With the whole Petre thing. 1) I was drunk as hell and didn't remember saying anything about his wife or why I said it. 2) As my usual routine after a late night of drunken ramblings on fightbeat I didn't log on again for a few days. So I never even knew that i had been banned and then unbanned. 3) I logged back in, I had a message from him about me being banned for insulting his wife. Then another one saying I was unbanned. I had no idea what he was talking about. I had to go find the thread.
Exactly. Was he drunk when he called my wife every name in the book too? I wish this pussy would man up and admit that he is a sober asshole.
What the fuck are you talking about? I said I didn't even know I was banned while all the arguing to ban me or unban me was going on. I'm not sorry that Petre left the site. He left on his own. I saw him at boxingfanatics many time and I didn't carry on with anything and neither did he. I didn't call your wife "every name in the book." I said she looks like a Puerto Rican version of Elvira and yes I was drunk then too. Not too drunk to remember but drunk. I'm not sorry about that either. I don't care. You make shit up about me and accuse me of false things. So fuck you. I don't give a flying fuck what you think.
You didnt call my wife fat, skank, slut, lowlife & fuck me and my family? Not that i care, but you say i make shit up about you. So are you saying you never said these things? ::
Godfather, Don't be a cheap ass. Hook a brotha up with some In and Out burgers! Told you I will take a 4 x 4 homie. I'll Holla 5000
3 Days for me and I'll be at In N Out. I'm not one for fast food, but In N Out is good shit. It just sucks that I have to go 2500 miles from my house to go to one. TFK
Thought you lived in Southern Cal. I will be there next Sunday to Friday for business. You can hook your fellow FB nemesis up with some grub. I'll Holla 5000
I dont even care what Calig says, because he has never seen her. but i just want to prove that he did say those things. He acts only said my wife looks like Elivra ::. but he said much worse. This is all because of his bullshit statement about bashing Petre's wife was a result of him being drunk. Its bullshit. He is a sober asshole. It has shit to do with him being drunk. And i have no doubt he has sex with Fat Homless girls in a public bathroom
112. IF that. She use to be about 125, but got sick 2 months ago. I wish she would go back up. But what can i do?
Why not? She doesn't like the taste of your jizz? Post her pic, if she's normal-looking, I'll let her taste mine (for only a nominal fee)
Ok, ok, no need to get all angry and worked-up over a simple question. So, where's the pic? I think all fightbeat members would want to see this jizz-hating harlot.
please. I posted her pic on time at boxingtime. That was before the Hanz photoshop craze. I learned my lesson
So, no one photoshopped her and you're afraid someone might do it? What a wuss you are. How about this.....I'll give you my word that Hanz won't photoshop her. Is that good enough for ya?
I've only photoshopped board members, not their wives or kids. I don't photoshop family members of board members. Your wife's pic is perfectly safe from me. I wouldn't touch it. Just like I never touched bigdawg's pic of his wife or Bama's pic of his girl. There's a line I don't ever cross. My madness is restricted ONLY to FightBeaters, not their families.