It didn't help this guy.. the cop tells him to get up, then shoots him. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Me and my friends usually don't get hassled by cops. In fact the last ticket I had to pay for was Jenn getting caught on one of those red light cameras. Freaking ridiculously high fine.
Yeah, I'm sure the cops have better things to do then pester you, Mohammed, Jugdish, Sidney and Clayton. TFK
How does this attitude fit with the 'enlightened' persona you've been attempting to cultivate lately?
There's a lot of misguided in this thread. I guess if you're not into cars, or you drive a beater ... you don't care ... or you do to the extent that you have to put down those that have what you want and can't enjoy. It's like religion ... I don't see the point in putting down others for their likes , passions or beliefs. IMO it only comes off as jealous/envious, covetousness. That cop was totally cool and a down to earth guy. I'm not even sure the military is what got him off, though I'm sure it didn't hurt. Good to see. :bears: Bimmerfests are no different that Harleyfests or any other car or motorcycle related fest. People that enjoy something getting together. Usually very cool events full of fun people that don't judge. I've gone to Porsche Club of America events every year. Some of the funnest shit I wish some of you critics could enjoy. You might get a whole new outlook on those you judge. Every year, 2-3 times ... we do Road America and track our cars ... it's a total fucking blast. :bears:
Yes. Before they posted his real pic he was pulling that shit all the time. The thread where MTF got jumped. Alabama was calling him a peasant for fighting and saying he doesn't need to fight because he wears Italian leather shoes that cost more than most of our wardrobes. That was when he was still saying he was a metrosexual chick magnet. Now he's a Mr. Miyagi monk, one in being with mother earth. But this thread sees him retreating back to the old Alabama Man.
thanks for proving my point:doh: folks like you guys never seem to get that there are actual human beings who dont want or need expensive/fast/name-brand things
Like I said, I'm not impressed by expensive cars, watches, etc. And I'm even less impressed with people who are. TFK
I can appreciate a great car. But i just appreciate the art of the car. I am not impressed by the person who owns it. As far as a watch goes, the more money you spend on a watch, the more ridiculous do i think you are.
Haha lotta haters in this thread. My roommates were down at Bimmerfest, was gonna head down with em but I wanted to catch the Manny fight.
It's "HaterZ" with a "Z". See...................haters can be douches to. :bears: Now excuse me while I go drink my Haterade. see that, what I did there. That was also a pretty douchy thing to say.
The hell is Bimmerfest? I lived in Ventura County for 8 years & went to SB all the time & I've never heard of it. I don't know about CHP but SD are about as nice as it gets as far as cops go. They let me go more than once when I was new in town & had had a few.
That's the first thing that popped in my head when I saw Petre's response. What better to hammer your point home than have Petre TG come in here and defend Bimmerfest. :: Talk about throwing a stone to a drowning man.
Yeah, first BimmerFest I missed since I've been down here. Kind of bummed, but it was all worth it to see Pacquiao destroy Hatton in 2 rounds. ::
Excellent points. I notice the first thing people locked onto was "Hey he's talking about BMWs" when that totally wasn't my point at all. :bears:
I wouldn't be surprised if WannaBanga Man drove a Pinto. He claimed he was a good looking guy with a body that received compliments daily. Then we saw his picture and know he's full of shit. He said his girlfriend was very attractive and complete strangers are telling him how lucky he is to have her. Then we saw her picture and know he's full of shit. When a guy gets caught lying again and again, why believe anything he says? Face it, WannaBanga Man is just a fat, broke, Pinto driving loser with a butt ugly girlfriend and a vivid imagination. TFK
You know what I noticed? Petre is the only person who came in here and actually addressed the topic instead of trying to "tear me down" in some way. That's how you can tell Petre doesn't really have an inferiority complex when it comes to 'nice things' (which wasn't the point of this thread anyway). Those who are complaining and saying "I'm not impressed by nice things" are the only guys who have the problem which is very telling. :bears:
Right now we have an 08' 335i (same as John in the video except his is white, and mine is jet black). We have an Acura TL which Jenn uses for commuting. I'm thinking of getting a 360 Modena sometime in the next year or so if I can find one that isn't too banged up from midnight clubbing. :: Jenn and I are concentrating on buying a home here in OC though, so my finances are tight by choice. I think the E46 M3 is an excellent car. LSD, naturally aspirated inline 6, so sexy. It's about as close as you can get to a BMW Cup car except for the M3 CSL which is very rare. I think you'll have a lot of fun if you get one, but don't have 'too much' fun. Those cars can get dangerous very fast.
Nice! My roommate has a E92 335i with Vishnu exhaust and a Procede tune. Amazing what a tune and an exhaust can do to that car! On the other hand, I have a Stage 2 B6 A4, which makes 225 WHP if I'm lucky...
Ha, the day I have an inferiority complex to a fat, Son of Godzilla looking Flip is the day I end my own life. It's clear the ones with any kind of complex are the ones who feel they need to continually tell people what 'nice things' they have, praying that somebody somewhere is impressed by it. And it's gotta be even worse when you have to make shit up. TFK
When exactly did this happen? I've always heard BMW's referred to as "Beemers". I've never, ever heard them called "Bimmers". :dunno: Fuckin' Californians, always douchin' everything up. :bangh: