It don't matter with them Feds REED.. They wouldn't of even bothered picking the case up.. Any gun case they decide to pick up and try its a minimum of 5 years... I still don't know how T.I. Got what he got.. But I hope Kirkland some kind of way gets lucky like that and gets just a year but he's gonna get some time..
Because guns are used for what, man? Every time we get a case like this, you're defending the criminal. I think you view guns are WAY too acceptable. They're not a toy and for a dude who's already done time for violations involving them, he deserves no second chance. Straight back to jail.
If he felt he needed protection he should have hired a bodyguard, who could wear a gun legally. :doh:
T.I. Obviously BOUGHT His Way Out of his Situation...Hopefully Golden Boy Steps Up & Does LIKEWISE for Kirkland... REED:mj:
Yea I hope so but it aint good REED.. Feds is a different ball game then the state... They haven't even gave the man a bond yet...
The ONLY Issue Here is the Fact that Kirkland was on PROBATION, Dude...The Day his Probation CEASED, he Could LEGALLY Carry a Gun 1nce Again...The Guy Committed a Crime 6 YEARS Ago...That DOESN'T Mean he's STILL a "Criminal" in 2009... REED's Made it CLEAR that he DOESN'T Condone the Use or Possession of Guns, "However", REED is All Tooooooo FAMILIAR w/Guys like Kirkland & in ALOT of Instances a Gun is a NECESSARY Means of SECURITY...Guys from his PAST May Try to Drag him Back DOWN that Same Ol' Road he was On OR those Guys may B JEALOUS of the Success that Kirkland has Enjoyed for the Last Couple Years.... He was Driving Around In HIS OWN Car & was Found w/a Firearm...That DOESN'T Make him a "Criminal"... REED:boohoo:
That's just It, Kirkland Hasn't Made THAT Much Money Yet...He's Probably Only NOW Able to Afford to Box FULL-TIME...Carrying a Gun was CHEAPER & More IMMEDIATE... REED:hammert:
This sucks, I like Kirkland. I'm not sure prison is the answer but I don't really have a say in the matter.
ALL that's Been Reported is that Kirkland Committed a Crime in 2003...N NO Way Do the Reports Suggest or Indicate that Kirkland was On his Way to OR In the Process of Committing a Crime in 2009, but Don't Let THE FACTS Get in the Way of your ASSumption:boohoo:... N this Instance, he's Being Arrested on a TECHNICALITY Moreso than ffor Any ACT he's Committed... REED:hammert:
Ahhh. He's commited a crime by carrying a weapin in his fuggin car. Thats why he's in trouble. Thats a parole violation. Thats not a technicality, thats breaking the rules and anyone who's been through what he's been through should know better.
U REALLY Need to Add Shades of GRAY to your Black & White, Cut & Dried World, TAMster... REED:hammert:
It was George Bush Sr. that established that law, bro. "All deals are off!" Kirkland is a gone goslin, getting a year miniumum, good call.
Like with all crime and cases, I think a good dose of common sense should always be in order. It seems unfair that 6 years after his crime, having been in no trouble since, he is still not legally allowed to carry a gun. Was he stupid to carry the gun? Yes. Did he need it? Probably not. But like you said, some people might feel safer with one, and I'm imagining that was the case with Kirkland, not that he planned to go and bust a cap in someone. They should take into account that he is a valued member of society now, that he's commited no crimes since, and that there is (seemingly) no evidence of him intending to use the gun. Give him a suspended sentence at least, but not an outright prison term for this. It should be, if you carry a gun again, or break any other law, THEN you get an immediate prison term.
If it had of stayed State he would have had a good chance of that happening but now that its a Federal case he's gonna get some time.. Its no getting around it... Like I said earliar I hope he can get lucky like T.I. and get a year but that was the first time I seen that happen.. Gun cases in the Feds usually are a minimum of 5 years.. I hope it works out for him.. This is sad news..
Provided that the information we've read is true, then this is the most reasonable response. Having said that, (and endagering this thread to a terrible derailment) I wonder how many times people have reported a legit defense of brandishing or discharging a gun that saved the life and/or property of themselves or someone else. An upper class civilian successfully scaring away a burglar seems just as rare as...oh I don't know, Plaxico Burress shooting himself. Is it worth it?
Should a paedophile, who's not recommited an offense for six years, be allowed to carry pictures of other peoples kids in his wallet? These kids have clothes on and are simply smiling at the camera...but they aren't his kids, nor does he know them. This is a serious question and Im honestly interested in your answer.
If REED's Math is Correct, Kirkland was 19 when he Committed Armed Robbery, yet U're SERIOUSLY Comparing his Criminal Act to that of a PEDOPHILE???...Kirkland was likely POOR & DESPERATE when he Broke the Law, Something that he Clearly ISN'T Today...REED Doesn't Know the Cat Well Enough to Judge Whether he's a "Good" Dude or Not, but he Certainly HASN'T Been Getting into Trouble for QUITE Awhile Now... There's Really NO THREAT of Kirkland Committing the Same Crime Again, which Makes your PEDO Parallel RIDICULOUS @ Best, Dog.... REED:boohoo:
U DON'T have to B a Certain Age, which Makes your Analogy even WORSE, to B Honest...@ Least N the Case of Kirkland, it can ARGUED that he was YOUNG, DUMB & DESPERATE...It can Also B ARGUED that Due to his IMMATURITY @ the Time, Kirkland is WISER Now & WON'T Attempt an Armed Robbery Again... REED Would EXPECT the Pedophile w/Pictures in his Wallet to RE-Committ his Crime QUICKER than the Former Armed Robber who Carries a Gun... REED:hammert:
How Funny... We're Discussing PEDOPHILES while a Poster Name PETE O' FILE is REEDing this Topic... REED::
I don't get it. Kirkland was nineteen. Do your males over there mature at some kind of rate applicable to the Giant Tortise or something? Nineteen is old enough to know the difference between right and wrong...and thats putting it lightly. I don't see how Kirkland is wiser. He did something even stupider by breaking parole....something he would have had to have worked hard for. Before, freedom was an everday thing, but onec you go to jail and have that taken away from you, it becomes a privaledge. That he'd risk it all to carry a weapon around again says to me he hasn't become wiser at all and needs another break from society for a while.
There's CIRCUMSTANCES to Every Case, Tam, U're just CONVENIENTLY Overlooking them...There ARE Shades of GRAY, Dude...Again, it's VERY DOUBTFUL to REED that Kirkland WANTs to Carry a Gun; it's Probably more Out of NECESSITY...It's NOT Like he was Whipping it Out in PUBLIC, Flaunting it for People...He's a Professional Boxer, so he CAN'T Go Around Putting his HANDS on People & It's DOUBTFUL to REED if he's Made Enough Money to HIRE Security... When he Committed Armed Robbery, Kirkland was a 19 Year Old w/NO Forseeable Future in Boxing...He was just a Guy Taking Hundred Dollar Fights to Supplement whatever Other Income he Had...Apparently YOU'RE ABOVE the FOOLISH Sense of INVINCIBILITY that MOST Teen Aged Males Have, Until they're HUMBLED into Reality...But REED has Most Certainly "BEEN THERE", N that Sense...YOUNG Men R Sometimes Tooooooo BRAVE for their Own Good & End Up Doing STUPID (Sometimes ILLEGAL) Shit as a Result... Kirkland Probably NEVER Considered the Consequences of Armed Robbery UNTIL he was in Police Custody...Kirkland's WISER N the Sense that he's Found a Way to Make an HONEST Living & Considering the Crime he Committed, Kirkland Probably Feels that NOW He's a PRIME CANDIDATE to Get Robbed HIMSELF Someday... It's CLEAR U Either CAN'T or just Don't WANT to Understand the Concept of HAVES & HAVE NOTS...Kirkland WAS a Have Not & Now that he's Got a Little Something, he Could EASILY Fall Prey to Someone w/the SAME Mentality he had 6 Years Ago... Loooooooong Story Short, Jailtime is for Guys who COMMITT Crimes...NOT for Guys Rolling Around in THEIR OWN Vehicles w/a Handgun there as PROTECTION.... REED:hammert:
Kirkland committed his crime already and one of the conditions of seeing the public again early and being able to earn a living is meeting certain conditions. Conditions which he agreed to when he accepted his release. He's failed to meet those conditions and is going to pay dearly for it. Grey is fine for you if you want to view this as "poor James". Fuck guys like this. They continue to put a cloud over the sports I care about. Besides, carrying a gun, when you aren't allowed to is NEVER a necessity. Especially when it means you lose your career and freedom if caught.
Federal court documents indicate that Kirkland was found with a loaded .40-caliber Glock pistol in the center console of his vehicle, a Cadillac. Kirkland who has been on probation for armed robbery that was committed back in 2003, was then charged with possession of a firearm and ammunition by a convicted felon. According to court documents, the arrest which happened on Sunday came after Federal Agents doing surveillance the Saxet Gun Show (Austin, Texas) watched Kirkland hand over some cash to his girlfriend who in turn used the money to purchase .40-caliber ammunition. Police are alleging that Kirkland purchased the pistol a day earlier at the gun show for $525 and returned Sunday to buy another, only this time was turned down by a seller. ATF agents report they followed Kirkland's Cadillac, driven by his girlfriend at high speeds from the gun show. The court papers also say that Kirkland was about to lose his probation in connection with another case. In that case, Kirkland is suspected of throwing a .45-caliber Ruger pistol underneath a vehicle. Its so sad to see a promising young man make bad decisions that could ruin his career:dunno:
Damn, the least he could have done is wait until dzinziruk schooled his ass, before getting himself arrested
Defending Kirkland on this is ridiculous. He violated his parole. There are no ifs ands or buts. Making excuses for him is juvenile. Its not as if there is a question as to whether or not this incident occured, so why go further. What he did was stupid, and he deserves to be punished for it, simple as that