just saw this on espn.com "Good news for American fight fans: Versus has picked up the rights to televises Jones' fight in Australia against Danny Green (27-3) and will pair the same-day taped coverage with the live telecast of Hopkins-Ornelas." so it appears we'll atleast get to see this shit for free
green's not very good, but he's hell of a lot better than that shattered version of lacy and sheika that jones beat recently. i kind of have a hunch that this might not go well for jones and he could lose a decision considering this fight will take place in australia.
Oh it's possible. But Green couldn't land a lick on Mundine, didn't win one round. If Jones keeps centre ring, he'll just bust Green up. Green doesn't have a plan B. Then again, Green is pretty hard and has a good punch. But I don't think he's fast enuf to worry Jones.
That's what I think. Jones hits harder than Mundine too. I can see Green's body being used for target practice.
Does Roy even have a goal in mind right now? It seems he's fighting just for the hell of it because he doesn't have anything else to do.
Jones should win easily and it will be another knock on the Jones is completely shot bandwagon. The Lacy win just shows that if Jones had kept up his duckology he would still have people deifiying him.He can still beat the crap fighters he was used to beating and Danny Green is crap.If he doesn't, then he is finally at the end of the road.
StevO! I got Green with the late stop TKO9-10. If the fight was a 8rounder RJJ would box his ears off, but he just don't have the legs no more. Look how much he was on the rope vs. Lacy! Green is not a gentleman fighter he will:hockey punch you, hit on break,etc. After this is over I demand all Fightbeat.com reps to write all bodies to put me back in top10 as LHW. I was the only guy outside of RJJ that took alane,boat,taxi=26hrs to Australia to fight this guy! The playing isnt even close to even Roy! "Don't let them fool ya; oh no!!!!!!!". :warning:
You did the right thing Oates by crowding him, he didn't like it at all,... at the time, when you got him in close, do you wish you had of sunk a few more knuckles into his ribs?.. Green is rumoured to have a glass body.
Didn't Green retire in 2008 when he finally realized he's a bum and has no business in the ring? This is another joke fight that shouldn't even be on the air. Cupey
Oh yeah! I knew that going in. Crowding was the plan I just was supose to wait til 5rd. My corner panic over a few close rounds; so we went in. The second big mistake was listening to the ref. after that 5 punch combo in the 3rd. I moved into the body and Ref says "break!!!". When I stop action a stood str8 up Green hit me on the jaw with a hook. Rookie mistake. LOL :kick:
Riiiight.... Even Though he's 40, Roy Jones is VERY MUCH the Same Fighter from the Late 90's.... REED:shit:
What he means is that he's back to his old tricks of fighting bum of the month. Nothing wrong with that at this point because if you go to his fights is to see the old master at work and don't take it to seriously. When you take it seriously just rewatch his fight against Calazghe and it will wake you up. Cupey
Who the Hell is Taking it Seriously???...Again, the Dude is 40!!!...No One's Pretending it's 1998 All Over Again... REED:shit:
I hope not. But some people are blind sometimes. Roy is just having fun and his fans should enjoy it or simply not support what he's doing. My question is, is this worthy of TV. Cupey
Well, by MOST Accounts, Green has a PUNCHER'S Chance & the Fight is on BASIC Cable...So YES, it's Worthy of T.V.... REED:hammert:
If RJJ has anything left this could be one of the best fights of the year. One thing forsure we know Green is coming to chop his head off. Roy should be fighting for his legacy! I like the show he put on against Lacy; mix that with some bull fighting tricks vs. Green or a flat back KO from Green and we got TV "Hero's and Villans". :mj:Wooo!
In the pub on the small screen it didn't look like he won any. I realise the judges gave him a couple, but I assume they weren't drunk.
i havent watched it since but i remember it was pretty boring, pretty clinical for mund and pretty embarassing for green