Damn, what a dumb fuck. Didn't even get to enjoy it for more then a day. His girl can't be too much smarter. A good woman would have had the sense to talk him out of that shit from the get go.
Dunno, REED. I don't know how much wiser Kirkland is if he knew that he was facing more time if he violated his probation and he still did it. And there's no way he didn't know. And if he was having his girlfriend by the ammo for him, then he knew wasn't supposed to be carrying a gun.
Ironically, he's going to be way more likely to commit further crimes if he wastes years of his prime in prison.
I could be wrong, but I think if you're convicted of a felony, which Kirkland was, then he would not ever be able to legally carry a handgun again even after his probation ended. Like someone else said, he obviously knew he was doing wrong if he was having someone else purchase the ammo for the weapon.
Thats another argument altogether. From the looks of it, he was planning to take down Bin Laden with the weapons he was busy aquiring. Perhaps he could have saved your freedom.
Maybe he feels jilted that some skinny know it all got an invite to someone's place for dinner, while a geniune nice guy, resides in Australia....cold, ignored and alone.
Yep, it was stupid indeed. If I was Kirkland, and I thought there was a chance I'd go to prison for getting caught carrying a shooter, you can be sure there is no fucking way I would carry one. IF for whatever reason I was desperate to have a gun, I'd have it in my girlfriend's name, legitimately, and get her to carry it, to be safe. But seriously, prison? This is as stupid as the 3 strikes law. You can get caught for 3 relatively minor things and go to prison. That's just wrong, it's a simplistic, retarded, rigid way to go about things, that negates common sense. Kirkland should get a suspended sentence, that's what I think is fair. That's not just a slap on the wrist, that's if you get caught with a gun again, or anything else that violates probation - you ARE going to prison. Common sense would dictate they take into account he hasn't commited any crimes since, he's a successful pro boxer and valued member of the sporting world, AND there is nothing to indicate he actually planned to use this gun.
It's a silly analogy Tam. Go and look up some statistics, see the percentage of paedophiles that re-offend compared to armed robbers/bank robbers etc that re-offend. Paedohiles have something seriously wrong with them, an inate genetic deficiency that compels them to be sick bastards and fiddle kiddies. Kirkland just made a stupid decision, paid for it, and hasn't done it since. The stats would indicate that the ratio of convicted paedos that re-offend is higher than armed robbers. Not only that but fiddling a kiddie is worse than sticking up a shop/bank etc for some cash. I'm assuming of course that Kirkland didn't rape or murder anyone as part of the robbery, then it would be higher up on the scale along with paedophilia.
You're telling me only 4% of convicted paedos fiddle another kiddie? Don't be absurd. And even if the percentages were similar (which they aren't) - fiddling a kiddie is far worse than stealing money.
Agreed. I can't fathom how someone could look at this and not weigh it all out before insisting that Kirkland be scurried off to prison for 5 years. He's guilty, he knew this would violate him, and he did it anyway. So no question on guilt. The issue is simply the sentence. If you view prison as "correction" or "rehab", then please tell me how a lengthy sentence will make James better when he gets out? He will no longer be able to make a living as a prizefighter, at least not at any high level, so is he probably more likely to re-offend or be a danger to society than if, for example, his sentence was short or suspended. If you see prison as "punishment" (which I do), then how much "punishment" does a guy who drove around with a loaded gun deserve? He was not in the commission of a crime using the gun, nor does it seem he had any intent to use it in such a way. So how long a "punishment" does a guy deserve for having a gun in his car? Does anyone really believe he deserves 5-10 years? I'd see a year as reasonable, then next time it's more. I knew a guy who moved out to California when he was 18, and after failing at multiple jobs he made the stupid mistake of tagging along on a break-in at someone's house. He was not armed, the 2 others were. They got caught. They were idiots. Well, this guy got charged together with them somehow and ended up convicted of some felony. He served a couple of years, and got released early. So he moves back to Milwaukee, and gets a job collecting delinquent rent from rather crappy residences. Not quite slums, but bad. He's not educated, has no money, but he's trying. Well he gets one gun stuffed in his face, then he gets mugged twice. Finally shot through his stomach, but the bullet goes all the way through, and he's actually OK in a few weeks. So he gets a small pistol from a friend and carries it concealed. Are you telling me this guy is breaking the law? Well, yeah. But do you really believe that if he gets stopped with that gun on him he should serve 5 years? Really? If so, then be consistent, and you'd better hope you don't ever get shit on because of something you do/did by a judge who is "black and white" about everything. Maybe one day you'll punch someone in a bar in self defense, he'll fall over and hit his head and never get up, and the "black and white" system will put you away for life, while you plead with them to "weigh the circumstances" and "see the gray". Without people who THINK and REASON, instead of tediously chanting "RULES ARE RULES", the justice system is nothing but a bulldozer with no driver.
Should the law treat Kirkland differently for p*ssing away his gift, but a bum should get five years, because he can successfully resume his career as a bum in five years. Kirkland obviously knew he shouldn´t carry a gun, so he had his girl buying the ammo. Apparently at that point there is an intent, not just a mistake, which makes it look bad and he was already on the radar of the cops according to that one article. That just looks bad.
This is ALL REED was Trying to Say, but it was SPUN as if REED was CRYING "Poor James Kirkland":boohoo:.... NICE Post, Dude...COMMON SENSE Tells U that there's a GRAY Area to Things & As Such CIRCUMSTANCES & INTENT Should ALWAYS B Examined just as Closely as the Letter of the Law... REED:hammert:
"Intent" to Do WHAT???:dunno:... If U're Gonna Carry a Gun COMMON SENSE Tells U to Buy AMMO, Doesn't It???...But that Still DOESN'T Prove U're INTENDING to Do Anything w/It, Other than Insert Bullets into It... REED:hammert: