I don't believe it. Gatti was too much of a womanizer to be hung up over problems with one woman. Plus he had a child.
If Gatti was a more high profile athlete that shit would never fly. In other words, if it was Lebron James or Tom Brady that got murdered.. that bitch would be heading to prison. To quote Al Pacino is SOAW...... Whatta crock of SHIT!
oh dear. well it's a temptation for us all, and sometimes the lows seem unmanageably low. rest in peace.
Of course! Gatti CANNOT have killed himself, we all know him enough to assert that. And that girl is a murderous bitch, nothing else is possible, she is brazilian and Gatti was cool.
Brazilian police. Who are known to be very corrupt. And the wife is brazilian. Plus the account of how he died. All adds up to one thing... cover up! The bitch paid off the cops. Its not too difficult.
Who the fuck has ever heard of a grown ass man killing himself by hanging himself with a purse strap? Who's ever heard of ANYONE killing themselves with a purse strap? Usually if ppl dont hang themselves with rope.. they use a thick belt. But a fuckin PURSE STRAP? I'm no Gatti fan, but I feel bad for the fact that the man's final legacy will be that of a womanizing drunk who offed himself. Well womanizer and drunk yes he was. But its quite apparent that the Brazilian puta killed him.
gatti seems a potential suicide candidate to me. extreme personality, bouncing between highs and lows.
Wow, the police need you Xplosive, you don't need much to solve an affair, a few news report and BAM! case closed. No need to look at the evidence, deduction skills pay the bills baby! Amazing! :bears:
Of course he was. He was impulsive as hell, he was the kind of guy that had to be calmed down to stay out of trouble. I don't think the suicide was premeditated, if suicide there was, I think he did that impulsively.
If Gatti's family and his close friends and acquaintances all believe this goes against what they knew of Arturo Gatti, they should consider trying to hire a renowned/respected pathologist to conduct their own autopsy. Either that or come out and tactfully state why perhaps they accept this ruling - maybe Gatti had talked of this in the past, or something had happened recently that made him despondent, etc. Because if there was no sign of suicidal behavior, and Gatti was really the kind of fellow everyone was led to believe, then it's now or never in terms of trying to figure out what really happened. Even Michael Jackson's family had an independent autopsy done, despite overwhelming evidence of his instability and drug use. The details about him having a wound in the back of the head (originally called a stab wound) make this ruling at the very least suspect. Why not just get someone independent, with lots of experience to have a look, and then this can be put to rest or rectified if need be.
I think it's obvious. Gatti tried killing himself by stabbing himself in the back of the head while he was passed out drunk. And when that didn't work, he choked himself to death with a purse. TFK
You deny he was impulsive? BTW, I'm not saying what you said was impossible, but I think it's ridiculous to claim that the wife killed him and bribed the cops as if it was the absolute truth. That he killed himself is a realistic possibility. That's all I'm saying. I must I have a hard time believing that this tiny woman could have killed him unless he was drugged. Let's wait for the future developpement before being too assertive.
So the Brazilian police can not be trusted, but instead we know the truth based on the news that we have read that have been based on Brazilian police reports?
I wanna know how the hell he commited suicide via strangling himself with a purse strap. And just cause he was impulsive doesnt mean he killed himself. Shit I myself am impulsive, and come from a long line of impulsive ppl... no suicides to report.
Or, it could be that he fought with the woman first, which would have created the strangling and the stabbing marks, and after that he took drugs that eventually took his life. We don't know any details here so many things are possible. I don't believe a girl can have killed Gatti simply by attacking him armed with a purse
And from what Ive read about the wife.. she seems EXACTLY like the type of insane bitch that would commit murder. And for all those who dont think a woman could do that to trained boxer... if Gatti was piss drunk, plus dont underestimate the physical strength of a psycho bitch.
It is certainly possible, I won't deny that. I just don't think we have enough elements to conclude one way or the other. It was very unprofessional of the brazilian police to present this as a solved case that quickly though.
Read the last part of my post. If Gatti was damn near passed out drunk then its highly possible. An insane female is SURPRISINGLY strong. Not strong enough to do that to a guy the size of Tyson, or LL. But a 5'7", medium build guy like Gatti... I can see it.