I don't know if this has been mentioned, but does anyone notice that fighters these days are using more boxing during the standup more than ever? BJ Penn was always a good boxer (Freddie Roach says he is the best boxer in MMA and has the most natural ability), but he said he watched Pacquiao/Cotto fight prior to destroying Diego Sanchez. Frank Mir said after he knocked down Cheick Kongo, that he studied Manny. Both are southpaws. Matt Serra on the last saturday used strictly boxing to KO Trigg, no leg kicks like he usually does. Ramage purely converted to boxing as his standup style. He's trained with Shane Mosley. Rashad Evans (even though I hate his striking, its primarily boxing). My friend pointed this out to me. More and more you are seeing boxing being used during standup in MMA fights.
Makes sense. Fights start on the feet and most are horrible boxers, so if you become good at it, you have a big edge.
Ive said for a while that I feel that developing competent boxing skills is the next evolution in MMA. The sport seems to go through stages of development like this. In the end I reckon boxing'll end up as the foundation of stand up, since it allows guys to strike from a much more stable base to defend take downs and with much less risk of countering, with high kicks etc becoming increasingly less common.
They're not boxing they're striking! Therefore no boxer could do good in mma unless he took a course of striking with a great striker like Chuck Liddell.
Overall the standard of boxing in MMA is very poor, so if a fighter can get to the point of being a half-decent boxer, then they hold a strong advantage over the majority of opponents.
Well the thread is about boxing...not striking. Some guys adopt this as their stand up style and display poor technique. That's all i understood the thread to be. We all know that it is only one facet of a complex sport and that a boxer would have to go work very hard to be able to implement his boxing into a successful MMA style.
Don't take it like this adamiw. Just acknowledge how useful is the fine and subtle art of striking. For example, if I fought Mayweather in the street, I don't have to care about his boxing skills because he can't STRIKE. All I have to do is throw leg kicks to befuddle him and easily bust his kneecaps. Now, If I faced a guy like Liddell, an expert STRIKER, I'm done. My leg kicks are useless and I better be good at Striking because if I try to box with a striker, I'm done. He'll recognize my style and bust my kneecaps (with legkicks, strikers can use them unlike boxers). Simple as that. Do you understand now why boxing is useless in MMA?
You don´t know that. Never seen a great boxer in his prime try it. Maybe their footwork and measure of distance would allow them to avoid kicks and takedowns and knock people out cold easily with simple 1-2 combinations or counterpunches. I doubt it, but you can´t say it with any certainty. Beating a boxer is as easy as taking him to the ground, before he can knock ýou out. Well beating Lesnar is as easy as keeping the fight standing. It´s easier said than done.
Sounds reasonable. :: And whatever you do, you stay away from two pitbulls, unless you are not an average man.
The obvious difference being Lesnar's expertise lies in precisely what he'd have to accomplish (getting a takedown), while a boxer has zero grounding in what he'd have to manage (avoiding a takedown), beyond landing a hail mary in the 30s max he could expect to successfully avoid ending up on his back.
This is what a boxer might do to his opponent with 4 ounce gloves! That's why it's important to get the takedown so you don't get hit!
It was a joke TFK, it says Martin Kampmann at the bottom of the pick:kick: Just playing asshole.:bears:
Ha, you're right. I didn't even notice that his name was at the bottom. Kinda hard to see when there's this giant misplaced vagina in the picture. TFK
Says the blimp who has to line a dozen full sized mirrors side by side just to see half of his body. TFK