<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Hup7s93y02k&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Hup7s93y02k&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> TFK
:::bears: ur dad really like giving u guns....a 357 magnum...a .44...and now a .25 that u carried in your pant front pocket? and u had it cocked? what was the rude think the guy said...?
Yeah, we lived in rough neighborhoods when I was younger. I remember during 4th of July one time my dad took an Uzi and sprayed an entire clip into the air as a "celebration." :: As for the "rude comment", I don't wish to repeat it. Just thinking about it kind of gets me angry.
Alabama Man,I have to be honest wit u bro. After seeing that pic of u wit those tight ass jeans on there is no possible way that a .25 could fit in ur pants pocket. Those pants were super glued to ur thighs. They looked like biker jeans. I'll Holla 5000
This is BS. I thought you were a lethal weapon. Only scared little bitches walk around with guns in their pockets.
He's isn't packing but a 5 incher. He could just put it where his penis is supposed to be. Pointing out of course to impress the ladies.
I am outraged by Whiskey's outrage. Please ban him or I will let my dogs run haphazardly into the street. :nono:
There are many people with licensed unconcealed weapons that I wouldn't worry about. However if you are so insecure that you have to have a gun on you and tucked in your pocket. You fit my definition of a pussy. It makes little punks do shiat they shouldn't even attempt and either A) get whupped badly or B) wind up in jail which is someplace they really can't handle.
I admire your dedication. A picture of a little, fat dude was posted two pages back and you haven't broken character. That is some damn fine acting Bama. :bears:
I don't see this guy beating anybody...at all...it won't fit in ur pocket w/ those tight jeans u wear...can't put it in your waist tooo much fat there..plus tight jeans..no go...U can try a shoulder gun holster but your tits will get in the way...
This must be right up there with the fasted alpine slalom skidriver in South Ethiopia... Imagine what you could do with the world if you rule this message board so easily. ::
id suggest youre neck and neck with Pete O'File and Karl Hegman for that distinction, but you dont appear to have much of a neck
This whole story is HALL OF SHAME worthy. What a stupid cunt AM is. (1) Wow guess what you didn't. (2) HMM...they did and your still posting. Then when Jenn comes back your sitting at the table with 2 guys that insulted your woman talking about CAL. Wow she must have been proud. BTW you were the idiot with the gun. :notallthere: (3)The ramification was they had to sit and listen to you talk about CAL? Come on spongy you can do better than this.
Another observation. What size is that T-shirt bro. Not only are the jeans nice and snug but the T-shirt is nice and tight as well. What's the Chris Farley song "fat boy in a little coat I mean shirt". All bullshit aside that t-shirt looks like one of the power lifting bench press shirts. You musta just got done bench pressing. I'll Holla 5000