Wow. I didn't give Green much of a chance, fair play to him. I thought his career was over, but after this he'll be in line for some big name money fights. In regards to Mundine, this proves what I've always thought. He is skilled enough to compete with the top guys bu he's just got no guts, heart and balls, or desire to do so. I'd like to see him get KO'd (again) more then anyone else, ever. I watch that Ottke KO every day as I finish work. At 4.59 PM I put it on, have a good chuckle, and leave work in a fantastic mood.
:laughing::laughing::laughing: So true. RETIRE ROY! The man should never be allowed in a boxing ring again!
Substitute Clinton Woods with DM and thats what it woulda looked like in the late 90's. Lets not even bring DM into this discussion. He recieved his 1st loss to a man that Roy toyed with.
:: ,.. it's a little gift isn't it, nice to see you utilising it. When it happenned I was FOAMING at the mouth for the download, it's a sacred little clip, dear to my heart aswell.
Who was it who was proclaiming Jones as one of Calzaghes best wins? I thought that fight was pretty much derided by everyone :dunno:
As beautiful as it is, he's too prone and still for my liking. It doesn't satisfy my soul, which aches for a multi knockdown battering. Something of a cross between Judah v Tsyzu and Golota v Lennox would make my decade.
Top10 asap! For 4 reasons:1. I went to Australia short notice,2. I BEAT LACY and he is #12LHW,3. I only have lost twice as LHW in 6yrs! (once to Green, and had a bad night against Oliveria 19-0 w/ 17ko's),4. I just nailed two of the biggest upsets of the year!!!! (Ward, Green) :hammert::hammert::hammert:"Did you think for one minute that this is it?! Your party is bogus; yo it ain't legit!!!!!!"
I know what you mean,.. I think Judah - Tszyu is about as good as it gets,.. a dance, and a post-fight bitch fit,.. that would be splendid to see with Mundine but unfortunately,..he's just too used to losing now,.. we had to get him early when he thought he was invincible and the pressure was on to prove he 'was the best sportsman Australia has eva produced' and to keep winning to spite 'da white racist haters'.... but Ottke popped his cherry and took all that out of the equation with a sleep, and in a way, even though we gained something, for a sweet picking, it was a bit over-ripe.
Glad the ref stopped it before we had to witness another brutal, unnecessary KO of old Roy. Hang 'em up dude.
I agree. The only thing that could have made this better would be if the result hadn't been spoiled for me!
This is true - I like you. For me a Mundine KO will never grow old. God forbid he retires before for he gets splattered at least 5 more times. Sometimes i daydream of being at fight card 30 or 40 years from now. Mundine, all frail and stupid gets introduced in the ring, and of course he wants some mic time! He'll spout some bullshit about how amazing he is and some fatty in the crowd will storm the ring and clock him. He's got the wobbles and that stupid glassy eyed look. And he starts running around the ring flicking jabs at this guy. What a night that would be.
Pretty sad. I've never been a proper Roy fan, but it's sad to see him lose so easily like this to someone he would have destroyed in his prime. Unbelievable how his punch resistance has gone.
They already spoilered the Jones/Green result on Versus and show some local prospect instead. Nice slap in the face, probably saved the costs for the rights. ::
This is pretty competitive, maybe after Ward and Green it is Ornelas turn to completely ruin Calzaghe´s resume. ::
I actually don't think his punch resistence has ever been all that great. More of a case of loss of reflexes.
Jones has been finished as a top fighter for quite a while now. I'm not all that surprised he lost, but I wasn't expecting a TKO by 1. What was funny was Hopkins hearing Hopkins say he would still fight Jones even after this loss. Does this mean Hopkins FINALLY thinks Jones is washed up enough to take him on?
Hate to bring this to light. I've watch the KD in slow mo at least 35x and I don't even think RJJ got hit. Now I also know that Danny Green and family have some big bucks from fast food chains such as "Hungry Jacks" a carbon copy of Burger King (Yeah Mc Donald's/Mc Dowell LOL). It looks to me like RJJ throw the fight.:nono: Maybe he got some money on top of the 3mill. I know you all are saying what about his legacy?! Maybe he knows it's already gone or that years from now in baber shops across the world someone will say "Roy Jones Jr. was 78yrs old when Danny Green beat him! Oprah sat right here in this chair; I say Oprah how old was RJJ? Oprah said Roy was 93yrs. old!!!!" HAHAHAHA!:atu:
It looked like a firm skim that started with a good tok to the back of the ear, it took his equilibrium away, I dont think he was faking it Oates,.. you've just got a harder head than Roy, that's all there is to it.
How Come Ery' time REED Bring Up Boxin', Some Ol' White Aussie Gotta Pull Danny Green Out Dey Ass???...Danny Green, Danny Green, Danny Green!!!....Das Dey ONE!!...Das Dey ONE!!... REED:hammert: