Yes that's exactly what I meant you dense monkey cunt. :notallthere: You know I'm tempted to pay Cupey $2000 to shut down this website instead of letting guys like Steve_Bum, Dsimon, and Anthony break open their piggybanks trying to come up with the money. If I just bought this place and shut it down, maybe some of you would stop being so fucking useless.
:: Hilarious. So you would buy just like that right? If this was just about the money, i would buy the shit too. But i havent seen any papers on this site whatsoever. I dont even know if this site has any old debt. Why would i buy something i know absolutely nothing about? You type like a 15 year old bitch who has no fucking idea about anything, including pussy. Stick to crying about cold hands.
So then what did you "mean" exactly? You right out stated somebody is a loser because they drive a truck at age 37. Go ahead and buy the site and close it down. It won't get you any respect. People will just go elsewhere. You're a laughinstock trying to pretend you're both religious and philisophical, yet denigrate people that don't put as much value in material wealth as you do. Just go ahead and write another "Good bye fightbeat, i'm done!" thread. Then you'll stay around refreshing the page every two seconds. might just be describing yourself right there AM...everything except for the bangbros video and jacking off..they don't do gay porn...But everything else is pretty much you, spend months at a time on a boxing site..only follows one boxer..talks about his BMW, his girlfriend as if she was some pure innocent that doesn't put other dudes cock in her while u are in mountains w/ other dudes...thinking of life....the chick magnet that went to MIT and Berkley and is mad at TFK.... Ohh if Jenn knew me...i would have hit it already....
There we go Whiskey. I was wondering when you'd get some teeth. ray: Is there anymore you want to say? Let it out, I feel your hatred and desire it unbridled. When it comes down to it, you're just like the other pawns here. It's so easy to take a stick and rattle your animal cage and make you claw in retaliation. Look at the threads I start. Hundreds of post, and thousands of views with numbskulls like you hanging on every word. ILLUMINATI, NobleArt, TFK, and the rest of the peanut gallery are there right behind you. Rooster is right, I present you wild beast with a fresh piece of meat, and you come running, foaming at the mouth for a just a nibble. I show you for what you really are; stupid people with an intractable disposition looking to add meaning to their worthless existence. I give you exactly what you require to feel just a little bit better about yourselves so that life isn't such a torturous ordeal. You can give me back the strings anytime, but they are too embedded in your idiocy to pull out.
Hatred? Yeah ok. :: Everyone is so "worthless" you're spending your time arguing with them on a message board. That's exactly what a Ferrari driving rich educated man living in California does. Most of know you're trolling with a lot of your posts. Point is if you had something better to do you'd already be doing it. Yet you're here.
I'm tellin ya, this meltdown is a thing of beauty. If WannaBanga Man disappeared for a few months the last time, this one is gonna keep him away for at least a year. And for a supposedly intelligent guy, explain the logic behind how if I didn't post in this forum, I would somehow not be 37 anymore. As far as driving a Ford, so what? Like I said, I choose my vehicles based on what I need them for, not because I hope some douchebag thinks it's a status symbol. If you need a car to impress people, you've really got some problems. And I find it funny he thinks playing in a band is a bad thing. I was going to explain to him why it's not, but a guy who is an admitted Maroon 5 fan obviously doesn't know the first thing about music anyway, so why bother? And if anyone should be ashamed of themselves, it's you. You say I've accomplished nothing? Look at you. I'm in a very happy marraige to a woman I love, who loves me even more. You're unmarried, stuck in a loveless relationship with a girl you make miserable. I own a home, you live in a town house. I'm confident in my heterosexuality, while you're supressing your homosexulality. You've had one horribly ugly piece of ass your entire life. Enough said. I have the penis of a man, while you have the penis of a pre-teen boy. And I'm putting the Goon Hand down on you, while you're having an epic emotional outburst, wiping the tears from your eyes while calling this board 'shitty' because you've been made a fool of. Sorry Fat Boy, but compared to me, you just don't measure up. TFK
Yeah you also live in the boonies, and I live in one of the most expensive real estate markets in the country. A townhouse here is worth as much as 5 houses in your hillbilly town. :atu:
Yes, you fucking muppet. That's exactly what I'm doing, and the beauty of it is everyone knows it but can't help but be memorized. I pull your strings and you come without question, everytime. To be honest whiskey I'm a little disappointed in you. I thought I might not be able to pull your strings as easily as TFK. He's obviously a 37 year old, low IQ individual without enough perception to see past his receding hairline. But you whiskey... disappointment is sometimes more cutting than any blade. Oh well. Soon this thread will exceed 100 post and 600 views, and I will chuckle at the ease of which I can manipulate the simpletons of this board. I think it's time to break out a good bottle of red cab. I am truly entertained.
The boonies? I live in Bergen County. That's about as un-boonie as you can get. And price aside, why would anyone want to live in a townhouse instead of an actual house? TFK
100 post. :bears: Okay guys, I was just kidding about the last 5 or so post. I was just afraid that this topic wouldn't hit 100 post, and I needed to spice it up. You guys are all swell fellows. :hump: I'm going to catch a movie. See you guys later.
I like how you ignore the rest of TFK/Whiskey post where they tell u how miserable u are....u can read they are telling u the truth, yet u decide to ignore it.. U should not be talking about receding hairlines..or maybe your forehead is extra long...i bet u cry yourself to sleep every day..w/ your mannequin on your side...spooning it...:: **yes..yes i saved your picture..after all that self promotion about being a chick magnet...metrosexual...pimp..with teh pimp juice....and then you end up looking like that...I knew u would be back for are a masochism...u know u suck...hate when people like TFK, whiskey, cdogg point it out...but can't stop coming back for more...
Damn, look at him trying to dance his way out of this one. Just a few minutes ago he was wetting his diaper, calling TAAA a waste of bandwidth, saying the forum was shitty and dying, flipping out on Steve Dave, and making a retarded threat of buying the board to stop the beatdown he's getting, and now all of a sudden he wants us to believe he's some manipulative puppet master. It just keeps getting better and better. TFK
AlarminglyFAT Man you are coming off terrible here. I havent seen a self destruction like this since Your last outburst. You keep talking about you are a good person. Bullshit! You are a horible person. You are the worst person on this board. There is nothing i have found good about you. We are about the same age, but you need to grow up. You have no life experience whatsoever.
GODDAMN!!! :laughing::laughing::laughing: Considering he's handling multiple opponents at the same time, Bammer is doing pretty good. This made me chuckle out loud. This place is gold sometimes. ::
This is a Hall Of Fame thread if ever there was one I havent seen an Asian beaten so badly since Duk Koo Kim and everytime I see his picture and then match it up with the things he writes I laugh out loud
It really is... it is the very definition of "owned" He looks like a fat, nerdy I.T. guy if you saw that guy somewhere you wouldn't necessarily have anything bad to say, but you certainly wouldnt make the observation "that guy can get just about anybody in bed with him"
for real???? I knew he was short (Asian, after all) but not THAT short my calling him "Tatu" was more apropos than I even realized!
How does my comment tell you that I don't get that? My point is only not seeing why people that don't need it, seem to need to put down those that enjoy it. Most guys are into cars ... it's a fact of life ever since we played with Hot Wheels as kids. Anyway ... I don't care what people think one way or another. If I enjoy it ... I'm gonna continue to enjoy it regardless of what others think.
Cars are great ... but the only one they need to impress is the owner. As for watches ... I collect watches. TFK knows that ... thus his thinly veiled comment. (I'm surprise he hasn't made a comment about Porsche's or boats yet) I'm fascinated my the intricacies of mechanical watches. It's not for anyone else to be impressed. I see massive cheap watches that look like expensive ones all the time. No one can tell the difference except on close inspection.
You know ... there's so much that could be said about someone like you that it's hard to know where to begin. So I'll pass cause I really can't bring myself to give a fuck.