Latest autopsy reports from Brazil indicate Gatti hanged himself, opinions? This is going to be one tough death for the authorities to figure out. Karl
surely the River Oaks Boom Boom Room allows you a few weeks vacation time so you may get to the bottom of this fiasco, Sherlock Smegman
I read the same thing today. I have no idea what to make of it, the entire situation is so shady. I wonder if we'll ever know what really happened.
weird, gatti didn't strike me as the kind that would off himself. He would've rather died in the ring. He was not the johnny tapia kind. Then again, I don't know shit.
At a press conference before one of his big fights he sat in front of the crowd and cried about his fiance leaving him. That IS the act of someone who would off themselves.
He stabbed himself in the back of the head with a knife and then hung himself with his wife's handbag? ::
Exactly. How the fuck is he going to hang himself with a purse? The strap would break the moment he let it hold his body weight. The coroner must be banging his wife.
If you're talking about the NY press conference where he split up with the mother of his daughter, then you're wrong. He just sat around calling her and her mother a cunt for two hours. Kindof like me when I broke up with my last girlfriend. I don't think Gatti has any suicidal traits. Even the drinking. I've had beers with him, and there wasn't anything suicidal about that night.
And one thing you have to understand about brazil. If a man has no skills or schooling whatsoever, and he cannot get a job ANYWHERE else, he becomes.... ....a cop. Brazil's police force is a joke.
It's really sad that the keystone cops are "investigating" this. Right off the bat I posted something about how odd the police sounded in this case, stating that it was "impossible" for anyone but Gatti's wife to have committed the murder, and this statement was made just hours after the death was reported. They had basically "closed" the investigation after simply looking around the room, shrugging, and arresting the wife. Now that the autopsy (which may not even be creditable) says he was essentially suspended by his neck, and the wife's lawyer is starting to ask obvious questions like "how did this tiny woman kill a pro boxer all by herself, anyway?", the authorities are forced to actually do some work and they clearly are uncomfortable about it. I say this is sad because, at least for me, it makes a difference whether or not Arturo Gatti went out after being somehow sneakily strangled by his rotten wife, or by pathetically hanging himself with his wife's purse. Gatti deserves better than this fumbling, bumbling investigation where we will now have to entertain all kinds of disparaging shit from the wife (e.g. Gatti was a drunk, an abuser, on drugs, he killed himself, etc., etc.) because the police down there don't know how to properly investigate this case. I know it's a bit premature, but I am already starting to think that this will end up as a "we may never know the truth" type of event. Sad.
My thoughts exactly. You sure know how to NAIL things don't you Outlander? They should call you MC Hammer.
Exactly. If you're gonna kill yourself, are you gonna do it by stabbing yourself in the back of the head? I'm very good friends with a Brazilian, and she says the system there is very corrupt. So this really comes as no surprise. All Gatti's wife has to do is offer some cash, wrapped in a piece of her ass, and she's looking at getting off scott free. TFK
I wonder if it has anything to do with Gamache's law-suit against the NYSAC. Another person involved in the suit was reported to have mysteriously died too. And Gatti, having retired, could no longer be counted on to keep his mouth shut about what happen. The two incidents are probably unrelated, but I wouldn't rule it out as a motive. And what better place to assassinate someone than in a foreign country?
Yep, and it probably helps that she is Brazilian and probably knew exactly who to bribe and maybe even had some help in the whole scheme. We're talking millions of dollars here that Gatti will have left behind.
yeah exactly im hoping the braziliam justice system doesnt fall apart yet would be a mockery if they invented a way do let this woman off da hook
its very starting to think that maybe its not a good idea to move there....some jealous woman wants to smoke me..she can do it and get away with it..fuck that
No. I remember reading about a press conference when he had just split up with a fiance and the press report said he became emotional and cried about it. It was before a fight but I can't remember which one. I think it was one of the Ward fights.
yeah...he had a gorgeous brazilian girlfriend...but she was with him after Gatti's third fight with Ward...yes he did cry about it but it came after ward for sure...rumour is he cheated on her and got busted and she left him after that...she was stunning that one
Who is this other person who mysteriously died? Gamache gets fucked up in a sanctioned boxing match and launches a lawsuit against the New York State Athletic Commission, so his opponent dies years later in another country and there's a connection? What connection? What's the motive? What exactly is it that you wouldn't rule out as a motive? Are you seriously floating the idea that this was a revenge killing because you think the NYSAC wants to get revenge on Gatti for participating in a sanctioned boxing match? The NYSAC wants to silence Gatti two years after he retired? So why would he reveal a conspiracy after he retired? So he could get his ass sued off? So he could destroy his legacy? Please answer these questions.