A great boxing man that worked with me back in the day when I took Al Carter in the amateurs ( A Horrific Hitter who broke my elbow) had this to say about Valero when I told him I thought I could have put him on ice at my peak in the early 80's and thanks for all of your feedback, both positive and negative, as you are gonna get both of it here: As for Edwin Valero: Karl isn't giving him his just due. The man is an Assassin in the ring: hell-bent for leather, with explosive energy and a big punch. That guy he took out in Austin (Antonio Pitalua?) is a world-class fighter. I spoke with Arreola's stablemate, Josesito Lopez--who had spent the previous two weeks sparring with Valero; and he said the guy is incredibly strong. Josesito, incidentally, is in tough against his namesake, Patrick Lopez of Venezuela, in a "crossroads" fight on April 17. Hey, Karl: I'll tell you where Valero was, in the early 80s: home, in diapers (if they had any), in Bolero Alta, Venezuela. And yes, you might have been able to take him at both of your respective peaks,--if he didn't get to you first. You are correct in predicting that with his style, he won't last long. But, man! What a go-getter! What a puncher! What a finisher! bon
I appreciate you saying something, bro. I had the talent and physical gifts, but not the dedication to the art and the desire it took to get to the big boys. A couple of heated sparring sessions with Rolando Navarette taught me that, and I learned the hard (and painful) way that it takes a helluva lot more than talent to make it in this racket.
Hey Karl. I know a guy who claims he trained at a gym with a Karl Hegman. He said that He use to go by the Ring name of Karl "TexRex" Hegman. And he said, while he was a strong guy, his chin was made of break away glass. He said that he has never seen one bout of sparring that "TexRex" was in, where he didnt get Knocked on his motherfucking ass. Was that you? Are you TexRex? ::
I actually had the pleasure of being taught a few things and had a few private lessons with Joseito Lopez(one of the main reason I know Chris Arreola a bit) and anything that comes out of his mouth is the truth, that guy if he got his act together could be one of the best. Anyway... Valero may not have top class skills but he has top class strength and power, and will....that might just be enough.
My friend told me I could probably have beaten prime Mike Tyson. He saw me throwing some right crosses to a heavybag and he was convinced Tyson could not take them
But you dismissed his comments and instead chose to work as a bouncer at a local (insert city name) strip club.
This thread has to be some sort of trap for me or cdogg. The material that Karl is providing is to easy. I think he's looking for alittle attention. I'm not gonna bite. I guess the titty bar is a bit slow today huh Hegman?
Here is the latest on Arreola: Arreola: He's back on track. Went 9 or 10 tough rounds last Saturday with giants Cisse Salif, Rod Willis, and Lance Whitaker--each of whom made Chris, at a mere six-four, 250, look like a small man. (And that's a good selection of sparring partners in preparing for Jameel McCline, who goes about six-seven, 270.) The prediction here is that Chris will whack McCline in the ribs and stop him in the middle rounds, either by kayo or making him quit on his stool.
I hope you're right because picked Arreola by KO 5 in the prediction thread. I would not at all be surprised if this turns out to be another fat heavyweight stink-fest though.
I hear what you are saying bro, a top notch boxing man close to Chris' camp sent me that e-mail early this week. I like Arreola early, but we will have to wait and see Saturday.
REED is VERY Familiar w/"Big" Rod Willis, Living N the Dallas Area...He Looks like a Southern Fried Version of Lennox Lewis...NICE Guy who's Probably MORE Known for who he's SPARRED w/than Who he's BEATEN...He's Got a Disputed LOSS to Michael Moorer, that REED has Been Trying to Find.... Willis' Dallas Stablemate is a Journeyman Named Domonic Jenkins, who Gave Chris Arreola ALL He Wanted, a Few Years Ago...Nice to Hear that "Big" Rod is Making Some Money, but REED Would STILL Like to See a RE btwn Jenkins & Arreola.... REED:hammert:
Fuckin TYPIST...Your "Friend" was Merely Blowing Smoke UP your Ass...When have U Actually STOOD FACE-TO-FACE, TOE-TO-TOE w/Mike Tyson like REED has???... on the "mike tyson's punch-out" video game, but what's the difference???...U've Got to Have WORLD CLASS Reflexive Joystick Ability AND a Swift, Powerful Stroke to Press that "Punch" Button, N Order to Last w/Tyson @ All... Bottom Line, your Friend's Critique was NICE, but where's the REAL LIFE, Head to Head EXPERIENCE w/Mike Tyson, like REED has???.... REED:dunno:
Until U've @ Least SHARED a Boxing Ring w/the Visual Image of Mike Tyson, REED Can't Respect U... REED:nono:
You best act like a gentleman in my joint Maverick, or I'll choke your skinny little neck out with these pythons. Valero is a good banger, nothing more, nothing less.
Me? Naaah.... I just drink my milk everyday, take my vitamins, say my prayers and use the rowing machine for an hour day one, hit the heavybag an hour day two, treadmill an hour day three, lift weights an hour day four, and tai chi an hour day five.
Let us all see your physique. Post your photos now compare arms with me since you think you type so cleverly.