And besides, they already remedied the problem by increasing Cruiser to 205lbs from 190. If a guy weighs 230 and his opponent weighs 250, then the 230lb has no more right to ask the bigger man to drop weight and lose power than the bigger man has to ask the smaller man to gain weight and lose his speed. It is what it is. Purriod.
Oh, cry yourself to sleep with that. The upper limit on any weight division is imposed as both a right and an obligation. You have the right to weigh 147, just as you have the obligation to weigh no more. Anything else is fuckery.
Hmmm, I barely even post about Pacquiao. Funny enough Cotto had a choice yet he accepted to fight at 145. That was his choice to fight, nobody stuck a gun to his head. At 145 the fight was a WBO title fight so that's really all there is to it.
BOLLOX. He had a choice. Yeah, sure, fuck off and win a fight at 147 for $2m less. Some choice. The fight was a WBO title fight because that nice man Vacarel decided it should be.
You have the right to blah,blah,blah. If a guy agrees to a certain weight then he does that is why Cotto's belt was on the line afterall. No need for me to cry, it's a simple point.
LMAO, so? did he have a choice or not? He wasn't asked to weigh an unreasonable amount so he took the fight he knew he could make 145 easy.
Dont mix Cottos "choice" with the fundamental nature of divisions. A proper welterweight fight in a proper welterweight division sees fighters weigh in at 147. As I said, anything else is arbitrary and dictated.
Maybe he could have made 145 easy. But he could have made 147 easier.....he was asked to weigh an amount he had not weighed for quite some time. 2lbs is fuck all until you have to lose it. And, if it so fucking little, then why did Floyd need to shell out money to not make it? Welterweight means being allowed to weigh 147. Eventually Val, the penny will drop.
.... and as I said it's irrelevant once the fighter agrees to it. What you say really dodn't mean shit, the titles are on the line consistently in these circumstances.
Please, you've been posting here for years. You've been talking shit about JMM with Latin King for years because you are a Pacquiao fan. We both know this. Stop insulting my intelligence with this non sense.
I was rooting for Cotto, so you have no idea of what you are talking about.:laughingretty sure I have a picture of me with a Cotto shirt on at the fight/
Fine then. Mayweather agreed to weigh X and then reneged on that. JMM got hit with 2 different agreements. Nice. I suppose we can say he "agreed" to the second one too. Come off it. These agreements are about as voluntary as they look. Not very.
:shit: I don't believe you. Show me that pic. And anyway, you could be a bigger Cotto fan than a Pac fan, but you are a Pac fan I'm sure about that. Unless you've decided to turn your coat recently.
In the meantime, Pac is being scrutinised over steroid issues. From what I hear anyways, Wally Matthews, is the man.:crafty:
OK so in other words it really don't matter. I don't give a shit about being a fan or anything else. If a guy agrees to stipulations then so be it.
Fair enough. Personally I think it's bullshit. And I also think you're full of shit, but that doesn't matter.:kidcool:
What I do not understand is why he is trying to argue that a fight, where a fighter is not permitted to realise the welterweight limit, is still at welterweight. I dont know if he is a PacMan fan. Thats not a sin if he is. I am a Cotto fan, I admit it.
Hopkins is the pioneer of this catchweight shit did you know?,.. he 'cunningly and masterfully' took advantage of the 'high-rollin'' sycophant groupie mentallity that Fraud had inherited as an avenue of healing, thanks to Roy Jones demise, and the obsessive fantasy of 'weightless' and mythical p4p lists was upwardly enforced with the kind've air pressure that blew between the planks of the Noah's arch animal overload, it was a STAMPEDE to a new penis, and a frantic indulgence of shaking on all those herbs and sweets to ENHANCE the flavour of thier culture cuisine did follow. As a result of this intense explosion, P4P has become a weight division in itself, which allowed Hopkins to negotiate fights with middleweights while sitting over 170 + ,.. it's become more 'meaningful' a resume,.. to defeat 'belt holders' in 7 divisions below him, than it is to face a Lightheavyweight mandatory,.. if Vitali dragged Tarver up to heavyweight, and brutalised him expectedly,..I bet, when glossing over the 'big names' on his resume,.. I fucking bet,.. 'Tarver' would still be mentioned as one of the 'bigger achievements' of his career. That's when you know,..that frst Hopkins, then Fraud,..two of my most hated fighters ever, have restructured boxing in the parasitical way that they had craved for,..and the dick suckers on forums, and admirers writing the headlines, helped them aaaalll the waaaaay...
... What am I full of shit about? You are entitled to your opinion that it's bullshit but regardless it was still a WW fight. The same way Hopkins-ODLH was a MW title defense for Hopkins.
Exactly. PfP has become an entity unto itself, at the expense of the traditional divisions. "Parasitical" describes it perfectly. The worm has infected 147, giving the worm substance, but destroying 147 at the same time.
Because you try to pretend you're not a Pacquiao fan and rooted for Cotto over him. I did a little search : Here's your top 5 prefered fighters you posted last year. So in a span of a year, a very lackluster year for him at that, Cotto managed to become one of your top five favourite fighters and dislodged your favourite who has managed to solidify his status as one of the best, if not the best, fighters of his generation? Sorry dude, I don't buy that. You could have simply said that your support of Pacquiao didn't have anything to do with your opinion on the matter but the fact that you blatantly lie about that indicates me that it might have something to do with that after all.
What am I blatantly lying about? I was rooting for Cotto to beat Pacquiao period. Hell I have pictures of me at the MGM with a Cotto shirt what more can I say. I can of course prove it, give me your email. I forgot Cotto on my list big deal.
Well, what a turn of event... Surprising. Why this reversal of preference exactly? No need to send me a pic, you could easily pretend one of your friends is you. I'll give you the benefit of doubt but I find it highly unlikely. I've already posted the proof that Pac was your favourite fighter last year, and I've seen you argue against Cotto many times here. It is really surprising that you were rooting for Cotto against Pac because of your posting history.
It don't matter why. The fact is I was rooting for Cotto when I was at the fight.:laughing: It's not like this is some exclusive Pacquiao shit anyways. It happens plenty as I mentioned for the Diaz-Malinaggi fight. Actually it happened for BOTH of there fights. Both guys agreed to it so it was that way. It was still a Jr WW fight.