OK all you smacktypers, you saw a destruction tonight by the future Light Heavyweight King, Chris "Hard Hittin' Henry. Those of you never weres that lack the juevos to box yourself and just type garbage on your mommys computer found out tonight the difference between talking shit and getting the shit kicked out of you, watch that beatdown again and you might learn something as did brother George, albeit he learned in a far more paniful way. George found out as I have been mentioning for a year, that his knockout of Byrd was virtually meaningless, he was a dilapidated, dehydrated, over the hill heavyweight. Shaun is a good boxer, but he was in against an opponent that was far too rugged and strong for him tonight. George didn't quit though, he took it like a man and I respect him for that as he showed courage under fire. But tonight belongs to Chris Henry, congrats on a big win!! Karl
Congrats on the Win, Brother Karl!!!...U STAND by Chris Henry Thru Thick AND THIN, so U've EARNED the Right to Gloat...No Doubt, a GOOD Win for Chris... Wassup NOW, Fuckin' TYPISTS!!!!.... REED::
zzzzzzz.....still a very very long road to walk yet. One victory over a nobody doesn't make a career.
Obviously it WON'T Get Henry Any Closer to the Boxing Hall of Fame, but this was a Good, NOTABLE WIN Nonetheless...& Coming Off the KO of Byrd, George WASN'T Exactly a "Nobody"... REED:hammert:
I never even heard of Shaun George until the Byrd win. Henry basically beat a bum who had one lucky victory over a completely shot dehydrated former heavyweight who had a string of KO losses.
Oh please REED. You're only pretending to be on Henry's nuts cause of Stinger's relationship with him. If not for Stinger, nobody here would give a f*ck about Chris Henry.::
I have to say that 2 rounds into this fight, what was going through my mind was: "Chris Henry has got to be one of the most skill-less bums I have seen in a long time. He could not avoid a right hand if it was thrown by someone in the crowd from row 7." I *still* don't know what happened to Shaun George after round 2. Other than fixed fights, I cannot remember someone so obviously superior to his opponent falling apart so dramatically, and so quickly. Truly this was a phenomenon. Honest to god, I think after round 2 George threw maybe what.... 5 right hands total in the remainder of the fight? It was totally bizarre - his money punch for 6 minutes of brutalizing Chris Henry, and he simply refused to throw it from round 3 on. I honestly can't remember a parallel to this, except maybe in fights where someone's hand was broken? So I am not sure if Chris Henry simply proved me to be completely wrong, or Shaun George had some sort of mental breakdown in the ring. Regardless of what the case may be, Chris Henry proved he has a lot of heart, is very determined and mentally tough, and has decent punching power. He showed good stamina as well, seeming to grow stronger as the fight commenced. For any opponent who is not ready for a 10 or 12 round fight, either mentally or physically, Henry is a live dog for sure. He is usually an exciting fighter to watch, and I hope he makes some good coin in his next few fights, but he was just MILES below Shaun George in skill level tonight. It was painfully obvious. If nothing else, Chris Henry needs someone to work with him about how to use head movement and footwork to avoid right hands. Just that alone may help his odds tremendously going into more difficult fights.
I'll eat my crow although i would have been correct if George did not contract the Wladimir-syndrome... :crying:
Just finished watching the fight. I think there's a fairy simple "explanation" of what happened. Henry came to fight. George didn't.
Congrats to Henry. He was absolutely on Queer Street in the first round,and dug inside himself to whether the storm and win in spectacular fashion. Seemed he hurt George with a body shot in the middle of the third (before being stunned in the last 10 seconds of the round),and George was on the defensive for the rest of the fight after that. Good fight on what should of been a great FNF card,but the last 2 fights just stunk out the joint.:doh:
Congrads to Chris! I was concern about his mental state if he would have lost this. Good for him!artie:
Just watched the fight...certainly enteraining... "HOWEVER" I saw a good scrap between to two not-very-good fighters. I mean really, if george can hurt him that badly can't anyone see him beating a faded Tarver? I can't.
Thanks for the feedback, Muzse. As far as Antonio goes, Chris was asked to leave after only three days of sparring with him for the Hopkins fight because of the punishment he dished out to Antonio, and McGirt wanted his man in one piece for the Hopkins fight. Speaking of Buddy: he is perhaps Chris' biggest fan, and is chomping at the bit to train him, but Henry is staying put with Bobby Benton. Here is my writeup on the fight, and Cliff Rold did a fine one as well.http://rsboxing.com/ George did show a lot of balls in that fight, and he took the beating like a man and didn't quit, I'll give him that. http://rsboxing.com/
Maurice Harris regularly beat the shit out of Lennox Lewis and Oliver McCall got his break because he dropped Tyson in sparring. There are tons of guys who are great gym fighters and Henry certainly qualifies as such. It's not as though his style changes or he really "works" on things in sparring. The guy has one gear. Mind you, I think Tarver is a pussy but I think as open as Henry is for right hands, he'd walk into a straight left by Tarver and would stay hurt. he was badly buzzed by a guy who can't punch.
You are entitled to your opinion Muzse, but just to correct you on one point you made, Oliver got his big break by stopping Bruce Seldon on ESPN.