I present Exhibit A. A guy who claims "I don't care about cars or people who have them" yet has half a dozen post in this thread trying to suck my dick and chat about cars.
Not sure when it happened, I've only been a "Bimmer" owner for less than 2 years. Just something I picked up hanging out with other Bimmer owners.
Yeah, mine is an E92, but I'm pretty much stock except for wheels and an M3 trunk spoiler. I like the E92 but I think I'm ready for something more raw. I need a LSD, and high revving V8 in my life before I get too old to enjoy it. :: Have you thought about getting the new A4? That car looks really clean. The new S5 is just beautiful to look at too.
Funny how everytime someone calls you on your bullshit, you refer to them as 'sucking your dick'. Seems like wishful thinking on your part. TFK
Wishful thinking? I have your undivided attention. When I post, you immediately read it and respond within 5 minutes. In fact, ask yourself, "Why am I in this thread?" It's not about cars that's for sure. As for BS, that seems to be the wishful thinking part to me, for you. Enjoy your wrangler jeans hillbilly.
You seem to be replying to me just as quick, tubby. And how excatly am I a hillbilly again? I live minutes away from the center of the world. Do you even understand the meaning of the insult you're trying to use? Of course, if given the choice of being a Wranglers wearing hillbilly, and an insecure, feminine fatass who spins tails to anonymous posters on messageboards begging for some kind of acceptance, I think just about everyone would choose hillbilly.
This is MY thread, and you by your own admission "don't care about cars or people who have them." So ask yourself, what are YOU doing in this thread except to follow me? :: Yes that's right, let your hillbilly synapses make the connection, your here to follow me because it pains you that for all your wishful thinking of me being a poor loser who drives a pinto, none of it is true. You look at your sad life, being in your 40s, hating others with nice things all your life, and then looking at your dirty pickup, and wrangler jeans and thinking, "What did I do with my life? I'm old and meaningless." The funniest part is that no matter how much you follow me from thread to thread, trying to tear me down and suck my dick, you will always be who you are because you are a stupid hillbilly. :atu:
Let's break this down piece by piece... I love my life. I couldn't be happier. You, on the other hand, are constantly posting about what a disappointing train wreck your life is. If it's not a post about your girl wanting to leave you to go do missionary work, then it's a post about a fight you and your girl got into. In fact, a lot of your posts are nothing more than an update on how miserable you and your girl make each other. Just turned 37, so I'm not quite there yet. Why would I hate other people who have nice things? I don't. I just laugh at people who try their damndest to impress people with those things. I have plenty of nice things. I'm just not so insecure that I feel the need to talk about them constantly, hoping for some kind of acceptance. Of course, your insecurities won't allow you to understand that simple concept, so I won't blame you for thinking I'm 'hating'. I drive an Explorer, not a pickup. Although I did have a pickup for a few years when I first got my licence. My explorer gives me everything I need from a vehicle. I can tow with it, I play in a band so I can carry my equipment to shows, got room for friends and family to be comfortable, and I use it for work all the time. I choose my vehicle because it's practicle, not because I hope some strangers see it as a status symbol. I'm not that insecure. Man, I haven't worn Wranglers since I was a little kid. More than you ever will, that's for sure. There we go with the fantasies again. Maybe it's time you stop lying to yourself and embrace who you are. You speak constantly about male posters sucking your dick, and you're always posting about how you're unhappy with your girl, but couldn't imagine being with another girl. Just come out. It'll be a win-win situation for you. You'll finally be at peace being yourself. And your girl will finally be free to find out what being in a relationship with a man is like. Then, maybe once you stop lying to yourself and are at peace, you won't have to try so hard here. TFK
.....click on the video its some douch driving a car.."friend got lucky" I thought it had something to do with a bad car accident he survive........but no.......a ticket...:dunno:
Yeah, that's why I watched it. I thought it was gonna be one of those crazy videos where the cop pulls over and someone plows into his car and everyone just barely misses getting killed. Instead, we just have some douche getting out of a ticket because some cop liked the car Mommy bought him. TFK
Which puts me several rungs higher on Life's ladder than 'Fat, ugly, insecure, full of shit, and living a lie pretending to be heterosexual'. No smiley face icon needed. TFK
Some car mommy bought him? :atu: John is a decorated combat veteran who survived 2 years in Iraq. You're a 37 year old Lynard Skynard wannabe. John would seriously fuck your shit up.
It makes sense that a faggy loser like ILLUMINATI would think making fun of a combat veteran is cool. TFK - 37 year old loser hillbilly, drives an explorer, in a shitty band. :: ILLUMINATI - Girlfriend is a fleshlight and his left hand.
AM friend has a BMW....maybe that how AM got the idea that he has a BMW..he takes a bit of each person he know..and lives his life through them....
WannaBanga Man probably never even met the guy in the video. He doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who has many friends. TFK
Sorry Bama, TFK is correct. The fact of the matter is you hid from the board for months the second your real picture was posted here.
Really is it a fact that I've left this shitty place for months not because of job changes, and moving to a new townhome, but because I care what the awesome people here think? :: What is a fact is that you're a stupid fucking idiot (err bank manager) who was bragging about being in his mid-20s, and living on your own in a 1 bedroom apartment. So fuck off you stupid canuck pussy. :atu:
Yeah, that's what the deal is. I pretend I have a BMW because my friend owns one. :notallthere: Geebus, TAA has become a waste of hard drive space and bandwidth. No wonder this stupid fucking forum is dying.
relax...AM...do you have sand in your vagina..relax..guy..u moody today! What Jenn did tell u a bed night story that brought tears 2 ur eyes?
Are you still following me? Maybe if you spent less time following people around you wouldn't be 37 years old, driving a Ford, and playing in a garage band. :atu: Aren't you ashamed of your life? 37 years old and a Ford to show for it? Fuck man, there are 14 year old kids in the burbs who have done more with their life than you.
It would show that he did something with his life instead of being a 37 year old garage band wannabe. Most people grow out of that by the time they leave for college. :: What a stupid dumb hillbilly cunt he ended up being.
Yeah she told me a story about this loser puerto rican who spent all his life on FightBeat posting BangBros videos online, jacking off to them, and living in his mom's basement. That made me cry tears from laughing so hard you boricua loser. :atu:
So how expensive your car is shows what you've "done something with your life?" That's how you measure things? Maybe you should tell that to the monks you are planning on living in the mountains with.