I never cared for Page as a fighter, but I am sorry he had to end up this way. Page was the classic example of the underacheiver, could have really been something special, but had no discipline. He is the only fighter I have seen knocked airborne in person (Victor Galindez also was vs. Marvin Johnson) when he was knocked out by a tough clubfighter named Mark Wills I believe on the Whitaker-Nelson undercard. He had some good wins over Coetzee,Quick Tillis,and Marty Monroe, but will most likely be remembered most by boxing historians for his wasted potential, may he rest in peace.
Greg Page was Definitely an UNDERACHIEVER...He was @ the TOP of a Loooooooooong List of Guys that were Supposed to B "The NEXT Ali" & Though that was an IMPOSSIBLE Role to Fill, Page Still SHOULD have Been Better than he Ended Up Being.... He had Pretty Good Assortment of SKILLS & NATURAL Talent, was Fairly Athletic & Could Punch Pretty Good...But like Karl Said, Dude had ZERO Discipline...Even w/that, Greg Page was a Guy that Larry Holmes was NEVER Fond of Fighting.... His BEST Win was Over Coetzee, as Coetzee had JUST Waxed Michael Dokes to Win the WBA Heavyweight Title...As SHOCKING as Coetzee's Win Over Dokes was, Page KO'ing Coetzee was even MORE Jaw Dropping...Page had ESTABLISHED his Rep as an UNmotivaged Fat Ass by that Point, so it was Surprising that he Actually FULFILLED his Potential on that Night... R.I.P. Greg Page... REEDray:
Yep. Despite Page's lack of discipline, etc...Larry Holmes dropped the WBC title to avoid having to make a mandatory defense against Page. It was a shame that Page (and Dokes as well) were unable to focus on their boxing careers because they were both talented and could have achieved quite a bit more than they did. I know they were both "champions" but who wasn't a "champion" during the 80's? Nearly every good heavy had a turn at being "champion" during the 80's. I remember being very frustrated with Page because, despite his lack of motivation and focus, he was able to beat and/or be competitive with some of the best available fighters in the division. I wanted to be a fan of his, but it was just too frustrating to watch him fight at 1/2 speed and get outhustled by fighters he should have been able to defeat. Rest in Peace.
Pretty much like the majority of today's heavyweights. Yet most don't even have the talent available to waste. I'm not sure what's worse from a fan's perspective.
As little as I think of the 80's heavies, the division was nowhere as bad as it is now. There are no compelling fights at all. It speaks volumes about how uninteresting the division is now is that fans are desperately talking themselves into the notion that the upcoming Wlad-Haye fight is a big deal. There were some interesting fights and good performances in the 80's, but it suffered in comparison to the 70's and the fighters were not consistent. Nearly every good performance was followed up by one or more not so good ones. I remember a joke about how all of the top heavies got together and formed a secret pact which allowed each of them a chance to hold the title, but then had to pass it on to the next guy in line. And no one invited Gerry Cooney. ::
I agree for the most part. My point was that like the 80's there are a pile of fat lazy unmotivated fighters at heavyweight. The big difference seems to be a lot of the 80's 'wastes of talent' actually had some.
....or he might frustrate the Hell out of you by laying on the ropes for 12 rounds and get outhustled by someone like Lamon Brewster. And you want to put your foot in the television screen because you know that if Page bothered to try he could win the fight despite his lack of training.
I'm not even sure most of today's "top" heavy contenders are all that unmotivated. They are just not all that good.
No, they're not very good. Motivation (or lack thereof) still shows. When guys come in 15-20 pounds heavier than there all time highest for televised/PPV fights there's more than simply "not being that good" happening.
Yeah, but how talented are these guys to begin with? Is there someone out there that you watch and think. "Damn...this guy could really be something special if he was properly prepared." or is it more like "This guy would suck less if he was properly prepared." I lean more toward the latter statement. Would Sam Peter be significantly better if he was less fat? Or would he still just be an overrated puncher who happens to be less fat?
It's Because they were LIFELONG Boxers & Not FAILED Athletes from Other Sports, All of a Sudden Trying to Box.... REED:hammert:
The guy that put him into a coma, dale Crowe, wasn't he charged with killing someone a few years ago?
RIP Greg Page. Last I heard he was paralyzed? I'm not sure how his quality of life was over the last few years.
Boxer charged with murder By Tony Cook Post staff reporter Dale Crowe's once promising boxing career took a turn for the worse after he nearly killed Greg Page, a former heavyweight champion from Kentucky. But Crowe's downward spiral hit a new low earlier this week when he was indicted for murder. Crowe, 29, formerly of Norwood, faces charges in the August 2002 death of 23-year-old Frank Branam, of Pleasant Ridge. Branam, who earlier this year finished a year in prison on a felony count of marijuana possession, was close friends with Crowe, said Branam's family. Branam disappeared on the evening of August 10, 2002. Crowe was the last person to see Branam alive, according to Assistant Hamilton County Prosecutor Rick Gibson. For days, Branam's family could not find him. They called Crowe, who said he had dropped Branam off at a Taco Bell that night, said Lona Carr, Branam's mother. More than 40 days later, a group of skateboarding kids climbed into a Dumpster to look for ramp-building material off Ridge Avenue in Columbia Township. They found Branam's partially decomposed body. Police interviewed Crowe, but he denied any involvement in the homicide, Gibson said. Not until this month did authorities come up with enough evidence to make their case before a grand jury, Gibson said. He wouldn't reveal what new evidence had turned up. Crowe is charged with aggravated murder, murder and aggravated robbery. Hamilton County Sheriff's deputies arrested him after a municipal court appearance for an unrelated criminal damaging charge. Crowe is accused of punching out another man's vehicle window in that case. He is now being held at the Hamilton County Justice Center on a $1.6 million bond. Crowe's court-appointed attorney, John Keller, could not be reached for comment on Friday night. Hamilton County Coroner O'dell Owens has not released the cause of death because it is evidence in the case, he said. But Carr said Owens told her that Branam had suffered several blows to the head and had been held against his will. There were no gunshot or stab wounds, she said. In March 2001, Crowe made headlines when he beat former heavyweight champion Greg Page of Louisville so severely during a boxing match at Peel's Place, a now closed bar and social club in Erlanger, that Page suffered permanent brain injury. Crowe, a 6-foot-3, 225-pound up-and-coming southpaw, leveled a thunderous left-hand blow on the then 42-year-old Page in the 10th round of the fight for the Kentucky state heavyweight title. Page, who held the world boxing heavyweight crown in 1984 for five months, crumbled to the canvas and went into a comma. He underwent brain surgery to remove a blood clot and suffered a stroke during the operation, paralyzing him on the left side. At the time, Crowe blamed himself. "I felt guilty; I felt like I took a person's life from him," he said in October 2002 - less than a month after Branam's body was found. Crowe said he began taking anti-depressants and seeing a psychiatrist after the fight. He had a record of 22-6-2 going into the Page fight, including 14 knockouts. In his four fights after, he had two losses and two draws. But after those four fights, Page and Crowe became friends. Crowe told media outlets - he even appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show - that he was happy again and that Page had given his life purpose again. Carr, 50, of North College Hill, lamented that her son, who was cleaning up his life after prison and fixing up a house, would never get that chance. But the arrest of a suspect in her son's death - more than 3½ years after his disappearance - has helped bring some closure for the family, she said. "I was so happy I was about to explode," Carr said of Crowe's indictment.
It makes you wonder if it was that ill-advised fight near the end of his career that caused this. He struck his head on the edge of the ring apron and I think he suffered skull and/or brain damage, spending a long time in the hospital. RIP Greg Page.
:: It goes to show,..the ease in which somebody with no conscience can operate,.. it reminds me a bit of those moments when Bernard Hopkins is being 'classy'. Anyway,.. RIP
Christ, now Bernard Hopkins is a murderer? As far as I know, Bernard Hopkins emerged from his stint in prison (which was not for murder) a changed man who started a family and doggedly pursued a boxing career that few believed he had the talent to pursue Wether or not you like his style, slagging off on him like he is the worst person in the world is fucking ridiculous
There is nothing ridiculous about using a grieving funeral thread as an oppurtunity to attack Bernard Hopkins,...you've gotta take what you can get sometimes, and since it was Erratic who provided this information,.. oo la la,.. it had to be done right there and then.
Well Hopkins is swimming with riches, and he knows how much he's got to lose,... so there's not much of a chance now,.. but lets examine that dettached fit of bazerk rage that made him toss the Puerto Rican flag to the ground whilst in the centre of a fishbowl of Puerto Ricans,... now for a start, he knows how to avoid danger,...:crafty:testament to his cowardly, cowardly, cowardly, style in the ring,.. but the Puerto Rican presser PROVED, that if you rile him up enough, he'll FLASH into action without any concern for the consequences, it's therefore not difficult to imagine the "thrust" of that flag, could be replaced with the "thrust" of a knife if he were dirt poor back in the projects amongst other provocative scum.
even though I believe you are probably being facetious, that has to be the dumbest comparison ever made