As a lifelong boxing fan of over 35 years, I have to say that this the best documentary ever for any boxer let alone Ali.
I heard Chuvalos kids died through heroin abuse and suicide, and that he did indeed have a tough time of it. Did they mention that Chuvalo once picked Hurricane Farter up by the throat and pinned him against a wall?
Ron Lipton mentioned it in an article I read years ago, about a run-in he had with Carter. Chuvalo was somehow involved {I think Lipton called him} and grabbed a hold of Farter, who broke down crying. Can you imagine Farter dropping bombs on Chuvalo? I mean...why bother to bother.:dunno:
Ali is so overrated. I mean, this guy took 29,000 shots to the head and somehow has made it into the Hall of Fame.
Great movie. It was nice to see some of the old greats talking about their past and fights. BTW I could tell from the interview Leon Spinks has been rehersing his script for a very long time, he remembered that he farted when they picked him up after beating Ali. I sincerely thought his Cocaine defense was a top notch effort, for him.
One of the most withering put downs ever uttered by one athlete or boxer about another has to be what Holmes said about Neon Leon..... 'A man who exposed himself as a dumb bastard the more you saw of him. I knew he'd end up a jive ex-champ, driving a Cadillac with about three bucks in his pocket and a brain like cornflakes.' For all the Cooney and Holmes stuff.......Holmes truly despised Leon Spinks. I mean, he fucking hated him...more than he every disliked Cooney. I think he respected Cooney in that Cooney hurt him to the body when they fought and went some rounds, but Spinks was nothing to him...a hate perhaps amplified by Larry feeling he was ripped off when he fought that other dumb bastard, Michael. I think a lot of people overlook this. The Cooney fight was merely an aggravated chapter in Larry's War, a War he waged against the Spinks more than he waged it against anyone else.
EXCELLENT Documentary!!!... Muhammad Ali is THE MOST Documented Athlete EVER...Countless Books, Newspaper & Magazine Articles have Been Written about him, Documentaries, Motion Pictures & Even AUDIO Recordings... This Particular Documentary Did the IMPOSSIBLE; It Presented a FRESH Take on Muhammad Ali...One that even REED had NEVER Seen or Heard B 4... Kudos!! REEDartie:
Holmes is one of my favorites of all-time. I think he's a bit harsh concerning Leon. Larry's a smart guy, but he's not a nice guy. I think what he hates about Leon is his ignorance. Holmes fought with promoters like Don King, kept his money, invested it wisely. Larry hates most everybody......but what he hates most is stupid. I hung out a little bit with Leon this past October. There's probably not a mean bone in his body. He loves it when boxing fans recognize him. He's just a real simple dude who's had a bit of a hard life and made some shitty choices............mostly because he's not terribly bright. I've also seen him with Cory around. I don't think Leon was a very good father when Cory was growing up........but watching them, Cory still dotes on him and takes care of him when they are together. Cory basically took on the Father role, to look after his dad. Leon's still a big, irresponsible kid........but he's hard to dislike if you ever hung out with him at all.
Ali had 9 kids 8 girls and only 1 boy. If your wondering why you never hear anything about him. Check here.
i finally watched it pretty good Chuvalo is in amazing shape these days him and also Lamotta amaze me