I have been accused by the FIGHTBEAT ADMIN of being a racist recently which is far from the truth. I don't accept having the thread moved out of TAAA as some kind of consolation. I'm going to fight this head on. The events leading up to this were me having a disagreement with the mods and me calling them on their bullshit. I called them on it again when everything I said would happen actually came true and one mod, Godfather decided he would make things up about me and it would all be good. No, I'm not accepting it. Godfather's assessement is that I hate black people and he has repeated that several times. Let's review the evidence: Maverick? He has said racial shit to me continuously. No fightbeat mod has ever done anything to him even when he broke the rules in TAAA. WHAT A SHOCK!!! Fightbeat mods fucked up again??? How could they? Still, I don't hate him but I have responded things when he has said among other tings that he would love to shoot my family as they crossed over the border. Reed and Phonetap? As I already said we had back and forths, some they started some I started. To be honest, I don't remember the last time I had any beef with those two. Bigdawg? I have argued witrh about three times. We may have gotten racial with each other once other than that no. I have no beef with that man either THAT IS YOUR PROOF? YOUR PROOF THAT I HATE ALL BLACK PEOPLE IN THE WORLD? THREE PEOPLE THAT ATTACKED ME RACIALLY, I SAID SOMETHING BACK TO? :atu: I have argued with Slystaff many times over religion or politics. Not once did he attack me or me attack him racially. ASK HIM! I have argued with Xplosive over boxing. Not once did he attack me racially nor did I attack him. ASK HIM! I have argued with Beyond the Grave over football and boxing. He has never attacked me racially nor have I attacked him! ASK HIM! Let's see, Genius. Arguing with black people over boxing, football, religion? Race never comes up. Three black people that attacked me racially, I said something back to them since the FB mods were damn sure not going to do anything about it. And when I DID say something it is in a forum where the fightbeat brain trust decided that "anything goes" in the smacktalk forum. I was against that from the beginning. Yet you use the posts in the "anything goes" forum against a poster who has continuously pestered me as your 'proof' that I'm some kind of racist? You're a fucking joke, man! This is my transaction with you in a nutshell. You didn't like me using a word that had been used casually by about everyone on fightbeat. You told me you would allow others to break rules and use slurs against me because "no one had used more slurs than" me (which is not true to begin with and even if it were true what kind of logic is that?) I called you on your bullshit about the new rules and when I was right when the NFL thread surfaced and you failed to enforce them and still haven't enforced them to this day. THAT is when you decided to make shit up about me. About me being some kind of a racist and that you had a right to do whatever to me. Unfortunately, I have been posting on boxing sites for 13 years and have NEVER been banned for racism (quite a surprise since fightbeat ADMIN claims that every single post I have ever made has contained a racial slur) Never even close to being banned for racism. Sorry Fightbeat ADMIN. You're WAY OFF on this one AGAIN! I just got finished drinking with my friend Willie (who is black). I guess I forgot to tell him that I hate black people because I say things back to them if they attack me. Shit! I'll tell him next time that he's drinking with a hard core racist. LOL.
I believe in you, Gula, opcorn: Now, please put on your Fellani wig and have a dozen cans of beer and forget this thread.
take care of yourself nobes. it's chinese new year this week and people are blowing things up with firecrackers. my girlfriend's mom is a surgeon and saturday was her busiest day of the year: kids with hands blown off, blindings, all that kinda fun. she gets pretty sad about it but makes plenty of money...
So it's bad news, good news then. As long as the kids are keepin' busy outside and not playing video games I guess it's all good. A missing digit here and there should be the price we're willing to pay to combat childhood obesity. I guess I'm lucky. I used to blow lots of things up with firecrackers when I was a kid. Never blew myself up though. I was always the cautious type. Kind of lucky to. My friend once threw a dart at me.........and it hit and stuck into the tail of the dart I was holding in my hand, instead of stabbing me in the chest. I'm pretty blessed in a non-committed, agnostic sort of way. :bears:
Having met Calig a couple of times, he gave no impression of any rascist tendencies at all and seemed a decent guy. Of course, it was difficult to read his expressions due to his KKK outfit which he insisted on wearing. . . .
To be honest with you, it is I believe the WORST quality that a person can have. That is the reason I stared this thread. No matter what beefs I have with people here, no matter what moderators I have problems, with, i'm not going to take unfair criticism and be the fall guy for what goes wrong here. I am not pissed off at TFK who I had an issue with when this all went down. I am not upset at Maverick or anyone alse who have had issues with me. My problem was with the way things were enforced here. A lot of double standards. A lot of bulshit from the admin. I can live with all that. I won't let someone railroad me and say false things about me. For the record I am AGAINST racism being allowed in smacktalk or any fightbeat forums. It serves no purpose. None at all. I am sorry for the things I have said in smacktalk in the past that have been offensive and allowing myself to be dragged down by those whole incidents.
In the real world it may be,.. but on a messageboard, it should only hurt genuine softies, sticks and stones my dear marsupial, sticks and stones.
Willie, that could only be better if his friend was named Reggie Willie, nice oldschool name LOL Its interesting, I was at the bar with my Puerto Rican friend Juan, my black friend Reggie, my Italian friend Joey, my Irish friend Jack, my danish friend Hans and my Russian friend Igor and we had a wonderful time
My Grandfather had plenty of ethnic "friends". They would play cards with him, take his money while he got drunk, and get into fistfights with him after he called them a cheating "sp*c", "n*#ger", or "wop". Yeah, he was an racist Irish prick.