Parole is much different than probation. He could will do 2yrs. off top just for the violation. These kids have to learn once you get out "don't go back to Egypt".
Ignore this "Backdoor Queen" Otis, she has never had a fight in her life, and does not know the first thing about boxing or fighting. You bring up a great point, if an ex-con violates the conditions of their parole in Texas, they automatically go back in the joint, such is the statutory law here. I reckon we can forget about James in boxing for the next couple of years. Karl
"Don't go back to Egypt" is pretty obtuse though. :laughing: There are tonnes of places you wouldn't "go back to" before Egypt. Like, jail for example.
Thanks Karl! You know the problem with alot of people is they talk before they process. You hit it on the head. There will be time that has to be served because he is a parole violator. As for the Egypt comment. It had to do with the Bible(When the Jews were lead out of Egypt by Moses.) The thing is alot of us get out of all kinds of things by the most narrow measures and rush right back into trouble. It's common knowledge that the Lord gives some of us favor and we rush back into what every inslaves us. Before you clown get understanding and knowledge, because you all just exposed alot about your education.:doh:
Come on, Otis. Chill. Nobody had a go at you, mate. Also, religion and education have nothing in common. I don't even believe in the jews.
Maybe, you need to remove the prostitutes from your crawl space, the smell is getting to you. I wasn't insulting a real fighter, fatass. I just didn't understand the reference. Just for the record, you have never been in a professional fight either. Nor will you ever, unless they have an all Texas obese midget sodomite championship. You really need some meds Girthsilla.
I hope he doesn't turn into another case of "If he wasn't in prison he would be p4p the best" idiocy.
You little queer bitch coward, I'll grab you by your left armpit, wrap my right forearm around you neck and ram my right knee into your spinal column, taking you down and making you beg for your sorry life.
I'll put you in Intensive Care, you typing little faggot, If I ever run into you, you will be in a wheelchair the rest of your miserable life if I spare it, that is.
Shit, I didn't even know Kirkland went to prison for armed robbery. That explains why he turned pro so long ago, as is only this far, decade or so on. He doesn't strike me as being particularly "gangsta". His trainer seems more ganster than him, old Anne.
agREED... He Probably Robbed More Out of DESPERATION Than Anything Else...Sometimes, when People DON'T Have Shit, they'll Go to EXTREME Measures to Obtain It... w/his New Found "Fame", Kirkland Probably Feels SAFER w/a Gun... REED:hammert:
Maybe, but REED - even though he probably wasn't exactly rich at the time, he was a young, undefeated fighter with a bright future. It seems weird to me. I mean, even if he was strapped for cash and material possessions a bit, I imagine someone who "doesn't have shit" to be in a much worse position than a young, undefeated pro fighter. It's pretty odd. Maybe he had debts or something, I don't know. It's a shame because I've grown to like Kirkland. Everyone knows I like my fighters aggressive, but I usually like some skill and finesse to go along with it. Kirkland is just pure aggression, but I can't help but like him, he's just a fierce mutha.
REED Actually Saw Kirkland fight in Dallas, PRIOR to his Incarceration...Up til then, Kirkland had just Fought N Texas & Surrounding States, Against No-Name Opposition for a Few HUNDRED Dollars per Fight... REED:mj:
Sounds like every other young pro fighter, without big management backing. It's never a reason to go grab a gun and rob someone.
People have DIFFERENT Desperation Thresholds, TAMster...There's Really NO Justification for Robbing People @ Gunpoint or Otherwise, but Sometimes even GOOD People Go to Such Extremes.... REED:mj:
Particularly in America, it's VERY Common for Guys to OWN Firearms...The Charge was "Unlawful Possession", Stemming from the Fact that he's Currently on Probation...The Article DOESN'T Say Anything about Kirkland Rolling Around w/the INTENT of Doing Something w/the Gun, he just HAD a Gun in his Possession... REED:mj: Kirklands case just went federal.. That means he will probably get a minimum of 5 years unless he gets lucky like T.I. This sucks for real.. Damn Kirkland...:doh:
REED Isn't Sure that the Penalty FITS the "Crime" N this Case...Kirkland's Probably Got MORE Money than he's Ever Had, a NICE Ride & All of that, so the Gun is More than Likely a SECURITY Measure...REED Isn't 1 of them, but ALOT of Dudes just Feel SAFER w/a Firearm on their Person... Even Though Kirkland's Still on Probation, he had Become a PRODUCTIVE Member of Society & By All Accounts KEPT Himself OUT of Trouble...INTENT Should B a Examined Here, B 4 they just Throw this Man N Jail like that.... REED:mj: