Cool. The HD screen should make it watchable for many fans. I thought the prices would be lower since they have so many seats available.
Well $50 is pretty good and would be considerably lower than what the cheapest tickets have gone for at any of Manny's fights for the last 4 years or more. I think they'll end up raising the cappacity by quite a bit, and it was probably planned to play out this creates a new wave of press when they announce that more tickets are going on sale.
I paid 50 bucks for nosebleeds to Pac/Morales 3 at the Thomas and Mack center and that was just over 3 years ago. That view is probably better(not counting the Dallas HD screen of course) than what the $50 seats at the Dallas Stadium will get. That being said, I think if they lowered the lowest price to about $20-$30 once they open up more seats (those seats being farther away as well) it would sell more.
This only happened cause the 20,000 people that bought the tickets are only trying to save boxing. With boxing on life support people in D-town are doing everything possible within their power to save the sport! Get Fuck Outta here! I'll Holla 5000
That's outstanding. Imagine 100,000 boxing fans screaming and cheering at the same time. Reminds me of the soccer stadiums in Mexico.
That is why I am saying 20k is not a lot. The stadium holds 100,000 people and they only sold 20k. Think of it like this, they fill that stadium up every weekend for football, but only 20k for a fight with the p4p best boxer?