I keep hearing this assumption again and again without a shred of logic or evidence behind it. Somebody make the argument, please!:dunno::dunno:
Pac had him on queer street from R1 every shot was hurting Hatton. Maybe not shot shot but his punch resistance has nose dived. As for him beating Khan, does Amir really hit that hard at light weight - I'm not so sure maybe Hatton could walk him down.
Well maybe I suppose. But doesn't Pac just hit like a mofo? I mean he was getting hit with absolute bombs, was Pac not just a terrible style match up for him? The way I see it guys don't generally just lose their punch resistance suddenly like that when they go over the hill, it's usually their rhythm, legs, reflex', ability to pull the trigger etc that goes and punch resistance goes to pot as they start to get hit clean more often. Granted, guys do sometimes lose their punch resistance when their confidence gets shaken badly - much of a good 'chin' is psychological, IMO. But I don't see any of the other signs of 'shotness' in Ricky. On the train this morning I'm reading through the paper and Warren is telling Hatton to retire since he's so shot and would endanger his health against Khan, blah blah. Fighters get KO'd, ffs it happens, especially when they get hit with apocalyptic shots like that. He might be shot after getting laid out like that but it seems like a big assumption.
He can't handle speed, can't get out of the way. Pac doesn't necessarily hit harder than Tszyu, but he could see Tszyu's punches coming. Amir wins because of this factor as well.
I've done this a year ago and refuse to do it again. I'll see if I can find the posts I made last time and redirect... MTF
He's not shot. He's just facing elite competition - guys who know how to take advantage of the many mistakes he makes in the ring - primarily because he doesn't know what he's doing or know much about boxing period.
I think Hatton was overrated heading into the Mayweather fight and since then we have seen that he is a good fighter who is in way over his head against the very best fighters. This doesn't mean Hatton sucks....but expectations for him were set too high after the win over Tzysu.
Agreed! I don't think any version of Hatton beats Floyd or Pac. I also don't think there's any shame in that or that it means he isn't a very, very good fighter. The guy who beat Malinaggi looked at least 90% as good as the guy who beat Tszyu to me. If he's become shot it's happened since the Pac fight. :dunno:
agREED... Hatton's a British Sporting Hero that Held the LINEAL Title in his Division for Quite Some Time...That's ADMIRABLE...But when Faced w/EXCEPTIONAL Fighters like Pac or Floyd, the Difference in Class was PAINFULLY Obvious... REED:hammert:
Amir will win mainly because he'll have the same trainer that Pac had, Roach. They'll probably use the exact same game plan too seeing as how Hatton seems unable to change his tactics. Unfortunately Khan is probably the worst comeback opponent Hatton could have chosen because he'll be going right back up against the same problems he faced in his last fight, great/same gameplan, and speed. If Hatton gets KO'd again because of that, people will really be calling for his retirement and it might actually happen, whereas if Hatton had fought someone like say, Juan Diaz he might have come out with a win or at least a close fight.
he could see them coming because Zoo wasnt the fighter he used to be..he aged...still a good win for hatton but no way hatton sees prime zoo's punches
I don't think Hatton is "shot" (as in can't pull the trigger and having no reflexes)....but I do think he is diminished and I think the reason why is the weight fluctuations for years and years. It is bound to catch up to him, especially when he moves back to 140. What was most readily apparent in the Pacquiao fight was how stiff-legged Hatton was. His legs were faded. He looked dried out and cold. I think he's lost crispness, sharpness, flexibility and footwork, as well as punch resistance and BALANCE. All of those are signs. Pacquiao's victory was legit and the knock-out was PERFECT...and he did fight a 140lb. Hatton which is the best Hatton you get. But Hatton looked off-balance, stiff-legged and cold/dry...and he has before recently. :dunno: Peace.
When I was watching it I kept thinking if Foreman were still on HBO, he'd be talking about how Hatton was dry and didn't work up a sweat before entering the ring whereas Pacquiao looked much more warmed up.
As Hatton's clinch-count goes so does his success. Manny handled Hatton's attempts to clinch perfectly. When he wasn't able to slip away using his foot-work, he slipped under Hatton's arm and went behind him everytime Hatton tried to grab on. Either that or he beat Hatton to the punch as Hatton was either throwing or falling into a clinch. He's just not very skilled technically and that's what made him such easy work for a fighter who's honed his craft as much as Pacquiao has. I think also that Manny's south-paw stance will always be an advantage for him. All Hatton does is square up. It should come as no suprise to anyone that he was a sitting duck for Pacquiao's punches.
If you aren't convinced then you cannot be convinced. To anyone with half a sense, it is OBVIOUS, Hatton does not take shots like he once did. In fact, he hasn't taken shots well since the Zu fight. I actually think Zu took something out of him. Regardless, his style has to be short lived style unless you have a freak chin like Chavez. Hatton cannot take shots anymore. Also, he is an elite fighter,but ONE OF the lowest rungS like Felix Trinidad although slightly lower. Neither were competitive at the top level, but at least Tito could last. Hatton just gets stopped. To be fair, he was competitive against PBF. Anyone who gets stopped by a single shot from PBF at 147 CANNOT TAKE A PUNCH. I think Hatton of 4 -5 years ago would have been able to last against PBF.