......will Roy Jones be stripped of his titles?? Will Shane Mosley be stripped of his past achievements? Will Evan Fields be finally unveiled? Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we attempt to Manny-Pac aggrieve.
It is kind of weird that Manny has gotten more shit in 24 hours than those stated did for actually being conclusively linked or testing positive.
This is just it. And when you look at how he has been "Linked"...it makes it even worse. Esteemed members of the FB fraternity are suggesting that a man who avoids a test and declines a fight is more guilty than those who have reputedly failed tests, shown up on the books at Balco and allegedly concealed their identity to avoid detection. In all 3 cases, there was significant movement through the divisions. And in all 3 cases, nobody made a big deal about it.
I reckon past roiders,.. would decline an olympic styled drug testing procedure if it was requested of them, and would pull out of the fight.
Does Vitali Klitschko get less props for his stand vs Lennox Lewis? Does Shane join Benny Leonard on the list of 135lbrs who didnt cut it at 147? Does Roy come off the record list too?? This is the shitcan Reed has opened by trying to discredit Pac in this fashion. Those who have not failed tests cannot be said to be as, if not more, guilty than those who have. In attempting to pull the pfp rug from under Manny {thus boosting Floyd} he has exposed a veritable squad of his favourites to similar, if not greater, castigation. As I said, oh what a tangled web we weave when he try to MannyPac aggrieve.
Pull the rug out?.. are you implying guilt?... Well, with good cause that is, my understanding is that everything, purse, weight, location, ring-size was all settled,.. but negotiations ended INSTANTLY, over a more sophisticated drug testing procedure,.. now why,.. are you pointing the finger every which way instead of Pacquiao, and the issue at hand?... Where are you going?.. I'll quote you a movie quip, from fight club,.. "Stay with the pain, don't shut this out, this is the greatest moment of your life" ....::
If they declined the testing then yes we would have to assume that they were juicing. Wlad made it through the Olympics though so he has done this type of testing same with Floyd and Roy.
Roy failed a test.... I dont believe that declining testing, esp Olympic testing in the Pro's, forms the basis for any rational assumption of guilt. To mention nothing of the fact that Due Process has not been observed.
If he doesn't take the test nothing changes. He is not breaking any rules. If the current system is good enough for boxing then it should be good enough for Floyd.
Maybe it was, maybe it was a bum test, bottom line is he failed it. Manny Pac has no failed one...he is just declining to take one...in fact, he is declining to have one dictated to him by gangsters.
Of COURSE They Would...& That's Why Pac is Soooooooooo ADAMANT about NOT Testing for this Fight.... REED:shit:
And what of Evan Fields, who also answers to the name of Evander? Reed, you opened yourself wide up for this. Holyfields name should be stricken from the record......down, right down...a shame too.
PERPETUALLY Playing the DIVERSIONARY BULLSHIT Card ISN'T Working...Manny Pacquiao "Opened" HIMSELF Up for this... REED:shit:
If a mans accomplishments are to be diminished for refusing to take a test above and beyond the usual, and at the whim of an less-active fighter, then what happens to the accomplishments of a man whom no fewer than 2 major sports organizations have exposed as being privy to the ordering and collection of performance enhancing substances? If innuendo, rumour and PR work sinks Manny, then documentary evidence and cold hard research is more than enough to BURY Holyfield. If Manny Pac fails a test I will butcher him with fervour. Right now...that has not happened and there is ZERO documentary evidence, save for the ubiquitous "CLOUDS OF SUSPICION":shit::shit:
REED Deals in REALITY...When a Guy, that's ALREADY Created WHISPERS about Possible Steriod Use, ADAMANTLY REFUSES to Random Testing, it's Because he has Something to HIDE...If Pac was CLEAN, there'd B NO Downside WHATSOEVER, to Subjecting himself to Random Testing.... REED:shit:
this is what you're missing: there is a downside, even if Pacquiao is clean!!! yes! there is a downside. open your eyes.
Whispers, Clouds of Suspicion, People who saw things, The Shtreet, Voodoo Dolls, Snakes Blood.......:shit::shit::shit::shit::shit:
I'm sure there is a video on youtube of Manny shooting up with some test and tren, will have to dig it out......
Manny doesn't look scared of needles here <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/kbmqay72a6o&hl=es_ES&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/kbmqay72a6o&hl=es_ES&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
The people who are quick to jump on Pacquiao's case are failing to realize one important aspect of this BS: if the guy gives a blood sample on the night of the fight, isn't that the most important thing? Who cares about taking blood 3 days before the fight? What should be important is what is in his body on the night of the fight. From what I have read, Manny has no objection to submitting a blood sample on fight night, as long as it is after the fight. To me, that does not suggest that he has something to hide. Why aren't more people stuck on the fact that Mayweather is arbitrarily changing the rules for this fight. If it were the other way around, the Mayweather fans would be QUICK to dismiss this whole thing. Look, if the fight comes off I will be rooting for PBF, but this whole thing is ridiculous. Rules are rules... if you had concerns about Manny's blood, then go fight somewhere else where the testing rules are not as defined as Nevada- and push for Olympic testing. In my mind, Pacquiao is clean as long as he is fine with submitting a blood smaple after the fight. Everything else is just message board bullshit.
He's also agreed to blood tests prior to the press conference, and 30 days prior to the fight. Does that sound like someone who has something to hide?
Well, to me a blood test 30 days before the fight doesn't mean anything. I am not the most well versed on PED's (I try to stay away from all PED talk at all costs), but I am fairly sure you could add it to your training inside of 30 days and get some lift for fight night. It's all about submitting a blood sample. If Pacquiao doesn't submit blood, I'll be suspicious. If he gives blood on fight night, the book is 100% closed in my opinion.
thats all the proof I was waiting for.....that proves everything, its proof...proof enough, that plus the whispers, its irresistible now
Mosley and Holyfield left documentary evidence in their wake....if Manny is doping, he too will have done likewise. Until that comes up, he's innocent. Anything less and I am calling the NAAPW.