the police and the justice system were bought...thats a shame its so freakin obvious....gatti's family should have sent some people down there to outbid the bitches parents to assue she would have stayed in fucking jail
Yeah, and we all know Gatti must have been around 180 lbs! You know how his weight went up when not in the ring.
This is the first time I've heard anything about Gatti being found suspended and hanged. If that were really the case, doesn't it make sense that it would have been reported immediately and not 3 weeks later? Also, how could a purse strap hold the body weight of a 160 pound man? It doesn't make sense.
Huh, since when all the details of a crime scene are disclosed publicly right away? All we knew was that Gatti had a knife wound on the head and died from suffocation, the rest were conjectures from the police. And as for your purse point, well, just walk outside and you'll see plenty of purses with big leather straps, it's not uncommon.
What are you talking about? Seeing a guy suspended, hanging, and dead is not a minor detail. If the police did find him in that condition, it would make all the sense in the world to give those details immediately. Purses aren't designed to hold someone's body weight. They're designed to hold typical contents in a purse. I'm not convinced at all.
Well, believe what you want to believe, I certainly cannot make a case either way, just as you, I don't have all the elements and I cannot assert weither he was killed or not, I'm just telling you it is possible that he killed himself. It is also possible she in fact killed him and bribed brazilian authorities. And it's not because a purse strap isn't designed to hold a human body that it cannot, leather is pretty strong and I've seen pretty large purse strap, for example my girlfriend's purse has a pretty large leather strap and I wouldn't try to hang myself with it just because it wasn't designed to support the weight of my body, In fact I'm quite certain it could.
If he was found hanging, then why was the wife subjected to so much scrutiny and treated like the prime suspect in a murder investigation? Did they think she had the physical strength to hang up his body in an attempt to stage a suicide? If that's the case, then why would she incriminate herself by using her own purse?
Hey guys, what about a David Carradine type accident? I must admit I'd like to know more about the knife wound too, TFK raised a good point even though there's plenty of ways it could have happened.
What in the world are all of you talking about? He was found laying there dead on the floor. His wife called it in. They booked her for murder because in addition to ligature marks on Gatti's neck, he had an unidentified (supposedly knife) wound on the back of his head. The medical examiner then performed an autopsy which stated that is was possible this was a suicide because they felt that he had to have been suspended by something in order to cause the type of marks/injuries Gatti had. This led to the speculation that he may have hung himself. I am not a trained medical professional, but I would sure like an explanation on how you can definitively show that someone found dead on the floor was hanged as opposed to strangled from behind or above with a lot of force. And if he hanged himself, why wasn't the cord immediately found around his neck or next to him? Why wasn't he still hanging? If the rope or cord broke, surely it would be nearby, stained with blood? They said his wife's purse strings were blood stained - doesn't this presume that was the cord he was strangled with? If so, how fucking long was this purse string, because it would need to be quite long for a man to hang himself with it. How did the wound on the back of his head occur? From a falling to the floor after hanging himself? If so, shouldn't they be able to find blood or tissue on SOMETHING that he presumably hit his head on that gashed him? How did he do it - was there a chair nearby that he kicked out? What was on the ceiling? Was it even possible for him to fasten a rope to something above? And if all of these suicide indicators were present at the scene - the cord, the chair, something above Gatti which he presumably tied himself to, etc., etc... then why did the police assume murder? Shouldn't it have been obvious it was a hanging? Has anyone ever heard of someone killing themselves by strangulation but having NONE of the corroborating evidence to accompany it? This whole thing is complete crap.
It's fascinating how people are all so sure it was a cover up by the corrupted brazilliian police force while, I'm pretty sure, the depth of thier knowledge on the subject is watching a 5 minutes documentary on Brazillian death squads. I highly doubt it would be that easy to cover up the murder of an internationnal star. But here on fightbeat, we have couch potatoes watching grey's anatomy or Dr. Phil, who know's better than a certified coroner and claims that it's impossible Gatti killed himself even though they don't even have the case. BTW, I'm not saying that it,s impossible that it's a cover up, the story does seem sketchy and does cast doubt. but people should leave the conspiracies theory to Petre ( I still can't believe he left :bangh::bangh:)
Don't know who you are speaking about but I have never ever thought about killing myself. I have way too much to live for regardless of the situation. So dawg speak for yourself. I'll Holla 5000
Hey bro cats hang themselves all the time wit shoe laces, elastic from underwear. So for a cat to hang himself with a purse strap I might believe. Also he might have used something else as well. I'll Holla 5000
Really? Well then I guess I missed that. Do you have a link? The only article I read that went into any detail said that the wife found him, NOT the police. And her story was that she found him and wasn't sure how he died, whether he killed himself or he was killed. I posted a few links below, none of which are that interesting, but they all state pretty clearly that the police suspected strangulation, not hanging. I would HAVE to believe they would not have suspected strangulation if his body was FOUND suspended! It's one thing for a woman to strangle a drunken man... but to LIFT him up and HANG him? There are probably scant few women in the world who could lift an unconscious 180 lb. man up and hang him without help. Also several initial reports (just Google them, there are a million) stated that a bloody steak knife and purse strap were found near the body. Police were suspicious also because of contradictions in the wife's story, the fact that she said she spent 10 hours in the apartment before noticing her husband was dead, and the fact that they felt the crime scene was altered before they got there. But if as you say he was found hanging.... that pretty much ends the discussion, doesn't it?
Week later they found out he could have hung himself on the coroners report? Shouldn´t they have figured that out, when they found him hanging, or at least in a position that indicated such a possibility like in the bathroom with the purse strap around his neck and a towelholder ripped out of the wall, and not flat on his belly in his bed with a stabbing wound on the back of his neck. ::::
That article was put online yesterday (July 30). Is there a news article closer to July 11 stating that the police found Gatti suspended and hanging?
I don't feel like doing the research, anyway it seems you already made up your mind, and as I told you I don't feel I'm in position to convince you of what really happened, I'm not sure myself. All I'm telling you is that I believe a suicide is possible. There's one thing in the new york daily news july 11th article that surprised me : Read more: I don't remember where but I read he had a stabbing wound elsewhere, so even the early report of his death were conflictual. In this article they don't say in what position he was found. You seem to remember reading in what position he was found, can you provide a link? I'm curious.
Finally I did a little research, on the first page of this search : All but one report quote the police spokeswoman saying he had no bullet of stabbing wound, and none tells in what position he was found. Weird...
My contention is that this report of Gatti being found suspended and hanging is not believable to me because (1) it took so long for it to be reported and (2) it's something that would have been reported right away since it would have likely vindicated his wife right off the bat. If there was a news report from around July 11 that stated Gatti was found suspended and hanging, I would certainly change my mind because, in that scenario, it would make sense that Gatti likely hung himself. As far as I know, the news outlets did not report anything about the position he was in when found. To me, that indicates that there was nothing suspicious about it.
The report from yesterday stated that Gatti was found suspended and hanged. This report says that he was found on the floor with a bloodied strap near his body.
But what can we get from these conflicting reports? Do you think Gatti's wife bribed reporters to confuse readers? Could this just be a case of unprofessionnal journalism? Do you think Gatti's wife had everything planned and already had bribed the police and the coroner? If she had everything planned, why would she incriminate herself by using her own purse strap? I don't know, I could believe she killed him but I have a hard time believing everything was planned.
It all seems very fishy so it's difficult to believe anything that the police are saying right now. As far as I'm concerned, the truth usually surfaces immediately after the event has occurred. When sufficient time has passed, it becomes easier for stories to be made up and tracks covered. That's why I still think he wife was involved because she was taken into custody right away.
Dude, how many times innocents have been judged guilty by the public and the press only to be found innocent later. The press are in a race, they want to be the first to report whatever new elements that emerge to look better than their competitors. It leads to wrong informations being published because the journalists don't have enough time to verify the sources. I think you're too quick to make up your mind. And I don't know but I have a hard time believing a 23 years old exotic dancer could pull strings like that. I don't know about her family though...
Well based on the latest article, I think Gatti indeed hung himself in a drunken stupor, probably fueled by guilt over throwing his woman to the ground that night. The pieces are sort of all there now, if you believe what the article says. Since Gatti was not found suspended, but rather he had fallen to the floor after hanging himself, you could see how police could arrive at the scene and start asking questions. Wife is there, alone, bloody pursestrap nearby, dead boxer with strangulation marks, witnesses say he was stone drunk and he pushed her (giving her immediate motive & opportunity). The wife, being apparently not the brightest, may not have even put together what happened. She just found him on the floor, dead. She probably moved things around, or maybe even the body to at least roll him over and check if he was dead. Maybe she moved the stool he had under him, thus making the scene look much more like a homicide. Police come in, say "What happened?", wife says "I don't know!". Looks a bit suspicious. I'm sold. I have just one parting gripe - what is the matter with the police down there? It's been weeks now, and finally they are coming forth with a few details. If you think it's a suicide, there is no reason to withhold crime scene information since there is no suspect out there. This has been a matter of speculation by not only the media, but more importantly the family of Arturo Gatti who were confused and disturbed over all this. Why create all the drama by refusing to release the truth for almost 3 weeks?
Dude, the number of times that has happened is trumped by the number of times it hasn't happened. The police usually apprehend the right person the first time. And I wasn't quick to make up my mind. I said that if the evidence is really there, I am completely willing to say that Gatti killed himself. However, the evidence is very sketchy and those two reports from today and yesterday are contradictory. I go by what makes sense. And so far, nothing has made sense in her favor. Let's agree to disagree here. There's nothing you can say that will make me change my thoughts on this. And vice versa.