Well these e-mail would have to be stored somewhere with the e-mail provider or not? No idea how that shit works. Manny really needs to be careful with his lawsuit. No doubt G would try to get their hands on these e-mails or at least the witness, eventually the author, and from there it could be all downhill for Manny. E-mails were the beginning of the end of the career of Marion Jones and some other track and field stars.
The same "source" that told Tim Smith the same thing, or maybe the "source" IS Tim Smith? :: Let me know when there's some actual evidence that Manny is taking steroids. Because unlike Floyd, at present there is no tangible evidence that Manny has taken roids.
I don´t know, apparently both Tim Smith and Teddy Atlas trust this person (assuming it´s the same source) enough to seperately make this bold statement. All I´m saying is, that if Manny or his representatives wrote these e-mails the defamation lawsuit would be suicide. It´s like somebody calling the cops to report a small burglary at his home, while he was away to commit a murder. Probably not the best idea to draw attention to yourself.
I was watching Friday night fights last night when Teddy dropped this shi@t. Lets put this in perspective Why would manny want to know what the penalty for a "dirty" blood test would be? Because you have to set guidelines/penalties for the non-sanctioned test. What is tolerated, what isn't. How much is it going to cost him if sudafeds posp up on a test? Just as they did with the lbs. over on Floyd. If you come in overweight it is going to cost the redicules sum of 10 million per lb. Maybe they were even setting a money trap for Floyd, as he is using a PED according to the newest revelations and they were going to screw him there. :dunno: As far as the friend that showed the friend a e-mail. Yeah 3-4th person shiat holds a lot of credibility. :doh: I'm suprised Teddy would make such anouncement. But IMO he clearly was siding with Mayweather on the subject. Even the blue collar comments were BS.
Teddy Atlas WOULDN"T Risk his Position on Some BULLSHIT, Mex...& U KNOW This....NOR Would ESPN ALLOW Teddy Atlas to GO ON AIR w/Something like this, if there WASN'T a Shred of Legitimacy Behind It... Do U HONESTLY Think Teddy Atlas Elaborated on this WITHOUT Clearing it w/the ESPN Brass 1st... There May NOT B "Tangible" Evidence, but there's a TRAIL of CIRCUMSTANTIAL Evidence LITTERING Pacquiao's Path... REED:hammert:
Yeah, Yeah The MMA Guy Spouts Off w/Yet Another DOOM & GLOOM Boxing Post...U're as Predictable as the Top of the Morning PISS... REED:shit:
I hope they have some serious undeniable proof that Manny is using PED's. Because if they don't Mayweather Sr. will be washing and detailing Manny's bicycle for the stupid remarks he has made.
I have had about enough of this SHIT! The only way this crap is going to stop is if Pacman takes the FUCKING TESTS as requested! It's not rocket science WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:doh::doh::doh::doh: Seriously I just want to see the fight.
Atlas may be a bit brusque or outspoken at times, but he's not known for being a liar or for supporting liars. Looks like the verdict is in as far as I'm concerned.
Exactly. Everyone knows Teddy Atlas is wild and aggressive, but he wears his honor on his sleeve and would never lie to boxing fans. Manny is disgusting and a blot on the sport of boxing.
Curious why Mannys camp would ask suck a quastion via E-Mail?? How stupid can you be?? Isn't it obvious that Mayweathers camp can use something like this against you in the future??:dunno:
This is sad! He will always be questioned now UNLESS he takes the test as requested. Pacman could have put a stop to this right away but instead opted out to refusing to take the tests as requested thus raising more questions and drama. Now it has blown out of control.
Time to divulge the source if Teddy is so HONORABLE. Speak or shut the fuck up with claims without PROOF. I think Teddy is probably itching to get INVOLVED..........in the LAWSUIT. I'm curious about his opinion about Floyd's xylocaine INJECTIONS for fights...
Post Sr.'s remarks and I'll tell you why they aren't actionable. Because the ones I've seen attributed to him are not, imo.
Those questions could be honest inquiries from his representatives who don't know one way or the other, but want to clarify what happens if Manny is juicing. It looks bad, but it doesn't prove anything at this point. Depending on who asked and why, it sure could, though.
For starters how would this person have even seen the emails? Second, would Team Pacquiao really be dumb enough to send some semi-incriminating emails? Third, would they be even more dumb as to go ahead with a lawsuit, and bring attention on themselves as El Terrible suggested? I would have thought if they WERE guilty, they'd want this to blow over as quickly and quietly as possible. A lawsuit would do anything but that, it would bring even more attention to it.
Good post, I agree. That was one of my thoughts, that it could be from a legal representative or something that really has no clue if Manny is juicing or not, but wants all the info, and possible repercussions etc. It doesn't prove anything, but yes, it could be added to circumstantial evidence, if it is true, and if the emails came from I don't know, Roach ::
As much as I hate to agree with your typical 'boxing doom and gloom' stance, here I have no choice. Frankly, I've had enough of arguing this whole shameful business. It's dragged boxing through the gutter and it stinks. Stinks to the high heavens... MTF :shit:
You got it all wrong (as usual) Reed. It's no secret my love of boxing has fallen off over the years, as it has to many boxing fans, but this fight was really getting me excited about the sport again. I honestly can't remember the last time I was excited about a fight as I was Floyd\Manny. I'm not a 'nuthugger' or 'die hard fan' of either fighter, I just appreciated the fight for what it is, the two best fighters in the sport fighting each other. I don't have a huge rooting interest in either fighter (up until I laid some cash on the fight), so I was just gonna enjoy the fight for what it is. And I'm sure a lot of other people feel the same. Even before the PED bullshit, this fight was getting a lot of mainstream media attention. People who hadn't cared about boxing were interested in this fight. For a sport that has taken so much flak over the years about it dying and all that, this was a legitimate opportunity to really put boxing in a good light again. Manny\Floyd is a fight between the two best fighters in the world, not a fight between the best fighter (Floyd) and the best 'name' (Oscar), like the last 'superfight' was. And for this fight to NOT happen over some petty bullshit on both sides...it's inexcusable. BOTH sides are wrong here. Everyone involved is responsible. The Floyd fans say it's Manny's fault, the Pac fans say it Floyds fault,...but from someone who isn't a 'fan' of either, I can honestly say it's BOTH of their faults. Me being a fan of MMA has about as much to do with my opinion on this matter as me being a fan of the NFL, Baseball, The Food Network or Internet Porn. You may think this is an MMA fan coming in a trying to gloat, but it's not. This is a pissed off boxing fan who was estatic to be excited about a fight again, being furious that the same kind of bullshit that led me to start losing interest in the sport in the first place, has put a halt to what should've been the sports shining moment. Like it or not, the sport of boxing is the biggest loser in all of this. Boxing is coming off as looking terrible because the biggest fight in ages isn't coming off because of petty bullshit over drug testing. Manny looks bad, Floyd looks bad, but the sport of boxing looks even worse. And that's a shame, because as I said, this was supposed to be boxing's shining moment. TFK
Well, let me explain it to you. When you are all juiced up, like Pac, and someone approaches you with a $1 million fight w/stipulations of advanced drug testing you simply walk away and no such email is sent. But when you have every intention of juicing for a $20-$40 million fight with the same stipulations, it is rather important to know what is going to happen when you most likely test positive as you scramble to juice around whatever testing schedule is given. For instance, Floyd's camp may well have agreed to monetary sanctions only, with the results kept private. After all, money is what this is all about for "money" Mayweather. So let's say camp Floyd says $1 million penalty for each positive test... Pac could potentially fail every test and still make $15 million or more, and no one outside the inner circle would know, thereby allowing Pac to continue to juice his way into all-time great status. Thus, the emails in question were WORTH sending. I will state again what I stated at the beginning of this whole thing, even before corroboration on the emails: this stuff is obvious. A blind man could see what is going on here. It is only suspiciously intimate love for Pac or profound hate for Floyd that keeps a large segment of posters here vying desperately for some new thing to say, or some irrelevant new thread they can start about how Floyd once at a turkey sandwich before a fight, and that's illegal in Madagascar. I have always detested Floyd and his cowardice. I have grown to like watching Pac (how can you not?), but was never a fan, and was pissed when he beat up Cotto. This allows me to see the situation in an unbiased fashion, since I now dislike both fighters. Put emotion and fanaticism aside please, and see this for what it is, then accept it so we can move on. That way there won't be so many threads, and Floyd fans can get back to righteous hate, and Pac fans can finally start down that same crushing recovery road that Barry Bonds and Mark Mcgwire fans have paved.
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Exactly, exactly, exactly ex-fucking-actly. Boxing has been on mission to destroy itself for 15 years but this is taking things to a new level.