Hope Neil didn't really leave, he's missing a good fight. Actually I don't really give a fuck, but it sounds nice.
Jesus! I thought slick fighters were supposed to be defensive. Other than using his legs, a right glove to his right chin is the extent of Paulie's defense. In all honesty he's no better defensively than Diaz.
Diaz lands one punch and the crowd goes uuuuh, while paulie lands five... ..meanwhile in the ring Paulie gets f´d up...::::
Another round for Paulie. I know he can't punch harder than my dead grandma, but I wish he can stop Diaz just to watch the crowd's reaction.
Beautiful body work by Diaz. Great strategy too. This should slow Paulie down if the fight lasts long enough.
Your fucking kidding right. Diaz won the second and that is it.He is getting humiliated. Paulie is running alot though,but Diaz is doing fuck all.
I don't know he had a chance to take a point from Paulie and gave him 2 warnings. I've definitely seen more biased refs than this. He's not even constantly low key badgering Paulie about little shit.
Maybe on Kellerman´s imaginary punchcount. Diaz left hooks land much cleaner than any of the pitty patty crap Paulie throws.