Does Something Similar, but THE FIRST Time REED Ever Heard it Suggested was by the Poster AZ CAT....Still, it's a GREAT Idea.... w/Out Question, Illuminati's the Round by Round KING, No Matter What Messageboard it Is... REED:hammert:
These were ideas we presented to Cupey but Cupey was too busy cumming to his Trinidad posters, so he didn't notice. The new owners will be more professional!
We would just need someone good at the RBR to post it on the message board and then it could be copied and pasted into the home page article and then posted on the site at the end of each round. And each RBR could link to the round post on the message board if folks wanted to discuss a particular round.
Maybe we can add live audio too for fights? Or in due time, a live video stream although that might be pushing it. Live audio isn't a bad idea. Or maybe screen shots during a fight to accomodate the round by round? Hatton/Pacquiao will be huge! A lot of non-paying folk all over the world will be wanting round by round reports.
yeah, there have been people in the past who have done it, Illuminati is the best at it for a board's sake, we could certainly use his. I also would want to reintroduce the "Fightbeat Predictions" thing we had going for a long time, where an article would be put up with breakdowns from 5-10 guys about the upcoming fights and put on the homepage. LOTS of things could be rehashed that worked in the before time, its a good thing to formulate and work with.
I'm very inspired by the progress being made here. I foresee a coalition of the best members in this site putting together their expertise and developing the most advanced website filled with content that's updated religiously. Yes I do still want to be a part of it, but only in the sense of helping it continue to thrive by providing content. Fightbeat has always been for the fans, so it's appropriate that the fans take ownership and run it. I did what I had to do and at one point we reach the top levels of boxing media. How can I complain about that? But now I think it's ready for new ideas and new leadership. Again, thanks to everyone who is helping formulate a plan to make the transition as smooth as possible. Carlos
I'm not a programmer or a graphics guy, but I can work with HTML, WYSIWIG programs and content management programs so I can post articles to the site once the home page is set up the way we want it.
:bears: Don's THE MAN...Hopefully he Can RE-Suggest Some of those MMA Ideas he's Had Over the Years.... REED:hammert:
Let me say this is all very fascinating to watch. I hope you guys can come up with a workable plan. This all seems very ambitious but definitely workable with the right cooperation. :bears:
Nobleart, did you read my post about merging fightbeat with YOUR boxing memorobilia site? What do you think?
As far as i know because it was one of the few boxing-related .com s left, and fightworld.us was seen as disadvantageous in terms of the site profile