:doh: Petre has always thrown around that he has a "porsche" and apparently lives in a mansion even though he lives next door to a cop. He's as pompous as they come and the last guy you want defending you and your friends.
Is that the same stupid fuckin cunt wife you were asking the board here on a poll whether you should cheat on her or not? :dunno:
I've always thought the same thing. So this morning, while I have some time to kill waiting for my Mother in Law to show up, taking her out for a Mom's day breakfast, I decided to spend 2 minutes doing a little googling. The thing about a bullshitter, is they tend to spread different bullshit in different places, and WannaBanga Man is no different. Check this link out.... http://articles.latimes.com/2007/oct/13/business/fi-vizio13?pg=2 So on this board he's a well to do jetsetter who wears $500 Italian shoes while shopping for Ferrari's, but in that article, he's thrifty, price conscious bargain hunter who is forced to buy the cheapest, most low end TV that the Costco sells. And to boot, he can only afford the 36 inch screen model. Gotta love the man boobs and spare tire too. TFK
You seem to have a decent enough memory to remember everything but the simple rule of not attacking people's families. Unfortunately you remember things just well enough to get them wrong. Do you know my wife? Stupid fucking cunt? Your loser, bad fucking haircut, fat woman bangin, bum abusing ass (Gotta kick someone below you down to make yourself feel good so go taser another homeless guy) is lucky you can't say that one to my face, because I wouldn't make any threats and you sure as hell wouldn't be saying anything else about my wife. You can take a week and figure out why you're a human pile of shit. BYE. Anyone got a problem? ... fuck you too. I'll leave instead. This prick knows the rules. It's been made very clear you don't attack a man's wife and/or kids ... NUMEROUS times. Stupid fucking cunt? Go in the bathroom and look in the mirror when you say that. It'll be the truest thing you've said this century.
Although I have zero respect for anyone who disses people's families I do feel that it shouldn't be against the rules to do so. What do I care if someone disses my family? It's no different than a mother joke because nobody on here knows my family to diss them, so the insult has no merit. Now a guy like Alambam Man who regularly brings his family into the forum might feel a need to get upset but most of the rest of us shouldn't allow it to get under our skin. Still though, that's just my opinion.
You know this is a HOF thread when one member threatens to quit, and another threatens to buy the board just to shut it down and stop the pain. Of couse, he'd probably have to pawn off that 36" Vizio to raise a little cash. TFK
What's wrong with Vizio? They make good quality TVs. Owning an LCD TV is considered poor now? Also Alex Pham is a personal friend of mine (a well respected LA Times reporter), so I just agreed to do the interview because I had done stuff for her before. The LA Times interviewed me after I graduated from MIT in 2005 too for my work at Lincoln Labs, you should search for that article as well, I had dyed hair, and a Incubus t-shirt on. :: Also they interviewed me at the tail end of 2007. That's where ILLUMINATI stole my MIT profile picture. It was for an interview I gave at E3 about the current state of the video game industry, and how young people might try to break into it. Poor people like me give a lot of interviews with major newspapers.
I agree with Petre. I don't know why people go for wives or family so often on this board. That's pretty low.
Whatever, Petre. Shit like this happens all the time and nobody ever gets banned. Much less for a week. Get over it. This board is nothing like UpstandingCitizens. And it's nothing like Max, where you get banned for hurting the feelings of an overly sensitive Moderator. If you're gonna leave, leave. If you're gonna stay, stay, but quit being such a freakin' baby. If anything, your Mod powers should be stripped, and there should be a caveat that next time you threaten to leave because your feelings got hurt, you're banned for life. TFK
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2003/05/15/BU200032.DTL&type=business I found one of the first times I was quoted in a major newspaper just right now. Of course I "never went to UC Berkeley" according to the people on this board. So maybe I'm just BS'ing again. ::
For a person who often criticizes the government for it's continued erosion of our free rights you sure don't seem to have much of a problem wanting to take the ones we have on this forum. You said yourself we're lucky this place isn't like some of the other forums where guys can't say shit, yet you want to limit that now? What about people who don't even have wives or kids? I understand what Cal did was low and personal but still, all it was was an insult and it got the exact reaction he was hoping for. If anything all you've done is show him your weak spot. I'm sorry Petre' but I'm not going to allow you to leave this forum. You can't just quit because someone broke a non-existant rule you think should be in place.
So we should ban a guy over something as simple as this? If not, than the issue would be where exactly do we draw the line. TFK dissed AM's girl in this very thread and nobody said shit. I know you said you hadn't read all the posts in this thread Petre so I give you the benefit of the doubt for not reacting towards that one.
I really don't understand the argument here. TAA isn't smacktalk. I actually do think people cross the line here a lot and no one does anything which is part of why this place is dying. Finally a mod does something, and people are mad? I don't get it. As an aside, I don't understand why people find it funny to make fun of people's wives and families all the time. I don't think Petre should leave, that would actually steal a lot of the quality from TAA. Then again I don't have a lot of time to discuss and debate this today, I'm pretty busy for a poor guy. ::
i seriously thought you were gonna post a pic of like, giselle bunchen, and say your friend nailed her instead we get....this....
Let the plebs have a laugh. I know for a fact you went to Cal and MIT. I wish you went back to the old way you post instead of the "fem shock" shit you do. Anyway, you are so poor you own a fucking condo in Irvine California. Seriously, I would love to hear how you are a welfare case and own a condo in Irvine. That makes sense. Honestly, if anyone should be banned in all this it is TFK. I don't think he would like it if someone listed his real name on the internet and picture. That is worse , than what that scumbag Caligula did. Btw, Peter, you need to cool off and do the right thing and unban Caligula. Ripping kids is against the rules NOT wives. What TFK did is FAAAAAAAAAAAAR worse. Peter I understand why you are upset, but Reed said he skull fucked my dead mother for a year as I allowed him more and more rope to hang himself. Why? 1. my mom is not dead and you cannot skull fuck a corpse that isn't. No one knows your wife. It is a meaningless insult. THE only reason I support the ban on children is it is too incendiary. People would flood the mods pm boxes. Do the right thing , Peter. He doesn't know anything about your wife. You are only empowering people by reacting that way.
Holy moly... :laughing: You sure what you do is grappling and not Sumo, Bama? Was that a "before the diet" picture, too??? Looks like you gained 40-50 pounds from the point those "out of shape" pictures were taken, ILLU provided... :dunno:
I think calling someone's wife a cunt should be a bannable offense. But at the same time, I hate to say it, Petre, this wouldn't have been enforced if it wasn't someone saying it to you.