So my friend was going to BimmerFest in Santa Barbara a few days ago, and he took this video with a camera mounted in his car to record the trip. I didn't go because I didn't want to miss Manny crushing Hatton, but I'd say my friend was very lucky.
I guess it's just a bunch of people who think other people are for some reason impressed with them because of the car they drive. I've never been impressed by someone because of the car they drive. And I'm less impressed with people who do care what kind of car people drive. And why would it be spelled 'bimmer' if it doesn't rhyme with 'rimmer'? TFK
I'm not a car guy, but I think some car shows are pretty cool. Bimmerfest though? That's like taking a cool event and just covering it with one big gigantic douche. Even the cop. He seemed like a nice guy, but just had this underlying douchiness about him I couldn't quite shake. :nono:
It's actually pretty fun. I went in 2008 and met some cool people. If Pacquiao-Hatton wasn't last weekend, I would've went just for the drive, it's beautiful.
Most people who drive nice cars don't care what hillbillies like you think. We're laughing at your dirty pickup and "wrangler" jeans. :atu:
I live about about 7 miles from NYC. Not exactly Hillbilly Central. But my question to you is, why even post this video? Why would anyone care if someone got out of a speeding ticket? It happens all the time. It's not like it's an uncommon occurance. I'm sure we've all gotten out of a ticket or two in the past. So what was the point of posting this? TFK
Who said it was wicked important? I didn't even post the video because of the BMWs involved, I posted it because it shows how being nice, and non-confrontational goes a long way. Judging by this thread, a lot of you don't get out of tickets. :atu:
I haven't been pulled over in a very long time but when I was younger I got out of way more tickets then I actually got. Didn't think it would make an interesting video though. :dunno: Your friend probably just got that cop who did him a favor in trouble.
John isn't a metrosexual, he's a decorated iraqi combat veteran, and just an overall nice guy. I'm not surprised he slipped out of a speeding ticket. Just shows how cool he is.
He was recording his trip down, and didn't remember to turn it off when he got pulled over. You act like he knew he was going to get pulled over. :: I highly doubt the cop would get in trouble for letting go a guy who was doing 75mph in the fast lane in Southern California. ::
You'd be suprised at how far the bold goes toward getting out of a ticket. Most cops make it a point not to write military or even ex-military tickets. For the most part they get the same comrade as police.
.........and then what? When he got home he tripped and fell on his computer and mistakenly posted it on the internet for all to see?
My brother is a cop, so if I wanted to I could bring that up and try to not get a ticket... but I have never done that and I never would, I dont believe in "networking" like that As for the car thing, it must be important to you if other's cars are so humorous to you
Yeah, I think a lot of Cops are ex-military too so that helps. The last time I got a moving violation, the cop didn't even chat. He had the ticket ready, explained my violation, and walked away. ::
Doubt it. You probably look like a goofy, big, douche so he'd probably give you a ticket based on that alone. :atu:
Honestly, Tatu, having seen your unfortunate picture I can say with full confidence that I am a thousand times more attractive than you are Now, I am sure that you could deepthroat a policeman's fully erect penis better than anybody... I will concede you that