I feel sorry for TFK. Some random hillbilly, no life accomplishments except a dirty Ford, a garage band... I'd honestly rather be dead than someone no one will remember. 37 years old... ::, seriously do you think about what you did with your life? There are 20 year olds who have had a more engaging life than you.
FightBeat may have been established a few years ago, but it's degraded enough to the point that starting anew might be worth more your dollar/coin. Anyway, you don't have to listen to me, I just think $2000 would be a big sum to spend on a website that is essentially dead.
Who are you trying to kid alabama man? You dont call the shots here. This is a lame attempt to try and ACT like you are bad. Give it up. You have already admitted to being a fake.
Actually people tried to prove I was fake, but instead found out I was telling the truth. Or maybe the SF Chronicle is lying about me being a Berkeley grad. ::
@ 2000. Please bama. You dont know what is going on behind the scenes. Also, this has nothing to do with money. The motivation for buying this site was never babout profit.
Actually its the opposite. nobody is paying 2000 for this site. Thats ridulous. Its not worth that much.
Like the time you said you were a good looking guy? Like the time you said you were in such good shape you got compliments on your body daily? Like the time you said Jenn was so good looking that you were told by complete strangers how lucky you were to have her? Like how you always tell us how much you love pussy? Like how you make it sound like you have money to throw around? Yeah, those all turned out to be true, didn't they? TFK
I said I was trolling for most of my post in this thread, which is true. So yes, I was feigning anger, and trying to illicit a response by being purposefully malicious. My threads are ridiculously popular. This thread will get more than 200 post and 2,000 views based on guys like ILLUMINATI, Nobleart, and TFK hanging on my every post. Part of my success is that I point out the truth in all of these characters that force them to keep coming back and addressing my points because it's maddening for them not to. That is power. I think you should pay me $2000.
You tried and failed with that one too. C'mon WannaBanga Man, come up with something new to fail with. TFK
Damn you cats are fucking crazy. I love this shit though. Alabama Man, Why don't you just post a new picture of you that will prove that you have lost all the weight from those pics. Let's see the six pack. Just a quick question can you still dunk from the vertical position. I mean just post pics of your townhouse and post pics of you in your BMW. But ya'll know how I get when ya'll mention pics. That's my que to post my pics. These are recent pics of my 6 pack. I gotta admit I haven't really done any ab work. But my shit ain't bad for a 36 year old.
I was going to mention doing that, but i didnt want to hear his bullshit excuse as to why he wouldnt. Since we have already seen the picture of his fatbody, you would think he would be jumping at the chace to post a pic of his new body. But we all know he is still a fattie.
Caligula is unbanned. For the record, I have a problem with anyone insulting peoples families. I've said it before. This isn't smacktalk but you basically get away with smacktalk up to that degree. Seems few others around here have any problem with my wife or any others being called shit like a stupid fucking cunt. Where I come from, low life degenerate douche bag scum pull shit like that. Add the fact that it's a chicken shit doing it from the safety of the internet. It's never been ok to me for anyone here regardless who here thinks I've never done anything about it ... you'd be wrong. I've replaced dirt bag comments with my own (signed) and a warning before you saw the shit. I've never done anything when it came to insults taken to myself other than give them back. Anyone paying attention knows that. I wasn't kidding about leaving, because I need to seriously ask myself why I'd want to stay somewhere, where a POS like Caligula can bring up my wife and call her a stupid fucking cunt, and I'm just supposed to take it. What fucking reason would I have to want to be associated with that? That POS would never say shit like that to my face, for good reason and you can be damn sure there'd be consequences and he knows it. But here he's able to get away with it and the degenerate POS is the one defended? Not in my world. I don't make threats. And any man that wouldn't stand up to that kind of bullshit, is no man IMO. None of the other mods unbanned him. I did because I was asked to. But I'm not going to put up with that kind of shit and IMO one of the very few rules here should be that criticism, banter, debate ... etc ... Is left strictly to the members. Their families are 100% off limits. That includes wives, children, parents and any other family members specifically referred to. And IMO, people like AM's girlfriend, even though not family YET, should be off limits until he removes that limit himself. You don't fuck with a man's family. You don't fuck with a man's loved ones. People get killed for that. Not once ever have you seen me insult another member's family members. For those saying it should be ok ... Not only should you be ashamed to say that, you should go tell your wife or family, that you belong to a forum where you have advocated that it's alright for others to insult them. Put down the brownies, and tell your wife whom you supposedly love, you fought for the right of degenerates to call them "stupid fucking cunts". See what she thinks of you. You won't do it and you know damn well why. What ever you say in response to that is meaningless BS and you know it. I'm busy for the next few days anyway ... but I'm not staying here if this is a board where I have to take some pile of shit coward, calling my wife a stupid fucking cunt or anything else so disrespectful. There's a million other boards on the internet that have enough common sense not to allow low life bullshit like that.
I guess what should be aimed for is consistency. If he called someone else's wife a cunt would you have hit the ban button? That's all. Outside of smacktalk, excessive insults should be moderated in my opinion. I'd personally consider family off limits but it's up to whoever runs the site to set the rules and maintain them.
I'm glad someone finally Banned Calig for saying shit about families.. every time we debate something he'd throw in some insult about my wife.. granted he doesn't know shit about me or her so it's Not REALLY offensive but it is tasteless and I think not rightprops to Petre for showing him the door
I don't blame you Petre but I hope you stay. I try not to take anything seriously here but some people do have boundaries. As far as AM's girlfriend goes, he throws her out there as a target on a continuous basis. She's either in on it, doesn't know and should kick AM's ass if she finds out..........or doesn't exist. Frankly, I don't care. I poke fun every once in awhile but he's got his shtick and it makes for entertaining threads sometimes. Getting angry or upset at his character is a waste of time. Caligula? Well, he's our Manny Ramirez. It's just Caligula being Caligula, trying to get a rise. Who knows, maybe he was drunk or just witnessed a puppy being thrown off a 6 story building. He's sensitive like that.
I think it depends on if that person complained about it. Some might ask for a ban...........some might want to take matters into their own hands, be it smack talk or visiting Caligula at his house...........others might just choose to ignore it as if it didn't bother them at all.
Some people seem to forget this is an internet message board and need to lighten up a little bit. If you can let the typed words of some anonymous poster get you that riled up, maybe message boards just aren't your thing. That being said, the only thing this thread is missing is MidgetKarl challenging someone to a fight. TFK
You know I can take anything anyone says about me on the internet, but I have to admit, I'm a little pained when someone calls Jenn an ugly cunt, or some other derogatory name. I know the people saying it wouldn't say it to my face, and like Petre said, any man who wouldn't punch the teeth out of someone who did that in front of them isn't a man at all. I remember when I was still at Berkeley and Jenn and I were eating at some cheapo place in Oakland and two black guys were at a table across from us eating their food. Now if anyone here is familiar with Oakland, they know it's one of the most violent cities in the country. So Jenn gets up to use the restroom, and I hear one of the black guys make a comment saying, "would you hit that?" and the other guys start laughing, and says something really rude. I remember thinking I don't care if I get shot, I'd rather be dead than let two scum bag losers talk shit about my girlfriend in front of my face. So I pulled up a chair and sat with them at their table. At this time I used to carry a small .25 pistol in my front pocket that my dad gave me, and I had it cocked. I basically let them know what they said wasn't cool and if they wanted to press on with it, there was going to be ramifications. It ends up both of those guys were actually CAL students and were pretty apologetic. That's probably one of the closest times I've ever come to committing a violent crime.
It was about 5 years ago, I don't think it was a poll and I don't think he was actually asking us if he should go through with it. I probably had some fun myself in the thread but it was at least 5 fuckin' years ago. People need to let shit lie sometimes. This rehashed shit gets boring.