I don't really like paulie (nor diaz), but he was absolutely right. Boxing his full of shit. I'm tired of seeing guys unable to win in theyr opponent bacyard unless theyr completely dominate the fight
I feel Sorry for Paulie. What happened to him tonight was fucked up. Boxing is full of shit. Someone make a shirt
Paulie was straight out robbed tonight. BS decision. Took Diaz to school and controlled him with his jab.
Nah, Max is right. PM does not have the power to get the big promoters. Paulie knew this would happen. Look at that shitbag Rocky Juarez. The guy has benefited from so much corruption.
What annoys me the most is boxing fans. That is the main problem. I always score fights objectively. Sometimes, the guy I root for loses a close fight and I have no beef with that. Some fights can really go either way. This fight was a clear, clear victory for Paul. It was not a close fight. HBO likes to blow the whistle excewpt when Oscar is involved. Kellerman the company man was trying to shut Paulie up. The shit of it is, they all agreed throughout the broadcast the PM was winning. Seriously, Elterrible needs to retire. A draw? Not on this planet. It was 9-3 for PM. I don't like his style, he is a runner, but they need to change the rules. Under the rules, Paulie hit more and got hit less...............CLEARLY. It isn't as if one can argue Juan is a bigger puncher. Paulie objectively caused more damage. If that fight had been anywhere else, PM wins a clear ud. Period. Boxing fans just accept it.
HBO is the root cause of these bogus decisions. First of all they build up stars and put it in people's heads that a loss means a guy isn't great. On top of that you lose 2 fights and it's back to ESPN for you. That's why Diaz had to win this fight or HBO would never have let him back on unless it's to be the loser for the next up and coming fighter who better not lose to anyone. This is the good thing about MMA. They're allowed to lose fights and it's just a loss. Fuck HBO, they're fucking idiots. I'm thinking of writing them a fucking email too.
Good point. I'll always love boxing but Iv kinda got into MMA a bit and do like how a loss is no big deal.
Dispite all Paulie's talking, in the end he didn't really think they were going to rob him. Did you see him getting ready to climb up on the ropes during the announcement of the winner?
The rant is already on Youtube, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTnhWoFXgr0 fucking classic in so many ways. I like his tone, selective use of F bombs, word choice. A 10 out of 10. This is an all time rant. I also want to note how dead Marquez is against Mayweather.Marquez fought even with the baby bull until the kayo. Paulie just schooled Diaz with absolute ease. PBF is going to ruin Marquez.
Thanks for posting that. Feel pretty bad for PM but this shit happens. That it isn't investigated is not surprising. Boxing seriously needs to be closed down, reworked and restarted. Shame of it is, that will never happen. Way too much money being made by the people who could make the changes.
Boxing lost...again!!! HBO boxing is junk and Houston,Texas is junk Props to Paulie for keeping it real.I think its refreshing to see a fighter tell the truth about the current state of boxing. MMA>>>Boxing :boohoo:
I haven't watched the fight but this is fucked up. The MUST be a re-match to be held in a neutral venue. This shit happens WAY to often and fans are sick of it. Paulie is right fans and fighters are fed up, but will anything change ? Probably not.
Paulie's style begs for him to get robbed unfortunately. Absolutely no pop, fights backing up causing the punches Juan was landing to look like he was constantly snapping Paulie's head back even if he wasn't hurting him. I'm no fan of Malinaggi but he IS a tough bastard. His defense is not nearly as good as people seem to think it is but he's able to take some serious shots without folding in there. I respect the guy even though I'm not sure I want to ever see him fight again. Pull back defense that he's not really quick enough to pull off, no pop, bad hands, not a volume puncher. The guy may have gotten more out of less then anybody in boxing.
Love or hate Paulie he is one tough SOB. The Cotto fight definitely proved that. By the sounds of it he was robbed. Anyone got a link for the fight ?
i had it 115-113 Paulie 118-110 by one of the judges...LOL its so sad that we all expected it though this is why boxing cant get any new fans though is because of corrupt stuff like this anyhow paulie talks too much so dont feel sorry for him
Malignaggi rant was awesome.....but IMO he is still in a better spot than DIAZ.. Marquez will fight him as a comeback fight after losing to Mayweather...
I gave Diaz 2,4,5,7,8...and could conceivably find another round to make it a draw. The thing is, even though Malignaggi may have been landing more, Diaz was landing the better punches and wasn't even close to rattled by Paulie's shots. Yes the decision was obviously corrupt, but as mentioned with the way paulie fights, he should expect for decisions to be at least 2 rounds against what he thinks happened, because against a guy coming at him and occasionally landing good sharp shots, his stuff looks like pitter patter.